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RE4 Cards


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Images - Could be better, but decent enough I suppose...

Effects/stats - Waaaaaaaay over powered

OCG - A few errors but hey, everyone has the odd mistake there (taking me a while to clean up my mistakes lol...). Especially Saddler, making them invincible unless you're making "God" style cards is never a good thing.


Overall.. 1.5 outta 5...and that's only because I like the Resident Evil series...lol. But chin up and you'll get better.

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You're still forgetting a basic part of ritual monsters/spells. What that is is you have to state what you sacrifice to summon the ritual monster on both cards. The phrase used in your case I'm guessing would be (for the ritual magic card) <"This card is used to ritual summon "Creature Saddler". You must also offer "Osmund Saddler" on your field as a tribute">. On the monster card it would say <"This card may only be ritual summoned by the ritual spell "Las Plagas". You must also offer "Osmund Saddler" on your field as a tribute">.

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