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Casaditymaker's House of Changes! New Userbars!


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This is Casaditymaker's House of Changes, and is ready and open for business. I usually update every week with new images and examples, so hopefully you will come and buy! Note: Follow the form or I will get angry... and hopefully this will become a popular store!


1. No double, triple, etc. posting, except for me.

2. No spamming.

3. Follow the form!

4. Questions will be accepted if it has to do with the "TO COME" section.

5. I do NOT accept requests on Mondays and Sundays, but if you had a request the day before, I will still give it to you ASAP. The reason why is because those are busy days for school and stuff.

6. My status, OPEN means that I am opened and ready for requests.

7. My status, CLOSED means that I am under maintenance and am working on something new or I have too much stuff to do. Even if it is Wednesday, no posts will be allowed.

8. Again, follow the form.

9. The form... the form does NOT include "Notes:". It includes the price, title, body, and extra details (If you do not understand, please feel free to ask).

10. Again, no spamming...







Current Status: OPEN

DETAILS: I do not have any images yet for examples of things, but I will very SOON!


Trainer Cards



Crop/Resize images

Price - 2 points

Where to crop:

Examples: The first example is the ORIGINAL image, with a signature and not the right size. The second image is the edited one without the signature.

EX 1: X

EX 2: X


Notes: Where to crop is if you want the signature out of the picture or want it smaller. I cannot make it bigger for your information.


Finding Images

Price - 2 - 5 points, depending on how hard it was to find.

Image Details:

Notes: Put details to help me find what you are really looking for. I will ALWAYS find at least 3 images just in case you don't like the first one. I will also tell you how much the price is (2 - 5 points) when I post your picture.


Pokemon Splices:

Price - 3

Pokemon Spliced:






Examples: X X

Notes: Supershade will be doing these...


Animated Avatars and/or Banners:

Price - 5 points



Examples (Avatars): X

Examples (Banners): X

Notes: Supershade is doing this...


Holographic cards:

Price - 4 points

Examples: X X

Notes: I can either holo the image OR card, it won't cost extra, and it doesn't matter.



Price - 2 to 3 points

Examples: X

Description: (Read below)

Notes: These are made by Seth3113. Just add in your description what you want it to look like.




Custom Avatars: TO COME

Regular Avatars: TO COME




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Guest JoshIcy

ok my first time doing a form... so ill give it a shot...


payment:5-10pts each depending on quality..

what i want: 3-7 images of machine monsters, androids or fighting machines....

do what you can... i have a hard times finding these pics myself....

total payment: about 15-70....


ooh and i did see the form but its boring, ill follow it next time...

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Um, I'll give this form a shot.

Price: Whatever you say after finding the pictures.

Image Details: A few images of T-Rexes and a few images of Zombies plz.


EDIT: Also, can I have a picture of Darth Sidious from Lego Star Wars: The Game plz.

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Ok, here is a couple, kinda hard to find, and I hope this is what you are looking for, and sorry for the long wait:





Payment: That is up to you.


What is T-Rexes? When you tell me, I will find picture of that and zombie images. For the Darth Sideous picture, do you want it like a drawing for a card or something, or like a real actual picture?



Do I have to say this again? Follow the form!

I am a little busy now, but I will have it by tomorrow.


Note: Sorry guys for the long wait...

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