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Teamwork Contest For Those Who Like To Work In Pairs

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Hey everybody, this is my first contest so i hope you enjoy it :D



- No joke cards

- No flaming, spamming, or trolling

- All YCM rules apply

- You can donate to the pot if you wish ;)




[spoiler=READ THIS!!]

There will be three rounds.

You will be working in pairs (2 and 2)

After 10 contestants have joined I will put you in pairs.

Each time a round is over a pair will be eliminated.

The pairs will know what they are going to make after there are 5 pairs.

I will try to pair people who are the same level.




[spoiler=Rounds and Tasks]

[spoiler=1st round]

Wait until there are 5 pairs







1st=2 REP+150 Points

2nd=1 REP+100 Points

3rd=1 REP + 50 Points





- Newfie Shark

- ninjarainbowcloud6!

- Hila Equitatus Inflectus

- <}Alpha Frogodile{>

- phoenix19

- Shradow

- Xyoob








The fee will be 30 points :o ENJOY!

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But Hila will you still join?


But shelds9 you havent said if you are going to join sooooo are you?


I'm sorry, but no I won't. The reason is I will probably be paired up with some noob who can't even imagne to think of proper OCG and who does cards about toys such as lego and transformers. If we could choose our pairs, the noobs would horde tigether and be eliminated early on so that only people with skill would be lft so that is why I am not joining.

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