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Some distant place

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  • 2 weeks later...
God damn you'z a good one.
This. Is supah fly.
Only, in some area's we can see where you got lazy, and put minimal effort into.
That and it amuses me how the clouds, which are closer to the light source, are darker than the mountains which are farther.
Although you're mad painting skills compensate for these small mistakes.
25 oh oh oh, prolly the only one who actually improved during my absence.
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I can't give C'n'C much, but anyway...

Clouds look a bit solid, as has been said. Maybe a lighter shade of brown, or a bit of a fade at the edges would work better.
Green looks wierd for a sunset. Not bad, but just looks different.
Water looks great.

But seriously... with a [i]mouse[/i]?! I know people who can't even paint like that with a tablet. You, my friend, are very talented.
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