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Katana ◄►

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Hello everyone. Introduction, right? Hmmm... I used to play Yu-Gi-Oh, but I stopped for a long time, because I was busy studying and watching porn.

I enjoy martial arts in general, but my preferences are kung-fu and karate. I think jiu-jitsu is kinda gayish (no offense at all, just my opinion). I like Japan, but I'm not really into animes (weird, ahn? :blink: ). It's more because of their history. I'm fascinated by samurais and stuff.


And I have an iPod. And you don't. Goodbye. See you.


By the way, I know my avatar is weird. It's the best one I found. So don't bother me about it <_<

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Hello, and welcome to YCM.

From now on, your personal life and status will drop down until you get laughed at.


Also, its cool you like karate. Its an awesome sport, and I'm a brown belt (and you are not :P )


So be around, make cards and discuss about everything here.

I would be glad to be your friend :)


And once again, .! ! ! WELCOME ! ! !

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