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Was my last avatar inappropriate?


Are/were you offended by my "Free Porn" avatar?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Are/were you offended by my "Free Porn" avatar?

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A certain member, who shall remain nameless, but is named Miranda_Cosgrove14, keeps complaining to me via PM about my current avatar. In case by the time you read this it is gone, I have reposted it below:




This avatar has been made as a mockery of an avatar used by a series of different members, which is becoming increasingly annoying as a moderator as I cannot easily distinguish who is who.


The "Free Porn" is a gesture explaining that if members join this other members who have the avatar, they will not get any cookies, nor will they get free porn.


Miranda_Cosgrove14 has sent me a series of PMs stating that this is a children's site and that a simple 4-letter-word, that is not currently censored by our filters is "wrong" and "un-mod-like". It is not a pornographic image, nor does it link to a pornographic image, or tell you where to find pornograhpic images.


It is a joke, and as crude and un-funny as some people (currently only Miranda_Cosgrove14) have found it, it was made in good faith for a good laugh which some people, among whom, The Slime Lord, have found at least slightly entertaining.


Thus, it will be removed, but only so I can put a new avatar up that appeals directly to Miranda_Cosgrove14.




Miranda_Cosgrove14, stop complaining about me avatar, and get a life.

Thank you, Frunk.


Everyone else, please vote in the poll, and post any opinion you have.

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my bad, but wasnt miranda cosgrove or what ever, recently known as black halo, who claimed too be starting a family? if im correct why would he find that disturbing? im 15 and i couldnt care less, i laughed when i first saw it! bring it back!


funny thing in reply too what someone said up their ^^^^ its a quote from scrubs


" I know many things, including this one thing, if they did infact remove every pornographic site off of the internet, then their would be only one site remaining, and that one site would be called 'bring back the porn' "

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