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Yu-Gi-Oh! NEXUS [IC/Started/Currently Accepting via OOC/NEXUS is Full]


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[spoiler=First OOC post]Me, Zextra, and Blu are hosting. techi and shelds9 are Co-Hosting. We have room for one more Co-Host. We could use some apps for the "Other" faction.
[spoiler=Plot]A millennia has passed since the events that took place in Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D’s. For awhile, the world is once again in a period of calm. Even though all of the dark events that took place in the past seems to have left quite a wound on the world, history has a tendency to often repeat itself, thus, the world and humanity seems to be able to move on and look pass those events. During the period of peace, the center of dueling has shifted from Neo Domino City to an even larger city named Grand Spectra Capital, a city that borders Neo Domino City.

Neo Domino City continued to be a place where duelists came to perfect their skills, but Grand Spectra Capital is where duelists come to prove their worth. Technology over the pass millennia has improved greatly. Everywhere you look is now computerized and technology is king. Hovercrafts are now a big part of the dueling scene with competitions held rather frequently. Kaiba Corp still reigns strong as the leading innovator in dueling technology and overall in everything related to entertainment.

However, those times of peace and tranquility didn’t last long. As history tends to repeat itself, the world once again became plagued in a struggle with dark forces. This time around, the dark forces were able to overcome history and brought the world to its knees. These dark forces are members of an organization known as the Shadow Order. The Shadow Order now has complete control over most of the world. With their reign came great losses. The once mecca of the dueling world, Neo Domino City, has been reduced to ruins.

The land that borders Grand Spectra Capital has been reduced to a vast desert wasteland with little vegetation. Grand Spectra Capital became the base of operations for the Shadow Order. The Shadow Order transformed Grand Spectra Capital into a city with little technology, relying on universal forces to provide the city with energy, but beneath Grand Spectra is a different story...

Resistance groups formed within the vast desert wasteland, with each group having their own goals, but most just wanted to take their city back from the hands of the Shadow Order. Many groups have tried, but inevitably, they all fell one by one. The Shadow Order seems to be unstoppable. However, one group has been successful lately in their attempts of weakening the forces of the Shadow Order in order to take back Grand Spectra. This group calls themselves Nexus. This group was formed by orphans, whose parents were captured by the Shadow Order to be use as slaves.

The members of the group are childhood friends who now only have each other as family. When the parents were captured, they vow to defeat the Shadow Order and take back Grand Spectra. Now that they’re older, they will use all of their might to defeat the Shadow Order or die trying.

Where will you stand in all of this?[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Rules. Read these. Right now. Really.]
*Me, Blu, and Zextra are hosts. This means that our word goes.
*Due to having 3 hosts, the vote of at least 2 hosts is required. This does not extend to accepting apps. This does extend to declining apps.
*No God-Modding, Power-Playing, Meta-Gaming, etc.
*No killing other characters without their permission.
*Keep romantic relationships to a minimum, please. This isn’t a Fan-Fic.
*No short-posting. Short-posting is posting less than 4 lines in each IC post.
*If you want to use Customs, then either send them to me, Blu, or Zextra. We will decide if they are acceptable.
*Dark Synchros may be used my Shadow Order members. Don't go crazy, though.
-1 Short-Post: Don't worry about it, but be a bit more careful.
-2 Short-Posts: You get a warning.
-3 Short-Posts: You get another warning.
-4 Short-Posts: You’re suspended from the RP for a week. Take this time to find out what was wrong.
-5+ Short-Posts: You’re out. Better luck in your next RP.
*Have fun, of course.
*Lastly, to prove that you’ve read these rules, name one of the Moderators or Super Moderators on this Forum.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=App]Remove all in brackets.

[u][b]Personal Info[/b][/u]
RP Name: (Last name optional)
Gender: (The usual male or female)
Age: (19 and above)
Date of Birth: (No years)
Blood Type:
Faction: (Nexus, Shadow Order, or Other; Nexus and Shadow Order are limited)
Appearance: (spoiler; 2-3 lines minimum; pic is also acceptable)
Bio: (Optional, spoiler; 3-4 lines minimum)

[u][b]Duelist Info[/b][/u]
Deck Type: (No deck list; brief description of deck is optional but appreciated; can be changed later on)
Ace Card: (Can have more than 1 but don’t overdo it; can be changed later on)
Duel Disk Appearance: (Optional; brief description or pic is acceptable)
Duel Runner Appearance: (Optional; all Nexus members must have one; brief description or pic is acceptable)[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Accepted Apps]
[spoiler=Techi's app]Personal Info
Username: Techi
RP Name: Kai
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Date of Birth: May 10th
Blood Type: B+
Faction: Nexus
Appearance: [spoiler= ...]
Kai is around average height and thin. He wears a white cloak and black shirt. His hair is black, it is soft and spiky. His most recognised feature is his eyes, they are a sharp green shade. Kai has a pointy nose. His grin is what you will usually see, even if he is losing a duel, he will be grinning through it all. His teeth are slightly pointy, but nothing to noticable. [/spoiler]
Bio: -N/A
Duelist Info
Deck Type: The Dark Realm, [size="1"]This is a custom deck I have been working on. I need to know if I will have time to finish up most of the cards. I do already have a good number and could fill in the rest with real ones, but I should run each card by you guys to be sure they are okay.[/size]
Ace Card: Blood Red Dragon of Dark Realm
Duel Disk Appearance: Normal duel disk, Nothing fancy, Probably red and black to fit his deck colors.
Duel Runner Appearance: Just like a bulky blue motorcycle with the few things that are needed to make it a duel runner.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=shelds' apps]Username: shelds9
RP Name: Hitu Scriggimara
Gender: M
Age: 20
Date of Birth: March 17
Blood Type: A I guess
Faction: Nexus
[spoiler=Appearance:] He wears a cloak like that of Jack Atlas'. He has long, spiky blond hair. Has brown eyes and is quite muscular. He is about 6 foot 2. He has very unstressed facial expressions. He has a somewhat deep voice. [/spoiler]
Bio: Maybe later
Deck Type: Can I use my Mekanized cards? (New and Custom)
Ace Card: Mekanized Dragoon - SU-700 and Mekanized Spectrum Basilisk - SU-730
Duel Disk Appearance: http://www.google.ca/imgres?imgurl=http://www.duelevolution.info/wp-content/uploads/blade-silver-duel-disk1.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.duelevolution.info/avatar-item/duel-disk/&usg=__O3dawq6dIzfVwXoi2GefbetdvBo=&h=266&w=440&sz=38&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=sdTTLVJ7j3G-8M:&tbnh=120&tbnw=199&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dduel%2Bdisk%2Bpic%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26sa%3DX%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:official%26biw%3D1280%26bih%3D574%26tbs%3Disch:1&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=123&vpy=239&dur=1142&hovh=174&hovw=289&tx=120&ty=77&ei=2HUqTdKhPM_64Abtw4SiAQ&oei=2HUqTdKhPM_64Abtw4SiAQ&esq=1&page=1&ndsp=18&ved=1t:429,r:6,s:0
Duel Runner Appearance: http://www.google.ca/imgres?imgurl=http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2010/310/5/7/oc_james__s_duel_runner_2_0_by_jamester0091-d32b0eg.jpg&imgrefurl=http://jamester0091.deviantart.com/art/OC-James-s-Duel-Runner-2-0-185271496%3Fmoodonly%3D24&usg=__lapLhBfi538EXajIgQa68-kUA64=&h=680&w=900&sz=44&hl=en&start=57&zoom=1&tbnid=XQH4OVzdHr_mWM:&tbnh=128&tbnw=193&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dduel%2Brunner%2Bpic%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26sa%3DX%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:official%26biw%3D1280%26bih%3D574%26tbs%3Disch:1&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=685&vpy=288&dur=775&hovh=195&hovw=258&tx=116&ty=101&ei=MnYqTem3N4P98Abqk8DqAQ&oei=9XUqTeysMtD84Aa_5cA2&esq=4&page=4&ndsp=19&ved=1t:429,r:3,s:57

Personal Info
Username: shelds9
RP Name: Gormick
Gender: M
Age: 23
Date of Birth: November 12th
Blood Type: O???
Faction: Shadow Order
He wears a long black robe and he has pitch black hair, which is short. He has laser-like green eyes and a scar beneath his left eye, but other than that, he does not look that strange (other than the evilness that is seen in his face). His rank among the Shadow Order cannot get much higher. He wears black, fancy shoes.[/spoiler]
Bio: N/A

Duelist Info
Deck Type: Steelswarm
Ace Card: Steelswarm Greys
Duel Disk Appearance:

Duel Runner Appearance:
Similar to below...

[spoiler=Naturia Cat's app]Personal Info
Username: Naturia Cat
RP Name: Joseph Zeller
Gender: M
Age: 25
Date of Birth: December 7th
Blood Type: AB-
Faction: Nexus
Appearance: [spoiler=appearance]
[img]http://newhawaiifiveo.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/hawaii-five-0-koolaulola.jpg[/img] [/spoiler]
Bio: When he was orphaned he quickly would become the member of the group of childhood friends still together and would take risks often. He ended up sneaking into Grand Spectra Capital at a young age, disrupting some supply lines and stole food to feed Nexus. His deck was given to him by a member of the Shadow Order (the member meant to give him the outdated Yugi starter deck). He would learn how to use his duel runner quickly and once he ended up engaging in a 1 vs. 30 riding duel and won.

Duelist Info
Deck Type: Legendary
Ace Card: Legendary Beast - Hydra
Duel Disk Appearance:[spoiler] [img]http://www.duelevolution.info/wp-content/uploads/blade-duel-disk.jpg[/img] can use aps made by other members of Nexus[/spoiler]
Duel Runner Appearance: [spoiler] [img]http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/350/b/a/the_red_eyes_duel_runner_by_mistress_darkloki-d34zxom.jpg[/img] [/spoiler][/spoiler]
[spoiler=-Pacman-'s app (!)]
Username:-Pacman- (my display name lies)
RP Name:Chase Pearson
Gender:[s]Neither[/s] Male
Date of Birth:October 17th
Blood Type:...A?
Faction:[s]Believe in[/s] Nexus
Chase is slightly shorter than average. He has brown eyes, and extremely dark brown hair that looks black. He is white-skinned, and tanned. He is also very skinny, and is relatively quick. His nose is a bit too big, though...He has a tattoo of a dragon head on his upper right arm. He always wears all-black clothes, and a shark-tooth necklace.
Bio:Maybe later.
Deck Type:Steelswarm
Ace Card:Steelswarm Greys, Rainbow Dark Dragon
[spoiler=Duel Disk Appearance:]
[spoiler=Duel Runner Appearance:]
Except replace the blue lines with red.
[spoiler=evilfusion's apps]
[u][b]Personal Info[/b][/u]

[b]Username:[/b] evilfusion

[b]RP Name:[/b] Minerva White

[b]Gender:[/b] Female

[b]Age:[/b] 23

[b]Date of Birth:[/b] October 27th

[b]Blood Type:[/b] O?

[b]Faction:[/b] Shadow Order

[spoiler=Appearance:]Her hair is blonde and tied back in a ponytail down to her neckline. Her usual outfit includes very simple black pants, a red logoless shirt, and silver bracelets on her wrists. Her eyes are cerulean blue and her face is relatively clear. CRAB HELMET

[b][u]Duelist Info[/u][/b]

[b]Deck Type:[/b] Cyberdark

[b]Ace Card:[/b] Cyberdark Dragon

[b]Duel Disk Appearance:[/b] Standard model

[b]Duel Runner Appearance:[/b] A custom model, standard frame with jade paint. Is slightly sleeker than most models for additional speed. Has no special markings or logos.

[u][b]Personal Info[/b][/u]
[b]Username:[/b] evilfusion
[b]RP Name:[/b] Rafael
[b]Gender:[/b] Male
[b]Age:[/b] 19
[b]Date of Birth:[/b] June 12
[b]Blood Type:[/b] Uh, A? (is this relevent?)
[b]Faction:[/b] Shadow Order
[spoiler=Appearance] Has short black hair slicked forward and pale blue eyes. Has two scars on the side of his left cheek. Has slightly darker skin, but not fully brown. Wears a formal dinner jacket, unbuttoned, with white casual shirt and no tie, matched with black slacks that appear formal, but are not as constricting. His left hand has bandages around the wrist and because of this, he uses a left-handed duel disk as his hand cannot carry the weight of the Duel Disk. He does not seem to be left handed or ambidextrous, so this makes his drawing awkward, but aside from this, he has no trouble playing. Turbo Duels have him using his right hand. Rinne.

[u][b]Duelist Info[/b][/u]
[b]Deck Type:[/b] Destiny Hero
[b]Ace Card:[/b] Destiny End Dragoon, Elemental Hero Absolute Zero
[b]Duel Disk Appearance:[/b] Standard, but silver plated
[b]Duel Runner Appearance:[/b] Just a standard frame with silver plates.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=~Duo~'s app]Personal Info
Username: ~Duo~
RP Name: Omega
Gender: Male
Age: 26
Date of Birth: August 6th
Blood Type: AB (just because it looks kewl)
Faction: Shadow Order
He looks nearly exactly the same as Placido, except the color of his clothes and he does not have the gem on his head or any sign of an infinity symbol. The color of his clothes is dark reddish brown, with a navy blue trim. He also has the sword that Placido carries around, except without the properties. The sword is dark pink (Dementuo should understand this entire reference), instead of Placido's silver, but retains the same shape, but it has a glow around it. If you don't know who Placido is, look at his wiki page.
Bio: He is extremely mysterious. Nobody knows who he is, and people even suspect that he doesn't either. He has been in the Shadow Order for as long as he can imagine. He doesn't know why he does the things he does; he just does, but the stuff he does usually benefits his side. He's not even sure of his own age. He seems to have amnesia, but he never forgets anything past the point where he doesn't remember anything. There is only one thing he remembered from the past. He despised Neo Domino City and the people of it. He didn't know why, because he apparently forgot. He stuck with the Shadow Order, even if he didn't exactly agree with what they did, because he hoped to regain his memory.

Duelist Info
Deck Type: Origin Heroes (Dark Custom Cards)
Ace Card: Origin Hero - Omega The Ancient
Duel Disk Appearance: The same as Crow's. Do I need a picture for that?
Duel Runner Appearance: N/A[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Hosts' Apps]
[spoiler=My apps]
Username: Dementuo
RP Name: Riku Sedva
Gender: M
Age: 25
Date of Birth: January 3
Blood Type: O-
Faction: Shadow Order
Appearance: Wears a black cloak, with a white pattern that follows in small, rigged strips. He wears a white shirt and black jeans underneath his cloak. He has a small scar running down the left side of his face. He has dark green eyes, and dark brown hair.
Deck Type: Dimension Dragons
Ace Card: Dementuo – Guardian of Dimensions

Username: Dementuo
RP Name: Zero Katashi
Gender: M
Age: 20
Date of Birth: June 17
Blood Type: B+
Faction: Nexus
Appearance: Wears a brown jacket, white shirt, and blue jeans. Blue eyes, fairly long silver hair, and a crescent-shaped scar around his left eye. He wears fingerless, black gloves.
Deck Type: Lunar Beasts
Ace Card: Lunar Dragon – Crescent’s Shadow

Username: Dementuo
RP Name: Zwei Rockwell
Gender: M
Age: 19
Date of Birth: October 2
Blood Type: AB-
Faction: Nexus
Appearance: He wears a white cloak, with a white shirt and white jeans underneath. He wears white gloves, and white shoes. He has dark red eyes, and dark green hair.
Deck Type: Mainly Blackwings/Whitewings, Plasmas on special occasions
Ace Card: Lunar Dragon – Moon Wing Kaiser[/spoiler]

[Spoiler=Zextra's App][u][b]Personal Info[/b][/u]
Username: Zextra
RP Name: Akira Tanaka
Gender: Male
Age: 4 (Technically 18)
Date of Birth: February [i][b]29[/b][/i]th
Blood Type: AB+
Faction: NEXUS


Bio: Since I'm feeling lazy, I'll fill this in later -_-
[u][b]Duelist Info[/b][/u]
Deck Type: Darklords/Cosmic Gems
Ace Card: Darklord Desire/Darklord Asmodeus
[spoiler=Duel Disk Appearance]


Colors: Black instead of silver. Is customized to include a messenger function, a "walkie-talkie" like function, and a miniature computer slide out screen.


Duel Runner Appearance:
Uses a blue and black colored model of Crow's duel disk, with built-in wings.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Blu's apps][u][b]Personal Info[/b][/u]
Username: .:Blu:.
RP Name: Yuge Tsura
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Date of Birth: March 23
Blood Type: A+
Faction: Nexus
[spoiler=Appearance:]Yuge is a young man of 5'09" in height and 132 lbs in weight. Yuge's most prominent feature is his hair which is a raw umber color with tangerine yellow highlights. The upper portion of his hair is spiked and curved to the left. The lower portion of his hair and his bangs also curves to the left. On the back of his head, Yuge's hair is pointing backwards. The hair on the lower part of his neck is also spiked and curved inwards. Yuge has jade colored eyes and light skin. In terms of clothing, Yuge dresses in an unzipped, red jacket with a high collar, a detatchable hood, and front pockets, a greyish black shirt underneath, a dark brown belt, light brown gloves, dark blue trousers, and black and white sneakers. Yuge also wears a dogtag necklace.[/spoiler]
Bio: N/A

[u][b]Duelist Info[/b][/u]
Deck Type: Busters
Ace Card: Force Buster (Subject to change)
[spoiler=Duel Disk Appearance:][IMG]http://i36.photobucket.com/albums/e33/spiritofswordeternal/DuelMachineDuelDisk2.png[/IMG][/spoiler]
[spoiler=Duel Runner Appearance:][IMG]http://i812.photobucket.com/albums/zz46/wirespy/Duel_Runner_Request_by_DarkLordJadow1.png[/IMG]
Except the main color is blue and the secondary color is white[/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler]
[spoiler=Current members]
1. Dementuo
2. Zextra
3. .:Blu:.
4. shelds9
5. techi
6. !
7. Naturia Cat
8. evilfusion

Shadow Order:
1. Dementuo
2. Zextra
3. .:Blu:.
4. evilfusion
5. shelds9
6. ~Duo~[/spoiler][/spoiler]

Zero looked around the desert for other groups, or enemies. In the distance, past the curtain of heat spewed by the vast desert, was the remains of Neo Domino City. It had collapsed after the Shadow Order invaded. they had destroyed most of the city, created this desert that now bordered it, and placed a taboo on many different machines. Beyond the remnants of Neo Domino was Grand Spectra, home to the Shadow Order. Zero was a leader of one of the groups that opposed the Shadow Order. This group was called NEXUS. He had founded it along with two others. It was a rather small group, with only 9 or so people. Zero turned to face the rest of the group. "Alright, we have a pretty clear field here. We should be able to make it to Neo Domino before they find us again." Zero said. "We ride as far as we can, we avoid combat, and we leave no one behind. Any questions?" Zero explained to the group.

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Joseph Zeller was starting to think about the plan, noting a few flaws here and there. He was one member of a group called NEXUS. They had the goal of bringing down the Shadow Order. The group's leader had just spoken and so everyone had begun to get ready to go to Neo Domino City. Or at least the ruins of it. Which meant that they would have to mobilize. Joseph knew that going as a large group would bring too much attention, and so he was about to speak up when he realized he forgot to turn on his duel disk. So he did, and before he knew it he was about to speak up. " I believe we should split up into groups in order to keep away too much attention, and to ensure the survival of the team, sir," he stated without thinking it all the way through. He knew the other 8 or so people would probably agree with him, he was probably just fretting over nothing.
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"Zero, you've already gone over this five times in the past 2 hours..." Akira teased as he stood up from the conference chair next to Zero. "Just remember not to attract any attention..." he stated to the group as he fiddled his thumbs. "Hmm...Zero, we'd better leave quickly...they'll be onto us if we stay any longer...Also, I think we need to divide up so if one group gets ambushed the others could continue to the checkpoint" he said as he got up and boarded his Duel Runner. "So, first of all..." he removed a USB thumb drive and held it up. "Install all the files in this drive to your Duel Runners...it contains maps of our checkpoints along with the entire map of Neo Domino ruins" Akira explained, tossing the USB drive to Zero.
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Kai sat in front of his Duel runner. He looked down at his favorite card in his deck. Blood Red Dragon of Dark Realm, it was favorable to him, but others say that it isn't the best Kai could use. Kai went over his currant situation in his mind. [i]"So, I am part of the Nexus, a group of young adults who where orphaned at a young age. We have been like this for some time now and we seem to be having a big day, today. Some one is purposing a plan to split up into teams."[/i] Kai thought. He then stood and turned to speak to Joeseph. "Is this going to be teams of two?" He asked, his hair whipping around his face.
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Joseph thought for a second. What he was doing was treading careful ground. He needed to not come up with a plan filled with holes. "It would be teams of two to three, since we have an odd number of members," Joseph stated realizing his mistake, "I mean one team of three, with three teams of two." He quickly looked down at the sands below, realizing how incompetent he still was. He still had his deck though, which he quickly took a card out of, Legendary Die, and admired it, it was his favorite card due to winning it from the original "Legendary" user, since the Shadow Order gained access to some of those cards, but the first one will hopefully never be lost in time, like Neo Domino...
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Zero caught the drive. "I know, Akira." Zero said, as he inserted the drive into his D-Wheel, and begun to download the files. He then turned his attention to Kai and Joseph. "We'll be going i teams of 3. Me, Kai, and Hitu will be one team. Akira, you'll be with Joseph and Zwei. Yuge..." Zero said, looking at the third founder of NEXUS. "...You'll be with Chase." Zero explained. "Is everybody clear with that?" Zero asked.
Zwei nodded. "You and me again, eh, Akira? It's been a while." Zwei said to Akira. "Hard to believe how long it's been sometimes, eh?" Zwei said.
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After hearing about the groups Joseph was a bit startled, he could of sworn he saw someone in the desert. They looked to be a ways off though, and headed in the opposite direction, plus the desert can play tricks on oneself. Joseph hopped onto his duel runner, with his duel disk loaded he started to try to boot up the duel runner. Only it didn't work. Afraid of telling Akira about it up to that point he decided to check the motor, finding a cable snapped. [i]This was probably just caused by the heat[/i] he thought, and then he reconected the two wires using his mechanics kit he had "acquired" a few months prior, and fixed up the cable, finishing right before it was his turn to upload the contents of the drive. As it loaded he saw the figure again, this time coming in their direction. And he had a duel disk. "Zero! There is a possible hostile approaching!" he shouted at the top of his lungs.
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"Yeah...six years to what I can remember" Akira answered as he put on his helmet. "Alright, Zwei, Joseph, we're heading out!" he called as he zoomed out of their base. His fingers slid across the Duel Runner's keypad, and eight squares appeared on the screen, each connecting to each other's Duel Runners. "Joseph, if we move at a fast enough speed, they won't know which group to follow!" he explained to Joseph. "Now, the way our group is headed...the Highway" he declared, the map of the route flipping up on his screen.
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Joseph revved up his engine, and headed out with Akira and Zwei to the old highway. He remembered before his parents were taken away, they used to tell him about stories about a duel runner with wings that caused a new bridge to be made. If only those happier times were still around. He quickly realized that something was wrong, his compass was spinning around, as if they were at the geographic north, that made him realize the desert wasn't playing tricks on him. "Akira, Zwei! Do your compasses work correctly or are they spinning around randomly too?" He shouted, much louder than normal due to the sand the duel runners were kicking up.
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Kai nodded at the teams and watched Joseph fumble around with his ride and fix a wire. He sighed as he waited for Joseph to finish with the flash drive before stepping forward and taking it after Joseph was finished. He heard what the guy was saying but payed no mind to it while he loaded the content of the flash drive into his dual disk. "Well Geez Joey, you sound like a Robo-" Kai stopped talking when he looked at the dessart. It wasn't the Climate or landscape that cought Kai's attention, Kai could have sworn that he say some one.
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Zero and Zwei hopped onto their D-Wheels, and rode out next to Akira. Zero called out "Akira, we need to provide cover for the rest of the group!" Zero said. "Let us handle the rider, you get the others to Neo Domino!" Zwei responded. "Akira, Joseph and I can handle him! You take the others and go on ahead!" Zwei called out. "...Alright! Take care of yourself!" Zero replied. With that, Zero rode ahead. As Joseph approached them, Zwei responded. "Mine isn't working either! They're jamming it! It doesn't matter, though! So long as we keep Neo Domino in our sights, we'll be fine!" Zwei said.


The rider payed no mind as Zero zipped by. "So one gets away... No worries. There's plenty left." Riku though, as he approached Zwei, Akira, and Joseph. He prepared his Duel Disk and his deck. "This'll be interesting..." Riku said to himself.
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"Of course...that's just our luck..." Akira rolled his eyes as his Duel Runner was forced into Speed World 2. "We obviously don't have a choice here, so..." 5 cards ejected from his deck slot. (SPC: 1). "This starts now!" he drew a card and immediately added it to his hand. "I activate the effect of my Hecatrice! By discarding it, I add Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen to my hand!" he declared. As he slid Hecatrice into the Graveyard, another card ejected out of his deck. "I activate Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen!" he placed the card on his Duel Runner as a giant hologram of a glistering, silver-white hall surrounded them. "Now, I activate its effect! I Special Summon Darklord Superbia! (ATK: 2900)" A dark-colored, synthetic angel burst out of a blue vortex. "Next, I'm setting one monster in Defense mode and I'll follow by setting a face-down! Turn end!" he called as Zwei's turn came up.

LP: 4000 (to make things shorter)
Hand: 2
Monsters: Darklord Superbia (ATK: 2900), Face-down
S/T: Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen, 1 face-down
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Kai had seemed to be last to kick off. He sped by Akira and tossed the Drive over before attempting to catch up with Zero. His soft and spiky hair was a mess in the wind. It thrashed around his head like an angry monster who was throwing a temper tantrum. The D-runner's roar had excited Kai and he laughed a little to himself. He thought over his recent actions and the plan ahead. [i]"So, I am on Zero's team with that other guy. I have my cards safely stored in-case. All-Check!"[/i] He thought. He caught up to Zero. "Hey! Mind if we just play follow the leader? I think I have forgotten the plan!" He shouted over the engines. Kai had his goofy grin on his face.
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Zwei drew his five cards as his D-Wheel spoke in the computerized voice "Speed World 2 Active. Auto-Pilot engaged." Zwei drew his sixth card. (SPC: 2) "I activate the Speed Spell - Angel Baton! I draw two cards, and discard one at the cost of both my Speed Counters." Zwei said. (SPC: 0) Zwei drew, then discarded a monster. "Now, I summon my Plasmas Vice!" Zwei said, as a tentacle-covered ball of intense fire and an almost liquid material appeared (ATK: 1800/Level 4). "Whenever I summon my Plasmas Vice, I can revive another level 2 or lower Plasmas in my Grave. So, I'll revive my Plasmas Kindler!" Zwei said as a small ball of the liquid material emerged (DEF: 500/Level 2/Tuner). "Now, while I control at least two Plasmas monsters, I can Special Summon my Plasmas Sonic from my hand!" Zwei said, as a third orb of the liquid appeared, moving in a pulsing pattern (ATK: 1300/Level 3). "Now, I'll throw two of my own cards down, and end my turn." Zwei said.

LP: 4000
Hand: 2
Monsters: Plasmas Vice, Plasmas Kindler, Plasmas Sonic
S/T Zones: 2


Zero sighed. "Just follow me. The plan isn't going to hold anymore." Zero said. "Akira, Zwei, and Joseph are going to deal with our pursuer. It's my job to lead everyone else to saftey in Neo Domino." Zero explained.
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Joseph drew for his turn after speed world was kicked in, allowing him to focus on the duel. (SPC:3) Now with his six cards he knew what to do. "I activate the effect of Speed Spell - Angel Baton, allowing me to draw two cards at the cost of two of my speed counters!" (SPC:1) He grinned at his hand, obviously quite happy. "I now have to discard one card though. Now I summon Legendary Warrior - Krent!" (LV 4, 1500, 450) A humanoid vixen appeared, wearing a fiery red outfit, with a flame forming in it's hand. " Now I can special summon Legendary Beast - Gravyion from my hand!" (LV3, 1200/1300) A unicorn appeared, with it's horn and feet generating trails of light. "And now since I control two or more legendary monsters with different names I can special summon the Legendary Warrior - Dryk I discarded earlier!" (LV 3, 1300/200) A tigress apeared, with a tribal looking outfit. " And now I can tune my Dryk with Krent to synchro summon Legendary Hero - Dryk!" (LV 7, 2500/1900) A royal feline priestess appeared. "And now I add one legendary card in my deck to my hand! And now I end my turn!"

LP 4000
Hand: 5
Field: Legendary Warrior - Dryk, Legendary Beast - Gravyion
S/T Zones: None
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"Impressive. They've all managed to set up their fields for their Ace mosnters." Riku thought as he drew. (SPC: 4) "I summon the Dimensional Warrior Zanar." Riku said, as a warrior sporting spiky armour appeared (Level 4/ATK: 1900). "Next, I lay three cards face-down, and end my turn." Riku said. "Now, during my End Phase, the effect of my Dimensional Warrior activates." Riku said. "If he's the only monster I control, then I remove from play a monster in my hand to remove from play a monster on the field." Riku said. "I know that Superbia isn't going to cause too much trouble. My concern is this now Ace." Riku thought. "I'll remove your Legendary Warrior - Dyrk!" Riku said, as his own warrior fired off a beam of darkness at the Ace.

LP: 12000
Hand: 2
Field: Dimensional Warrior Zanar
S/T Zones: 3
RFG: 1
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"And that brings things back to me" Akira declared, drawing a card (SPC: 5). "Now, to start this off, I'm activating my own Speed Spell - Angel's Baton! (SPC: 3)" he drew 2 cards and immediately discarded one. "Alright, here we go...I'm Tributing my face-down Gellenduo and my Darklord Superbia to summon Athena!!" Akira called out as his two monsters collided to form a new, battle-armed fairy. "Everything's almost set..." Akira thought. "Now, I'm activating Foolish Burial!" he called as another card slid out of his deck. Akira caught it and threw it into the Graveyard. "That's all for now..." he muttered as he ended his turn.

LP: 4000
Hand: 1
Field: Athena
S/T: Valhalla, 1 face-down
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"Aw...I'm missing out on the fun. So sad. I feel in the mood to kick some Shadow Order a**...but whatever." Chase accelerates his Duel Runner to ride next to Zero and Kai. "Guess the plan didn't work out too well. Seemed boring anyway." He says to them, yelling to be heard over the engines. He glances back to see the duel going on. "Ah...I can't get a signal to tune the monitor to them...doesn't look like they'll be too long." Chase begins idly drumming his fingers on his runner's handles. He looks ahead at the ruins of Neo Domino City. He pulls a card out of his pocket-Rainbow Dark Dragon. He whispers to it. "We're getting closer. Every foot we travel brings us nearer to our goal. And when we get there, the Shadow Order will fall...no matter what it takes." Chase looks sadly at the card for a few more seconds, before slipping it back into his pocket and focusing once again on the road.
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Hitu, who was already on his Duel Runner, who following closely behind Zero, Kai and Chase,was constantly checking behind his back for their pursuer. "[i]Not sure why we don't just deal with these Shadow Order hooligans right here and now. I could make quick work of them. But Zero is the boss... Sure glad to be by his side..."[/i] He thought. "Looks like Akira, Joseph and Zwei are already dueling..." he shouted ahead to Zero. Hitu was a member of old, but never went out on many missions or the sort. He was quite excited...
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Zero looked over at Chase, then to Hitu. "Looks like it." Zero said. "They can handle it, though. They've seen almost as much of this world, and others, as I have. And believe me, that's a very long time." Zero said.


Zwei drew his next card. "He didn't attack... He's anticipating my moves already. He's good." Zwei thought. "My turn!" Zwei said. "Since you've left me the chance, I might as well take it!" Zwei said, as his three monsters flew up into the air. "I'm tuning my Level 3 Plasmas Kindler with my Level 4 Plasmas Vice and my Level 2 Plasmas Sonic!" Zwei said, as the spherical monster split into 3 green rings. The pulsing sphere and the tentacle-covered sphere glided through the rings, and became a total of 6 silver stars. "Endlessly burning spirit, become the light that shines forth!" Zwei chanted. "Synchro Summon! Fear no darkness, Plasmas Dragon!" Zwei said as a large, multi-headed dragon appeared (ATK: 2900/Level 9). "Plasmas Dragon's effect activates! When this monster is Synchro Summoned, he'll absorb a monster on the field!" Zwei said, as one of the heads stretched around Riku's Zanar. "Now, it gains ATK equal to the absorbed monster's ATK!" Zwei said, as the dragon roared (ATK: 4800) "However, it can't make any direct attacks with a monster equipped." Zwei said. "So you're fine for now." Zwei continued. "For now, I'll put a third card down, and end my turn." Zwei said.

LP: 4000
Hand: 2
Field: Plasmas Dragon (ATK: 4800)
S/T Zones: 3
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((Alright guys, right now I'm not with the main group so I'll be doing something solo until later. Oh, and who made Dementuo's character leader >_< Nah jk, he is one of the leaders considering he's one of NEXUS's founder, but enough of my blabbering))

A small lizard scurried across the dirt ground of the vast desert region. The desert was silent as it usually is. The dry and hot wind blew lightly across the desert, kicking up tiny waves of dust and debris. Suddenly, the sound of duel runners can be heard in the distance. The vibration caused by the duel runners' movements caused the light layer of dirt and debris to rumble. Then, a duel runner raced across the grounds at high speed. It is a blue duel runner own by a young man named Yuge. Yuge is part of a notorious and highly wanted gang of resistance fighters. Well, at least the Shadow Order views them as so. They are called the NEXUS. This name was used by the founders of NEXUS to describe how each of them are connected together in a way, because all of them suffered at the hands of the Shadow Order.

Yuge, on his duel runner, raced across the desert at high speed. Not far behind him is a group of soldiers who are under the allegiance of the Shadow Order. There were about three of them chasing after Yuge. Most soldiers of the Shadow Order are part of the army on their own free will as they view the Shadow Order as the only bringer of salvation left on this foresaken planet, but some were being controlled by the Shadow Order. However, no one knows how the Shadow Order is able to take control of human minds. Some say that they used some weird machine to hypnotize them, while others say that the Shadow Order used mystical powers to take control of their minds, but the truth behind this may never be known.

Yuge tilted his head slightly towards the three that were pursuing him. "(I've got to find a way to lose them, at least one of them. I can take all three if I must, but, I'm not willing to take such a risk without my teammates backing me up.)" Yuge thought as he turned his head back. "(Well, guess I'll have no choice but to take all of them out one by one. It's a good thing that I came prepared.)" Yuge, using his free hand, reached into a compartment on his duel runner and took out three small, metal disks. These devices were specially made by NEXUS in situations like these. Being one of the lead mechanic of NEXUS, Yuge knew how to operate these devices with ease. Yuge then threw the three disks onto the ground behind him. As the three soldiers neared the devices, nicknamed the Sabo or in this case Saboes, Yuge pressed a button on his duel runner.

Then, as the soldiers' duel runners passed the Saboes, the strong magents on top of them activated and latched onto the bottom of the soldiers' duel runners. A slight grin formed on Yuge's face as he heard a beeping noise coming from his duel runner monitor. "(Saboes attatchments, successful. Now to hack their duel runners.)" Yuge thought.
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Now it was Joseph's turn again, and he was pretty glad he got the card he did last turn. (SPC:5) " I activate cold wave, and chain my legendary die to it!" All of the spells and traps turned blue, signifying they were frozen, except the one with a die on it. "And with my legendary die's effect, I can special summon Legendary Hero - Dryk from ... um .... where removed from the game cards go!" Dryk (LV 7, 2500/1900 reappeared, her eyes fiercely glaring at the shadow order member. "I now attack your Dimensional Warrior Zanar shadow order scum!" Dryk had now started to, pray, and a huge ferocious bird swooped down from nowhere, destroying Dimensional Warrior Zanar. "And now Gravyion can attack you directly before I end my turn!"

LP 4000
Hand: 4
Field: Legendary Warrior - Dryk, Legendary Beast - Gravyion
S/T Zones: None
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The minute that Joseph activated Cold Wave, Riku hit a button on his Duel Disk. "I chain my Dimension Seal." Riku said, as a card flipped up. "I select a Dimension monster that's been removed from play, and return it to my Graveyard. Then, that'll allow me to negate the effect of a card." Riku explained. "I'll choose to negate Cold Wave!" Riku said, as the ice faded. "Now, I return my Dimension Warrior Sadar to my grave." Riku said, as a card slid out of a slot in Riku's D-Wheel, and he placed it into the graveyard. "Next, when you activate your Legendary Die, I chain the effect of my Dimensional Warrior Sadar." Riku said. "By removing him from play, I negate the activation of a spell or trap card activated during the Main Phase." Riku explained, as Riku returned the card back to the RFG zone, and the die shattered.
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Akira glanced over at Joseph. "Good. Joseph forced him to expose his cards. Now I'll be able to execute my plans next turn..." he thought as he double checked the field. "But...for now, I have to worry about surviving his turn now..." Akira turned towards the Shadow Order member. He turned back to his Duel Runner and examined the screen. He tapped a button on the screen and a list of all the cards in his Graveyard showed. "Perfect...my setup is complete" he thought, awaiting the Shadow Order duelist's move.
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"In the name of the almighty Shadow Order, we command you to stop your resistance and surrender! If not, we will use force!" one of the soldiers yelled towards Yuge. Yuge just turned around and gave the three a gaze before turning back. "Fine, then I guess you three'll have to use force against me because I'm not going to surrender without a fight!" Yuge responded. "(C'mon, just a bit more.)" Yuge thought to himself; a single drop of sweat moved down the side of his face. Suddenly, the screen on Yuge's duel runner turned from red to green. "(Yes!)" a relieved Yuge thought. "It looks like he's not going to surrender, so we'll have to make him surrender." the soldier said to the two other soldiers behind him. Suddenly, the screen on the three soldiers' duel runners became a red color with the symbol of NEXUS appearing on their screens.

"What the-" one of the soliders exclaimed in surprise. However, they knew what had just happened to their duel runners. "Duel Mode Engaged. Speed World 2 Activated. Autopilot Engaged." a computerized, feminine voice transmitted on the three duel runners. "We're caught!" the first soldier grunted. Another slight grin formed on Yuge's face as he heard the voice. "Now! Time to duel!" Yuge shouted as he used his free hand to draw five cards from his deck.
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