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Casaditymaker's House of Changes! New Userbars!


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Doesn't matter anyway. Can't make the blasted things even with it. :)

Kay then, may I request...


Image Finding:

Some Images of a Fire/Water Dragon.

Some Images of a Wind/Earth Dragon.

Some Images of a Dark/Light Dragon.

Sounds the same as before, but with the elements combined, so Fire/Water would be Fire and Water Combined Dragon, kay?

These may be hard, so Price: 50 - 70 points depending on speed.


Pokemon Splice:

1. Charmander

2. Squirtle

3. Bulbasaur

4. Jirachi

Price: 5-10 depending on the speed.



Basically, just the red eyes of the Kyubbi (Nine Tailed Fox from Naruto), but set so that the eyes stare to the left.

Text: God Of Foxes

Price: Will pay 5-10 points depending on the speed.


A task for each of you. :)

Hope to shop here many more times. :)


Oh, before I forget, casaditymaker repped for awesome "casaditymaker cards", real thought into the effects, methinks.

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