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Pokemon ThunderYellow ROM Hack


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[center]Welcome to Pokemon ThunderYellow!

This will be a ROM Hack I will be making with the help of hopefully a lot of people, mainly Scripters and Spriters. I will lay down the information in the spoilers below :P.

[Spoiler=Gym Leader/Elite Four/Battle Tower Trainers]
Gym Leaders:

Elite Four:

Battle Tower:[/Spoiler]
[Spoiler=Random Information About This Hack]
-Most Pokedex entries will be updated and have references from various different things. Let's see if you can find them all :3.
-I will try to pump up the power of some Pokemon, making them more usable and making the have a more variety of usable Pokemon so you aren't using a standard Blazekein, Kyogre, Manetric, Swellow, etc.. Saphirre team. =P.
-You will be able to submit your own ideas and trainers into the game once I begin accepting them.
-Dream World Abilities will be added to Pokemon if the abilities are in GEN III.[/Spoiler]
[Spoiler=I Need People Who Can...]
I need people who can sprite Pokemon. We might have Fakemon, we may want to give a Pokemon a new sprite or new trainer sprites :P. Examples required. I want at least 2-3 Spriters.
I have little to no knowledge on scripting. You need to be able to script various events into the game. I need examples of your work so I can determine if you can do the tasks required. I want 2 scripters at least.

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If we could find a way to animate sprites in the game, we could do that :o.

Not sure if possible though. Also, I edited Furret. Base Stats are listed HP/ATK/DEF/SPA/SPD/SPE like it should be :P.



01 Scratch
01 Quick Attack
04 Defense Curl
07 Quick Attack
12 Fury Swipes
19 Helping Hand
23 Body Slam
35 Slack Off
41 Slash
50 Extremespeed

Go ahead and abuse this with the Swords Dance tutor we will have =P.

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Please, PLEASE add a couple of 5th gen and CAP Pokemon. Although I doubt this hack will ever be released (YCM has NEVER actually released one), let's make it fun to make. Although we can't add new abilities, we can add Roobushin and bump up Doryuuzu's speed.

My Furret edit:

Furret (Normal/Dark)


01 Scratch
01 Quick Attack
04 Defense Curl
07 Quick Attack
12 Fury Swipes
15 Fake Tears
19 Helping Hand
23 Body Slam
26 Pursuit
28 Memento
32 Blaze Kick
35 Slack Off
39 Crunch
41 Slash
47 Leaf Blade
50 Extremespeed
56 Dragon Dance

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I actually do want to add Gen 5 Pokemon, but we need someone to get sprites for them. CAP Pokemon could be added, I might add 1 or 2.

From 5th Gen, we should get like you said, Roobushin and Doryuuzu but maybe we should wait until english names are released to add them?

u be trollin wit ur furret movezet.

EDIT: I am certain we can edit abilities though. Also, should we give Politoad Drizzle, Ninetales Drought, Blazekein Speed Boost, etc?
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[quote name='+LeoMence' timestamp='1294587774' post='4922774']
I actually do want to add Gen 5 Pokemon, but we need someone to get sprites for them. CAP Pokemon could be added, I might add 1 or 2. [b]We should fiddle around with them a bit though, carbon copies are boring.[/b]

From 5th Gen, we should get like you said, Roobushin and Doryuuzu but maybe we should wait until english names are released to add them? [b]Who cares? I don't really care what they're called, I just want Roobushin 'cause he's a badass.[/b]

u be trollin wit ur furret movezet. [b]NO U I'm actually serious.[/b]

EDIT: I am certain we can edit abilities though. Also, should we give Politoad Drizzle, Ninetales Drought, Blazekein Speed Boost, etc? [b]Yes.[/b]

Making a Pokemon as we speak.
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[i]YCM has NEVER actually released one[/i]

True. The fad is an on and off type thing. We have a few ROM hack threads awhile back, all three or four of them being opened (as in, the thread) within a week of each other. Then we had a long-ass hiatus, and now we are back with two ROM hack threads. Expect a third.

YCM has never released one, nor will we with such horrible work ethic. The closest I, personally, have ever gotten to finishing a ROM hack was Brushfire's ROM hack, and even then we didn't get a whole lot done. It takes time to redo an entire Pokemon game, and people on YCM don't have the intellectual capacity nor the attention span to work for that long.

However, I would like to post something relevant. If you need me to make up typings and base stats and movepools for Fakemon, drop me a PM. I've done that stuff for Brushfire's and Eury's ROM hack, and I'd assume my work is top quality.
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I will fiddle around with the Pokemon.

Also, I will take some moves from the Furret set you made and add them in, but I will only do that if I have the capacity of moves. There is a max amount of moves all pokemon in the game can have and we need the new ones the be able to have some. I don't like the dark typing as it adds a lot of weaknesses.

Instead of trading to evolve, you get Roobushin at Level 40.

@Sonic Paladin: Can I see some of your sprites please?

EDIT: I know I can always count on you for that Dark ;D.

I plan on making this work. The reason I couldn't get my first one done is because I got frustrated at scripting and I raegquat. =P
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[quote name='+LeoMence' timestamp='1294667024' post='4925195']
No, we will have Pikachu as the starter, but it will be very much different.

Btw, since I need to remove Pokemon to add Roobushin and Doryuzuu, which pokemon should be removed?

Eh, I would go for Ratatta and Ratacate. They really are just annoying, no other use.
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So Doryuzu will replace Raticate.

What Pokemon 3 evo chain should Roobushin replace?

@Felix Culpa: Thanks!
@ADHD Guitar: Can you show me an example script of Pikachu being the starter and receiving it from Professer Oak please?
@Chillaccino: If I need you to make a map, I will PM You ;D.
@Sonic Paladin: Alright.
@Smeargle: Okay =P. Can you make a title screen please?
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I was thinking more on the lines of, loads of banners and if you put fakemon into the game I could do something like this to them:
[img]http://cap.smogon.com/Sprites/frontnormal-mstratagem.png[/img] ------------------> [img]http://i50.tinypic.com/2cmk64g.png[/img]

I've tried a title screen before. It looked ugleh. D:
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