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[CC Your.Dek] Suijin Swarm/Beatdown


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[center]Okay, so my style is swarm/beatdown(with a tiny bit of OTK in it). I didn't have Wetlands in mind but it works stupidly well with the archetype. I'm trying to make this Tier 2, not Tier 1, so comments are greatly appreciated. Thanks to Chillaccino, I've realised about their name's connection with real card, Suijin. Meh, will have to do for now.

|WATER|Aqua|Effect|Level 3|
|1100 ATK|800 DEF|
|While you control another WATER monster, you can Special Summon this card from your hand. If you Special Summon it in this way, decrease its Level by 1. When this card is destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard, Special Summon 1 Level 2 or lower WATER monster from your Deck. Then shuffle your Deck.|[/color]

The archetype's searcher. The first effect is so it can work with Wetlands. I would have used Mother Grizzly in my Deck but Special Summoning in face-up Attack is unfavourable so I made this.

|WATER|Aqua|Effect|Level 4|
|0 ATK|2000 DEF|
|When this card is Special Summoned by the effect of a “Suijin” monster, you can discard 1 card from your hand to destroy 1 Spell or Trap card on the field. Your opponent cannot choose a WATER monster you control as an attack target (except this card).|[/color]

Basically to destroy the odd Spell or Trap card. Also, stall is important for the archetype because of low stats.

|WATER|Aqua|Tuner|Level 2|
|800 ATK|400 DEF|
|This card cannot be used for a Synchro Summon during the turn it was Special Summoned. When this card is destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard, select 1 Aqua-Type monster in your Graveyard and add it to your hand.|[/color]

Mainly another searcher but is useful as a Tuner too, just in case all else fails.

|WATER|Aqua|Effect|Level 4|
|0 ATK|0 DEF|
|Any Battle Damage to either player from battles involving this monster becomes 0. During the End Phase of a turn in which this card attacked or was attacked, select and destroy 1 card on the field.|[/color]

Main attacker. It's basically a +0 but quite a good one, never the less.

|WATER|Aqua|Effect|Level 2|
|300 ATK|300 DEF|
|While you control a “Suijin” monster, instead of conducting your normal Draw Phase, you can discard this card from your hand then select and add 1 Spell card from your Deck to your hand.|[/color]

May be OPed. Basically to search out all the main Spells. This is why I need help with the Decklist since I don't know how many Terraforming to run.

[color="#FFA500"]|Suijin-Nereid| Search on Wikipedia, ‘Nereid’
|WATER|Aqua|Effect|Level 2|
|700 ATK|400 DEF|
|When this card is Normal Summoned, you can Special Summon 1 “Suijin” monster from your hand or Graveyard.|[/color]

Kinda like Blizzard the Far North, but focused mainly on swarming, not tuning up.

|Normal Spell|
|Special Summon up to 3 WATER/Aqua-Type monsters from your Graveyard. Select 1 of them and negate its effect. Remove them from play during the End Phase.|[/color]

By the way, WATER/Aqua-Type means both conditions must apply. Basically a toned-down Rekindling, useful for swarm but is there any point running Salvage along side it?

|Normal Spell|
|Activate only if you control 3 or more face-up “Suijin” monsters. Destroy all cards your opponent controls.|[/color]

Short Circuit for Suijins.

[color="#2E8B57"]|Quenching Deluge|
|Normal Spell|
|Tribute 2 WATER monsters you control. Increase your Life Points by 3000.|[/color]

For the lols. I probably won't run this but it's an interesting card.

[color="#FF00FF"]|Cryosphere Screen|
|Normal Trap|
|Activate only when an opponent's monster declares an attack. Negate the attack and add 1 WATER monster with 900 or less ATK from your Deck to your hand. You cannot Summon it during your next turn.|[/color]

Basically, more searching and protection. I'll run Aegis of the Ocean Dragon Lord too but, yeah, mainly for swarming.

|WATER|Dragon|Synchro|Effect|Level 6|
|1500 ATK|1500 DEF|
|1 Tuner + 1 or more "Suijin" non-Tuners|
|This card is also treated as Aqua-Type. Decrease this card's Level by 1 for each card in your hand. Once per turn, if a "Suijin" monster would be destroyed by battle, it is not destroyed (Damage Calculation is applied normally).|[/color]

To help with the low stats of Suijins.

|WATER|Dragon|Fusion|Effect|Level 8|
|1 "Suijin" monster + 1 or more WATER monsters|
|? ATK|0 DEF|
|This card can only be Special Summoned from your Extra Deck by returning the above cards you control to your Deck (You do not use "Polymerization"). This card's ATK is equal to 1000 X the amount of monsters used to Special Summon this card. Once per turn, you can select 1 card on the field. After 2 Standby Phases, return that card to its owner's hand and then its owner draws 1 card.|[/color]

Basically, an edited Brionac. Watered down because of the stalled effect and can reach some ridiculous ATKs.

[spoiler=Decklist (in progress)]

I might be adding extra monsters in for support so I'll have to make way for them. Tell me what to get rid of and add. I'll add Extra Deck when I make the Synchros and Fusions etc.

[u]Key Questions[/u]
What Draw Engine? Do I need Pot of Avarice and Moray of Greed both? Or more of 1 than the other? Duality, perhaps (although it may slow the deck down)?
What traps to run? Should I change it to 3 Solemn Decree?
- or + what spells?

[color="#FFA500"]Monsters (20)
X3 Suijin-Nereid
X3 Suijin-Aegir
X3 Suijin-Isonade
X2 Suijin-Charybdis
X2 Suijin-Kappa
X2 Suijin-Bakujira
X2 Dewdark of the Ice Barrier
X2 Cryomancer of the Ice Barrier
X1 Submarine Frog[/color]

[color="#2E8B57"]Spells (15)
X3 Wetlands
X3 Moray of Greed
X2 Salvage
X2 Riptide
X2 Rainstorm
X1 Pot of Avarice
X1 Cold Wave
X1 Mystical Space Typhoon[/color]

[color="#FF00FF"]Traps (5)
X2 Aegis of the Dragon Lord
X1 Solemn Judgement
X1 Destruction Jammer
X1 Cryosphere Screen[/color]

[color="#9932CC"]Extra Deck (15)
X2 Suijin-Mizuchi
X2 Suijin-Watatsumi
X2 Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
X1 Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
X1 Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
X1 Stardust Dragon
X1 Ally of Justice - Catastor
X1 Thought Ruler Archfiend
X1 Black Rose Dragon
X1 Goyo Guardian
X1 Colossal Fighter
X1 Red Dragon Archfiend[/color][/spoiler][/center]
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If you already play triple Aegir, drop Terraformings.
They look very interesting I must say. I just noticed: They list "Suijin" monsters, so

Anyway, you said that you won't play some cards. Never, I say NEVER create cards that you wouldn't use. If their maker doesn't have confidence in them, no one will.

If you want, I can give you detailed review of all cards, but it will take some time

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Didn't realise about the name. It'll just have to share a name then, I guess. The cards I'm not running, I quite like, but simply just have no place within the deck I'm making for the community brawl. Thanks for the advice for Terraforming and I'd love a full review but don't feel forced to.
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Some of these seem a bit OP, although the idea behind them is cool.

Isonade: Really? Searches anything with under 900 (or 1300) ATK? Wouldn't restricting it to just WATER monsters keep the theme without making it splashable in all kinds of things.

Bakujira: I like the lockdown potential with Dupe Frog.

Charybdis: I like this idea a lot. I'm sure one could build a cool deck with this guy and Heart of Clear Water, among other things.

Aegir: I don't think it's OP, but I could be wrong. Perhaps limiting it to Normal Spells (like E-Hero Flash is) would help.

Rainstorm: This is MUCH more powerful than Rekindling. Rekindling has about 20 targets. This has hundreds. The strongest Rekindling target has 2500 ATK. There are at least 9 targets for this card with more ATK than that. Fish Decks would abuse the heck out of this. Why not make it WATER Aqua. Still lots of targets, but it would be a little more controlled.

Anyway, I hope that helps. I really like the idea of supporting Wetlands beatdown more, but some of your cards are a little too generic.
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