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Soul Eater: Kishin bōshi Operation X, The Kowareta Buki? [OOC: Not Started/Accepting]

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[img]http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090313215421/souleater/images/thumb/4/4e/Shinigami.jpg/830px-Shinigami.jpg[/img]Hello! Welcome to the world of Soul Eater! I am Lord Death! The lord of Death! Your guide through this RP information section! Now I implore you to know that this RP does not require knowledge of the original Manga or Anime, however I'm sure it wouldn't hurt to watch some episodes or read some chapters but that's up to you! Now, where do I begin on your situation?

Well, you are a Weapon/Mister in a period of pure chaos. The entire world is under the threat of the witch Majochoro and her Empire of Mislead Weapon Misters and Weapons, who eat innocent human souls and slowly try to progress themselves into becoming horrible Kishin, or "Demon Gods". Thankfully not one has been made so far so that's good! Now, it's a Miester's job to feed their weapon souls of tainted people with Kishin eggs, or people on my Death List. Then the Miester defeats one witch and once the Weapon eats the witches soul, he/she becomes a Death Scythe, whether it's an actual scythe or not. Basically the weapon becomes much more powerful and goes through some changes in appearance.

Now it's the Weapon's job to protect his/her miester and follow him/her in and out of Hell itself in a sense. They must be loyal and courageous! And it is your life goal to become a Death Scythe!

Now usually when a Death Scythe is created it becomes my own personal weapon when I call for it but unfortunately, my home, death city, is undercover and I cannot tell you of it's whereabouts, nor can I allow Majochoro to discover it's location, but until I reveal it the Death Scythe is for it's Mister's use. Now then, tot he main plot again.

You are a part of the Kishin bōshi, an organization dedicated to warding off the Kishin of Majochoro's empire, but there's a problem, all of you knew recruits don't know much about fighting do you? or Kishin for that matter. Or how to Soul Soul Resonance... Or how to get all of these souls... *Sigh* but no worries! The organization has a school where you can learn all of this! I wanted to call it Shibusen II but they said no... SO instead it is called the Kishin bōshi Educational Dept. or KBED. You will go there and take missions on collecting 99 Evil human souls/Kishin eggs and 1 Witch Soul. You will learn how to fight and take down Kishin and will become a part of the true Kishin bōshi force. But for now... Enjoy school![/spoiler]

-No God-modding
-No Meta Gaming
-all YCM rules apply
-You cannot win all missions/battles, loose some, and by that I don't mean 1 or 2 in the whole RP, come on people, be realistic. Your not Jesus or Death the Kid. You are going to loose a lot at first but get better like in real life.
-oh! the above rule reminded me, you cannot be related to Death, Eibon, or any other character from the Soul Eater Manga/Anime in ANY SHAPE OR FORM! weapon types excluded of course.
-to prove you read the rules please include the word Death in your App.
-Whatever I say goes.
-When I name a co-host and that person agrees, whatever we both say goes.
-If I see one person being abused through the RP and that Role Player feels that he/she doesn't stand a chance, I'll deal with it.
-All complaints go to me and the future co-host.
-You can have a maximum of 4 characters.
-Have fun.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Student Miester App]
Age:(Above 12)
Appearance:(Picture or 3 line description)
Personality: (Minimum of 3 lines)
Bio: (Why you joined to be in the Kishin bōshi, how you discovered you were a Weapon ect. Must be a minimum of 5 lines.)
Preferred Weapon(s):(List a few that you would like to work with IF you do not plan on making a weapon app for this character)
Have you seen/read Soul Eater? (Yes/no/other[please describe])[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Weapon App]
Age:(Above 12)
Appearance:(Picture or 3 line description)
Weapon form:(What weapon are you. A Pic or a 2 line description)
Personality: (Minimum of 3 lines)
Bio: (Why you joined to be in the Kishin bōshi, how you discovered you were a Weapon ect. Must be a minimum of 5 lines.)
Have you seen/read Soul Eater? (Yes/no/other[please describe])[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Student Miester/Weapon Hybrid App]
Age:(Above 12)
Appearance:(Picture or 3 line description)
Weapon Appearance:(Picture or 3 line description)
Personality: (Minimum of 3 lines)
Bio: (Why you joined to be in the Kishin bōshi, how you discovered you were a Weapon ect. Must be a minimum of 5 lines.)
Preferred Weapon(s):(List a few that you would like to work with IF you do not plan on making a weapon app for this character)
Have you seen/read Soul Eater? (Yes/no/other[please describe])[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Teacher Miester App]
Age:(Above 20)
Appearance:(Picture or 3 line description)
Personality: (Minimum of 3 lines)
Course/position:(See list below)
Bio: (Why you joined to be in the Kishin bōshi, how you discovered you were a Weapon ect. Must be a minimum of 5 lines.)
Preferred Weapon(s):(List a few that you would like to work with IF you do not plan on making a weapon app for this character)
Have you seen/read Soul Eater? (Yes/no/other[please describe])[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Teacher Weapon App]
Age:(Above 20)
Appearance:(Picture or 3 line description)
Weapon form:(What weapon are you. A Pic or a 2 line description)
Personality: (Minimum of 3 lines)
Course/position:(See list below)
Bio: (Why you joined to be in the Kishin bōshi, how you discovered you were a Weapon ect. Must be a minimum of 5 lines.)
Have you seen/read Soul Eater? (Yes/no/other[please describe])[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Teacher Miester/Weapon Hybrid]
Age:(Above 20)
Appearance:(Picture or 3 line description)
Weapon form:(What weapon are you. A Pic or a 2 line description)
Personality: (Minimum of 3 lines)
Course/position:(See list below)
Bio: (Why you joined to be in the Kishin bōshi, how you discovered you were a Weapon ect. Must be a minimum of 5 lines.)
Preferred Weapon(s):(List a few that you would like to work with IF you do not plan on making a weapon app for this character)
Have you seen/read Soul Eater? (Yes/no/other[please describe])[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Kishin/Near Kishin app]
Age:(Above 16)
Appearance:(Picture or 3 line description)
Personality: (Minimum of 3 lines)
Are you loyal to Majochoro?: (Yes/No)
Bio: (Why/why not you joined Majochoro, how you discovered you joined ect. Must be a minimum of 5 lines.)
Have you seen/read Soul Eater? (Yes/no/other[please describe])[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Witch App:]
PM me for details about a witch App[/spoiler][/spoiler]

[spoiler=Courses/Teacher positions:]
Math(1 max)
Science(1 max)
Lab worker (3 max)
Language (1 max)
[s]Battling (2 max)[/s]
Kishin Study (1 max)
Librarian (2 max)
Nurse (2 max)
Vice Principal (1 max)
Janitor (2 max)
Cafeteria worker (1 max)
History (1 max)
if you can think of any more tell me. BTW battling is basically P.E.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=accepted apps]
[spoiler=Vayne Zeros (Miester)]
Name: Vayne Zeros
Age: 16
Gender: Male
[spoiler=personality:]Vayne is a pretty quiet and calm guy that's mistaken for a lack of emotions. He prefers keeping to himself and not talking to anybody although he doesn't actually mind talking to others. Vayne seems to be extremely oblivious to most things but truthfully has more insight on his surrondings and people's emotions than believed. He's a pretty smart guy although not some sort of math olympian he tends to get a C average since he hasn't had to much schooling but he works hard to keep up with the other students. In battle he tends to keep his quiet and calm attitude yet still being a lethal killing machine. His calmness allows him to be able to think up ingenious strategies even in the midst of the most intense battles. His plans at points seem really elaborate but in the end extremely effective. Although he's able to quickly think up effective strategies in combat. He also has a knack for analyzing the fighting style of an opponent. He doesnt rely on his strategies or analyzation ability as often in fights as much as he does his actualy combat ability. [/spoiler]
[spoiler=Bio:]Vayne was born into an extremely poor family but that's only the start of problems for him and even through it all he would keep his unemotionless demeanor although everything was really just being bundled up inside of him. His father was abusive and his mother was so depressed that at Vayne's fifth birthday she had killed herself. This only made the father worse but for a second there it seems like his problems were solved when his dad was hit by a bus only a few weeks later. Vayne was put into an orphanage where the other kids would try to beat him. Like when his father would he wouldn't know what to do and just take it. At the age of seven he managed to beat most of the other kids when they would come after him. He managed to learn the basics of their bully style and how to counter it. He then ran away from the orphanage and into the streets. To survive he joined a local gang. Although really young he had a knack for thinking up effective strategies for gang wars. He would try and fight in them so he could become stronger but he would usually just get in the way and get his a** handed to him. He did keep getting stronger and stronger though and seemed to develop his own fighting style and even though being so young became the best in his gang. At the age of 12 a member of the gang he was in became a kishin egg and started killing off the other members in the gang until the only two left were him and Vayne. He tried fighting back but the power of the kishin egg was too great for him. When the man was about to land the finishing blow he was suddenly and swiftly killed by a couple. A meister and weapon. Vayne begged to go with them. The two were impressed with his potential and adopted him as their son. The two taught him everything he knows now but especially how to be a meister.[/spoiler]
Preferred Weapon(s): Firearms, katana, or bat. Anything that seems cool or interesting really.
Have you seen/read Soul Eater? Mhm. I also read the plot to this RP. Death.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Winter (Miester/Weapon Hybrid]
Name: Winter
Age: 27
Gender: Female
[spoiler=Appearance/Weapon form]
[img] http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/015/7/1/winter_reference_sheet_by_totalobelisk-d378z6t.png[/img]
Winter can become an ornate katana sword which grants a Meister Cryomancy powers, allowing them to freeze anything the blade touches for as long as it remains in contact (rate of freezing depends on how well synchronized their souls are). Winter will often use her powers to turn her forearms into blades and fight alone, however her cyromancy powers are considerably weaker without a Meister.
Personality: Winter has a very cold and distrustful nature, being nearly always suspicious of anyone she's never met and never trusting anyone unless she gets to know them more personally. After warming up to someone, however, Winter can be far more friendly and sometimes even childish or shy and once she grows to trust someone she will become very protective and loyal. She takes things very seriously and will refuse to give up unless given a good reason to. Winter prefers to settle things without violence but when given no other choice, she won’t hesitate to throw herself into battle and will thus attempt to end is as quickly as possible. She is usually polite, if a little bit stoic, and hardly ever curses, and especially never uses phrases like ‘hell’, ‘good heavens’ or ‘holy sh*t’. She also doesn’t like being called anything other than ‘Winter’ and will get annoyed if anyone does so (this has resulted in most of her colleagues calling her ‘Winty’ for the fun of it).
Course/position: Battle

Bio: Winter was raised by her mother, Maiya, a Death Scythe. She knew about her status as a weapon from birth and as she grew up her mother taught her how to use it effectively as well as telling her the basics of a weapon/meister partnership. During her teenage years Maiya mysteriously went missing while on an assignment, leaving Winter to believe she was killed by a Witch or a Kishin. She joined the Kishin bōshi to try and find her mother’s killer, eventually accepting a teaching position there after graduating.

Preferred Weapon(s): Katana or sword

Have you seen/read Soul Eater? Yes (Seen the whole of the anime, read volume 1 of the manga)
[spoiler=Akira (Miester)]
Personality: Akria seems to be very cold, callous, dispassionate figure, rather aloof, and brooding, indifferent, composed, logical, sophisticated, and intelligent. He claims that he does not believe in Human emotions, which he refers to as the "heart," reasoning that if his eye cannot see them, then they do not exist. His cold demeanor and relatively level-headed in terms of battle allows him to stay completely calm and in control in most situations, and he is not easily surprised or caught off-guard.
[spoiler=Bio:] Akria grew up alone not even remembering his own name while walking through the streets he was caught up in a battle between a witch and Mister. The Witch Grabbed him suing him as a shield while attacking the mister dealing a near fatal blow to the mister scared for his life, he started to hear a soothing voice telling him everything was going to be ok and to be strong. Calmed by the voice a golden red gauntlet formed on his left arm upon forming it set ablaze englulphing the witch. Passing out due to the intense heat the mister dealt the final blow aginst the witch. Upon awaking he saw the mister standing over him she told him that her name was Rose and she was a student at DWMA she showed him around inspired by the school he joined. During the first day he got in fight it an older Mister nearly defeated the his weapon activated again using his powers he barly defeated the mister. From then on he realized that he's a Mister/Weapon mix amazed he vowed to master his power. Years later after eating his 99th kishin eggs he returned to Shibusen in order to find a witch's soul hearing that rose has yet to return from fighting a witch fearing the worst he begin looking for her. A few days later he found her laying dead while a witch stood over her enraged he attacked the witch, but not being able to any damage. The gauntlet burst into flames as he begun to attack it started to rain causing the flames to become weak the witch laughed and made fun of rose. Enraged more the water around him begin to float as a blue shoulder Guard in the shape of a horned lion formed above his gauntlet using that he killed the witch. Taking rose's body back to Shibusen he grived her death and decided that he would obtain the powers of a death scythe before eating the Witch's soul he was contacted by lord Death. Stating that he would need to obtain another 99 kishin eggs he asked about the other witch's soul lord death stated that rose stored to one from his child hood for him. Sadden as happy upon the graduation the consumed his 198 kishin eggs and the 2 Witch's soul and obtained the power of a Death scythe. Years later after traveling he heard of new school started by Danza Macabra in order to fight the witch Majochoro remembering his lost friend he joined Kishin bōshi.[/spoiler]
Preferred Weapon(s):Any type really
Have you seen/read Soul Eater?Yes
[spoiler=Sebastian Varber (Kishin Egg) ]

Name: Sebastian "Ayries" Varner

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Appearance: [spoiler=I really hate to use my avi guy but his image fits so dam well I guess Id change it if you want I do have alternatives][img]http://i1237.photobucket.com/albums/ff473/GrandRaine/Noah__Tyki_Mikk_2_by_KaiSuki_by_D_Gray_man_Club.png?t=1295284626[/img][/spoiler]

Personality: He wears a public face under his real name of Sebastian, were he is a high class member of society even in the midst of the fight he keeps a cool head with a sophisticated air however as he gets injured it gets more and more difficult to his Darkened side of almost Kishin. He looks down on everyone but has a soft spot for women even as he is trying to become a Kishin. The closer he gets to becoming a Kishin the more of his humanity is taken way as a cost.

Are you loyal to Majochoro?: Yes

Bio: Sebastian was found by Majochoro as a teenager and she told him of how to become a Kishin and taught him how to use use his soul wavelength as a weapon. He learned quickly and began consuming Human Souls to grow stronger. His original soul has been tainted by consuming human souls but increased his power, his signature technique is using Direct Wavelength attacks with close range hand to hand combat, the most frequent of his Wavelength attacks is a close-mid range black lightning that extends from his fingertips. As he progressed, his loyalty grew stronger and has recently been tasked to aid in the destruction of Death's Misters and Weapons.
Have you seen/read Soul Eater? Watched and Read
[spoiler=Name: Mezumi Kakuzo(Weapon_]
Age: 16
Gender: Female
[spoiler=Weapon form:][IMG]http://i55.tinypic.com/29blfyx.jpg[/IMG]

A weapon who has a special wave length that matches the wave length of her meister. The ability given to her by her weapon form; a mirror. As we know a mirror reflects what is shown, but in the case of a weapon she become the weapon her meister thinks about (which is what she reflects- their thoughts). Though her original form is a mirror that can absorb, reflect, and shoot out the energy she has absorbed. Any weapon she changes into also retain those abilities. The more energy she takes in the brighter the weapon she is glows. If she takes in too much the weapon will shatter like mirror fragments and she will return to normal often bloody, and even close to death. When alone she can transform any part of her body into the weapon last used number meister. And because of her unique wave length she is able to use other weapons though only at half of their-the weapon being used- capacity. (when in mirror form she's about the size of the mirror Kanna holds in the show inuyasha)[/spoiler]

Personality: Mezumi is a music loving teen, who loves punk style of clothing. She is always seen with huge headphones around her neck, thats for the most part playing music. Mezumi always appear to be in her own little world, and for the most part acts a little immature for her age. She hates fighting, but if it means protecting her friends then she will do whatever it takes to protect them, and that goes double for her meister. Everyday she never fails to smile, often pretending that everything is fine even when it's not. She doesn't like making others worry about her, so she'll try to handle everything by herself in order to keep others from getting hurt.

[spoiler=Bio:] Mezumi, for as long as she can remembered, lived on the streets with her older brother. Her brother was her mother, father, brother, friend and her life all in one. He took care of her ever since she was a, well, a baby. Mezumi was 10 years younger than him, and looked up to him more so than any little sister. True they had dozens of problems, but somehow they would always make it through. She was 8 years old, and her brother had finally managed to get a job at a place that needed a bus boy. For the time being they had been staying in an abandon house, doing whatever they could to survive the cold, and the heat. Mezumi waited for days and on the third day she realized that he wasn't coming back. He wouln't have left her by herself! So something must have happened to him!

She walked aimlessly for hours, until finally she heard the news; a boy of 18 years was shot and killed by a stray bullet. How could something like this happen? Wasn't it bad enough that she lived on the streets but now she had to live there alone? For weeks she morned his death, skipping meals and staying confined in the old house. She got really skinny, and extremely pale. Looking at the golden pocket watch - he said it was their fathers- he gave to her the day he left, it gave her the strength to not give up. So on her own she began to live out whatever life would be given to her. When she was 13 something unexpected happened. It was during the night, and she just happened to be on her way back to the old house when a girl bumped into her. She was about the same age, and had a frightened look to her. Some guys ran up with guns, and the girl looked even more scared. Mezumi wasn't sure how it happened, but she was suddenly changing into a gun. She saw every bullet fired. Felt the fear, anger, sadness, and rage in the girl holding her. Before long she was changing back and being taken to some place called SBED.

They explained what she was, and that the other girl was a Meister; someone who I will be assigned to one day. With no where else to go Mezumi agreed a smile on her face.[/spoiler]

Have you seen/read Soul Eater? Yeppers![/spoiler]
[spoiler=Name: Furako Kyomechi (Weapon)]
Gender: Female
[spoiler=Weapon form:] [IMG]http://i53.tinypic.com/90aoup.jpg[/IMG]
She changes into a bladed bow. On either end of the bow there are blades as if it were a double blades staff; though if the meister positions him or herself as though she or he were stringing a bow, an arrow and tread would appear in whatever "color" their wave length appears. Though when she's alone she cannot form the blades on her bow; but she can make one ARM form them bow and do the same her meister would do to form the arrow. Her arrow would appear blue.[/spoiler]

Personality: Furako is a sneaky, swift, and tricky young teenager. Often appearing in places you wouldn't expect her, and suddenly appearing out of no where. She is very observant, and have excellent memory, almost to the fact where she was once believed to have had a photographic memory. Another skill she has is the ability to mimic voices close to perfection. Furako is a very open girl, putting on a tough act in front of others when really she has so many fears it's hard to keep count. Despite that, she can be counted on when the time comes. Furako posesses a blatent and almost crude sense of humor, but doesn't know how to keep her thoughts to herself. When she is nervous she has a tendency to blurt random facts.

[spoiler=Bio:] Furako grew up with a meister mother and a father who was a weapon. So apart from her parents often doing weird things, she had a strangely normal life. She was 9 when she first exhibited signs of being a weapon. But it wasn't until she was 12 did her arm transform into a bow simply because she was very excited about going to get a game that she always wanted. Her parents, though initially surprised, knew exactly what to do. They took her to the only school for people like them, so she could train in saftey, and not worry about being attack. Furako enjoys it at SBED, and often keeps in contact with her parents, though she doesn't see them much.[/spoiler]
Have you seen/read Soul Eater? yep [/spoiler]
[spoiler=Name: Kai Tsurei (Weapon)]
Age: 14
Gender: Male
[spoiler=Weapon form:] [IMG]http://i54.tinypic.com/s5hb1g.jpg[/IMG]
A young boy of 14 with the ability to turn into a twin katanas. Pitch black in appearance, with a silver handle, grip and guard. Though nothing remotely special about the blades he is commended for being Sharp in both wits and blade; as he can slice through steel as if it as butter. But of course the thicker it is the harder it is for Kai to cut through. When alone he can use his arms to make the two blades.[/spoiler]

Personality: Kai is suspected of having two personalities. He's a very cute looking boy, who's normally kind, respectful, and a complete gentleman when it comes to the females. Kai trys his best to do whatever he can for his friends, and his meister. On the flip side, he his rude, mean and slightly manipulative. This "Dark Kai" rarely shows himself but when he does nothing good can come out of it. When Kai can't handle a situation, thats when "Dark Kai" comes out and does whatever it was that the "Good Kai" couldn't do. No matter what it was. When Kai is angry, and "Dark Kai" comes out, he goes on a rampage fueled by anger and revenge. It's not uncommon to see Kai switch personalities at the headquarters, but he does need to be kept an eye on.

[spoiler=Bio:] Kai's past is a strange thing. You see his mind has two seperate memory banks for what has happened to him. The "good Kai" has the memories of all the better times in his life. His friends, family, birthdays, and everything else. While the "Dark kai" keeps everything else. The fire that burned down his house and killed his family. Being on the streets, and his first kill. You see the latter wasn't somthing that he - the "good Kai" - ment to do. He was 11, and a group of kids was beating him up, kicking him until blood sprouted from his mouth. Next thing he knew he was standing over their dead bodied, with both of his hands transformed into blades. This was the first time the new Kai - the "Dark Kai" - ever showed himself in such a grusom mannor. Even now he has trouble keeping his other side in check.

A couple of days later some people approached him offering him a place in a place called SBED. To help him train, and become a better weapon. What he was, was explained to him and with no where else to go he readily agreed. Besides who could pass up a warm bed, and a hot meal?[/spoiler]

Have you seen/read Soul Eater? Yes[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Name: Saiyu Hanae (Miester)]
Age: 16
Gender: Female


Personality: Saiyu is a very quiet and reserved female, never raising her voice and never acting out. Saiyu is smart, cunning, and very in the know when it comes to information and strategies. She’s the perfect model of how a civilized lady should act. That is…Until she is in battle. In battle she’s ruthless, tricky, and sneaky. Quite the opposite of how she is during the day. She takes dueling very seriously, and doesn’t believe in ganging up on opponents, unless the terms have been agreed to by the opponent. Saiyu is very honor bound when it comes to fighting and refuses to change that no matter what the situation.

Preferred Weapon(s): Is more suited for a bow, but if she has to firearms are also her speciality.

[spoiler=Bio:] Saiyu lived in small house with her mother, father a little sister. Up until she was 13, Saiyu lead an average life. She went to school, had a crush, and had parents who felt it their job to embarress her. Unfortunately that all changed on the eve of her 13th birthday, when a group of men tried to rob their house. Without remorse or guilt they stormed through the house, taking whatever they could find of value. Her parents were kill right before her eyes when they tried to stop the men. With nothing to lose, she and her little sister ran from the house as fast as they could. Now here sister was only 7, and Saiyu had this notion that they wouldn't hurt them cause they were kids. She was wrong - And a gun went off, the bullet shooting through her little sister's head in one shot. Saiyu couldn't believe it; her sister was dead. With a heavy heart Saiyu had to leave her there so she could live. She didn't want to die. She ran into an ally way, and bumped into another girl who looked about her age.

From behind her the men were catching up. Too quickly they were upon Saiyu ready to kill her, but something strange happened. Saiyu stepped back and bumped into the girl; who began to glow brightly and when the light went away she held a gun in her hands. The thing she was thinking about only seconds before. The men were still dazed by the light, and with nothing but pure rage in her heart she shot the men countless times. Not stopping until her arms gave out- behind her the gun changed back to the girl from earlier. Before she knew what was happening she and the other girl was being taken to some school for people like her; A Meister. She hadn't seen the girl since, but ever since then she has been KBED.[/spoiler]

Have you seen/read Soul Eater? Yes


[spoiler=my apps]
[spoiler=Danza Macabra]
Name:Danza Macabra
Age: 587
Gender: Male
Personality: Danza is a generally quiet man, he is not nearly as talkative as his counter-part "Lord Death". Danza likes to treat his students fairly and praise them, but repeated offenders see a different side of their principal, and it's a scary sight. Danza dislikes activities that have no potential value and will lecture anyone who he sees participating in them, he also has a natural hatred toward witches. Danza does however enjoy the occasional tea and guitar, he's actually a funny person to be around once you get him talking.
Bio: Danza started the Kishin Boshi, he designed the place as his own academy as a Grim Reaper. Of course he is not nearly as strong as Lord Death but he is a grim Reaper, hence he has the ability to bring out the full potential of a Death Sycthe. He is not directly related to Lord Death though. Danza Started the academy to stop the withc Majochoro for good, he tried to copy the DWMA but with his own twist. He gathered meisters and Weapons all around and began to build his academy and teach their children. Soon Meisters and Weapons came on their own accord, teachers and students alike. Soon Danza will lead the army assault on the evil wich and her army of Kishin eggs.
Have you seen/read Soul Eater? Yes[/spoiler]
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Here it is.

Name: Vayne Zeros
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Appearance: [spoiler][IMG]http://i898.photobucket.com/albums/ac181/mistypanda/Anime%20Guys/l_96f1f19888df99734b3d6dd9aef314-1.jpg[/IMG][/spoiler]
[spoiler=Personality:] Vayne is a pretty quiet and calm guy that's mistaken for a lack of emotions. He prefers keeping to himself and not talking to anybody although he doesn't actually mind talking to others. Vayne seems to be extremely oblivious to most things but truthfully has more insight on his surrondings and people's emotions than believed. He's a pretty smart guy although not some sort of math olympian he tends to get a C average since he hasn't had to much schooling but he works hard to keep up with the other students. In battle he tends to keep his quiet and calm attitude yet still being a lethal killing machine. His calmness allows him to be able to think up ingenious strategies even in the midst of the most intense battles. His plans at points seem really elaborate but in the end extremely effective. Although he's able to quickly think up effective strategies in combat. He also has a knack for analyzing the fighting style of an opponent. He doesnt rely on his strategies or analyzation ability as often in fights as much as he does his actualy combat ability.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Bio:] Vayne was born into an extremely poor family but that's only the start of problems for him and even through it all he would keep his unemotionless demeanor although everything was really just being bundled up inside of him. His father was abusive and his mother was so depressed that at Vayne's fifth birthday she had killed herself. This only made the father worse but for a second there it seems like his problems were solved when his dad was hit by a bus only a few weeks later. Vayne was put into an orphanage where the other kids would try to beat him. Like when his father would he wouldn't know what to do and just take it. At the age of seven he managed to beat most of the other kids when they would come after him. He managed to learn the basics of their bully style and how to counter it. He then ran away from the orphanage and into the streets. To survive he joined a local gang. Although really young he had a knack for thinking up effective strategies for gang wars. He would try and fight in them so he could become stronger but he would usually just get in the way and get his a** handed to him. He did keep getting stronger and stronger though and seemed to develop his own fighting style and even though being so young became the best in his gang. At the age of 12 a member of the gang he was in became a kishin egg and started killing off the other members in the gang until the only two left were him and Vayne. He tried fighting back but the power of the kishin egg was too great for him. When the man was about to land the finishing blow he was suddenly and swiftly killed by a couple. A meister and weapon. Vayne begged to go with them. The two were impressed with his potential and adopted him as their son. The two taught him everything he knows now but especially how to be a meister.[/spoiler]
Preferred Weapon(s): Firearms, katana, or bat. Anything that seems cool or interesting really.
Have you seen/read Soul Eater? Mhm. I also read the plot to this RP. Death.
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Name: Winter
Age: 27
Gender: Female
[spoiler=Appearance/Weapon form]
[img] http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/015/7/1/winter_reference_sheet_by_totalobelisk-d378z6t.png[/img]
Winter can become an ornate katana sword which grants a Meister Cryomancy powers, allowing them to freeze anything the blade touches for as long as it remains in contact (rate of freezing depends on how well synchronized their souls are). Winter will often use her powers to turn her forearms into blades and fight alone, however her cyromancy powers are considerably weaker without a Meister.
Personality: Winter has a very cold and distrustful nature, being nearly always suspicious of anyone she's never met and never trusting anyone unless she gets to know them more personally. After warming up to someone, however, Winter can be far more friendly and sometimes even childish or shy and once she grows to trust someone she will become very protective and loyal. She takes things very seriously and will refuse to give up unless given a good reason to. Winter prefers to settle things without violence but when given no other choice, she won’t hesitate to throw herself into battle and will thus attempt to end is as quickly as possible. She is usually polite, if a little bit stoic, and hardly ever curses, and especially never uses phrases like ‘hell’, ‘good heavens’ or ‘holy sh*t’. She also doesn’t like being called anything other than ‘Winter’ and will get annoyed if anyone does so (this has resulted in most of her colleagues calling her ‘Winty’ for the fun of it).
Course/position: Battle

Bio: Winter was raised by her mother, Maiya, a Death Scythe. She knew about her status as a weapon from birth and as she grew up her mother taught her how to use it effectively as well as telling her the basics of a weapon/meister partnership. During her teenage years Maiya mysteriously went missing while on an assignment, leaving Winter to believe she was killed by a Witch or a Kishin. She joined the Kishin bōshi to try and find her mother’s killer, eventually accepting a teaching position there after graduating.

Preferred Weapon(s): Katana or sword

Have you seen/read Soul Eater? Yes (Seen the whole of the anime, read volume 1 of the manga)
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Personality: Akria seems to be very cold, callous, dispassionate figure, rather aloof, and brooding, indifferent, composed, logical, sophisticated, and intelligent. He claims that he does not believe in Human emotions, which he refers to as the "heart," reasoning that if his eye cannot see them, then they do not exist. His cold demeanor and relatively level-headed in terms of battle allows him to stay completely calm and in control in most situations, and he is not easily surprised or caught off-guard.
[spoiler=Bio:] Akria grew up alone not even remembering his own name while walking through the streets he was caught up in a battle between a witch and Mister. The Witch Grabbed him suing him as a shield while attacking the mister dealing a near fatal blow to the mister scared for his life, he started to hear a soothing voice telling him everything was going to be ok and to be strong. Calmed by the voice a golden red gauntlet formed on his left arm upon forming it set ablaze englulphing the witch. Passing out due to the intense heat the mister dealt the final blow aginst the witch. Upon awaking he saw the mister standing over him she told him that her name was Rose and she was a student at DWMA she showed him around inspired by the school he joined. During the first day he got in fight it an older Mister nearly defeated the his weapon activated again using his powers he barly defeated the mister. From then on he realized that he's a Mister/Weapon mix amazed he vowed to master his power. Years later after eating his 99th kishin eggs he returned to Shibusen in order to find a witch's soul hearing that rose has yet to return from fighting a witch fearing the worst he begin looking for her. A few days later he found her laying dead while a witch stood over her enraged he attacked the witch, but not being able to any damage. The gauntlet burst into flames as he begun to attack it started to rain causing the flames to become weak the witch laughed and made fun of rose. Enraged more the water around him begin to float as a blue shoulder Guard in the shape of a horned lion formed above his gauntlet using that he killed the witch. Taking rose's body back to Shibusen he grived her death and decided that he would obtain the powers of a death scythe before eating the Witch's soul he was contacted by lord Death. Stating that he would need to obtain another 99 kishin eggs he asked about the other witch's soul lord death stated that rose stored to one from his child hood for him. Sadden as happy upon the graduation the consumed his 198 kishin eggs and the 2 Witch's soul and obtained the power of a Death scythe. Years later after traveling he heard of new school started by Danza Macabra in order to fight the witch Majochoro remembering his lost friend he joined Kishin bōshi.[/spoiler]
Preferred Weapon(s):Any type really
Have you seen/read Soul Eater?Yes
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Sorry about not having my app out. I have all of them ready its just that my computer has a crack on the inside of the screen, and I can't get it fixed until Thursday; which is when I pray I can obtain a loan. Also three of my characters are weapons

Mezumi Kakuzo - A weapon- 16 years old-who has a special wave length that matches the wave length of her meister. The ability given to her by her weapon form; a mirror. As we know a mirror reflects what is shown, but in the case of a weapon she become the weapon her meister thinks about (which is what she reflects- their thoughts). Though her original form is a mirror that can absorb, reflect, and shoot out the energy she has absorbed. Any weapon she changes into also retain those abilities. The more energy she takes in the brighter the weapon she is glows. If she takes in too much the weapon will shatter like mirror fragments and she will return to normal often bloody, and even close to death. When alone she can transform any part of her body into the weapon last used number meister. And because of her unique wave length she is able to use other weapons though only at half of their-the weapon being used- capacity. (when in mirror form she's about the size of the mirror Kanna holds in the show inuyasha)

Kai Tsurei - A young boy of 14 with the ability to turn into a dual bananas. Pitch black in appearance, with a silver handle, grip and guard. Though nothing remotely special about the blades he is commended for being Sharp in both wits and blade; as he can slice through steel as if it as butter. But of course the thicker it is the harder it is for Kai to cut through. When alone he can use his arms to make the two blades.

Furako Kyomechi - 15 years old, though she tends to act older than she is. She changes into a bladed bow. On either end of the bow there are blades as if it were a double blades staff; though if the meister positions him or herself as though she or he were stringing a bow, an arrow and tread would appear in whatever "color" their wave length appears. Though when she's alone she cannot form the blades on her bow; but she can make one ARM form them bow and do the same her meister would do to form the arrow. Her arrow would appear blue.

I will have pics of all my weapon forms anyway.

I hope those are ok weapons. I just thought is get the ok on them since didn't mind typing that on my brothers phone. So let me know and ill get back whenever I can to post my actual app. I think that's all for now.

If anyone care to know my forth character is a female meister, who's 16 years old, and is named Saiyu Kyoshome.
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[quote name='TotalObelisk' timestamp='1295130521' post='4936792']
Name: Winter
Age: 27
Gender: Female
[spoiler=Appearance/Weapon form]
[img] http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/015/7/1/winter_reference_sheet_by_totalobelisk-d378z6t.png[/img]
Winter can become an ornate katana sword which grants a Meister Cryomancy powers, allowing them to freeze anything the blade touches for as long as it remains in contact (rate of freezing depends on how well synchronized their souls are). Winter will often use her powers to turn her forearms into blades and fight alone, however her cyromancy powers are considerably weaker without a Meister.
Personality: Winter has a very cold and distrustful nature, being nearly always suspicious of anyone she's never met and never trusting anyone unless she gets to know them more personally. After warming up to someone, however, Winter can be far more friendly and sometimes even childish or shy and once she grows to trust someone she will become very protective and loyal. She takes things very seriously and will refuse to give up unless given a good reason to. Winter prefers to settle things without violence but when given no other choice, she won’t hesitate to throw herself into battle and will thus attempt to end is as quickly as possible. She is usually polite, if a little bit stoic, and hardly ever curses, and especially never uses phrases like ‘hell’, ‘good heavens’ or ‘holy sh*t’. She also doesn’t like being called anything other than ‘Winter’ and will get annoyed if anyone does so (this has resulted in most of her colleagues calling her ‘Winty’ for the fun of it).
Course/position: Battle

Bio: Winter was raised by her mother, Maiya, a Death Scythe. She knew about her status as a weapon from birth and as she grew up her mother taught her how to use it effectively as well as telling her the basics of a weapon/meister partnership. During her teenage years Maiya mysteriously went missing while on an assignment, leaving Winter to believe she was killed by a Witch or a Kishin. She joined the Kishin bōshi to try and find her mother’s killer, eventually accepting a teaching position there after graduating.

Preferred Weapon(s): Katana or sword

Have you seen/read Soul Eater? Yes (Seen the whole of the anime, read volume 1 of the manga)
Good, just one question, is Winter a Miester/Weapon Hybrid? Just asking since you have the prefered Weapon thing in your APP which I only want Miesters to have when Partners are made.

@Hotaru: TO is right, can u please convert it to the APP form?
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[quote name='TitanKing' timestamp='1295146757' post='4937283']
Personality: Akria seems to be very cold, callous, dispassionate figure, rather aloof, and brooding, indifferent, composed, logical, sophisticated, and intelligent. He claims that he does not believe in Human emotions, which he refers to as the "heart," reasoning that if his eye cannot see them, then they do not exist. His cold demeanor and relatively level-headed in terms of battle allows him to stay completely calm and in control in most situations, and he is not easily surprised or caught off-guard.
[spoiler=Bio:] Akria grew up alone not even remembering his own name while walking through the streets he was caught up in a battle between a witch and Mister. The Witch Grabbed him suing him as a shield while attacking the mister dealing a near fatal blow to the mister scared for his life, he started to hear a soothing voice telling him everything was going to be ok and to be strong. Calmed by the voice a golden red gauntlet formed on his left arm upon forming it set ablaze englulphing the witch. Passing out due to the intense heat the mister dealt the final blow aginst the witch. Upon awaking he saw the mister standing over him she told him that her name was Rose and she was a student at DWMA she showed him around inspired by the school he joined. During the first day he got in fight it an older Mister nearly defeated the his weapon activated again using his powers he barly defeated the mister. From then on he realized that he's a Mister/Weapon mix amazed he vowed to master his power. Years later after eating his 99th kishin eggs he returned to Shibusen in order to find a witch's soul hearing that rose has yet to return from fighting a witch fearing the worst he begin looking for her. A few days later he found her laying dead while a witch stood over her enraged he attacked the witch, but not being able to any damage. The gauntlet burst into flames as he begun to attack it started to rain causing the flames to become weak the witch laughed and made fun of rose. Enraged more the water around him begin to float as a blue shoulder Guard in the shape of a horned lion formed above his gauntlet using that he killed the witch. Taking rose's body back to Shibusen he grived her death and decided that he would obtain the powers of a death scythe before eating the Witch's soul he was contacted by lord Death. Stating that he would need to obtain another 99 kishin eggs he asked about the other witch's soul lord death stated that rose stored to one from his child hood for him. Sadden as happy upon the graduation the consumed his 198 kishin eggs and the 2 Witch's soul and obtained the power of a Death scythe. Years later after traveling he heard of new school started by Danza Macabra in order to fight the witch Majochoro remembering his lost friend he joined Kishin bōshi.[/spoiler]
Preferred Weapon(s):Any type really
Have you seen/read Soul Eater?Yes
KK Accepted, No one can be a Battling Teacher anymore!

Hybrids can know that their hybrids but do better as a miester/Weapon.

@TO: Okay, accepted ^^
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Lol that's not my actual app. My computer is broken right now so I can't post my full app. That's only the weapons and what they can transform into. I just wanted to get the ok on them. You know if they arent substantial enough, or if they are too over the top.

I'm on my brothers phone right now and that's hardly the place to be typing four apps. By the earliest ill have my actual app out by Tuesday- assuming I get a longer laptop- and July the latest Friday. Sorry about that.
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