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Rcox1995's Great Institute of the Fine Art of Dueling!


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Welcome to the GREAT INSTITUTE OF THE FINE FINE ART OF DUELING! Here, there are 4 dorms......


Uria Red (Requirements are 1 star.)

Hamon Yellow (Requirements are 2 stars.)

Raviel Blue (Requirements are 3 stars.)


And, last but not least.....


EXODIA BROWN! (Requirements are 4 or more stars.)


Here you can talk about anything! Just a few guidelines....


No cussing!

No flaming!

No god-modding!


Also, each student who wish to, may have a Duel Spirit!


The list is here:

rcox1995: Jinzo


Also, the first 5 to join who wish to be, will be the Inner Circle of the Mods! They speak about the club on the thread, or in secert with PM.


Also, any others who wish to be, will be the Professors of each dorm. The Professors will be a part of the Inner Circle of the Mods!


The leader of the Inner Circle and the head of the school will be me. Contests hosted by this Institute will be hosted, and duels may occur....on 1 guideline! No FAKE CARDS! Unless, the player who uses it can show me the created card, no FAKE CARDS!


Well, one last thing to say! Have fun, go duel, at school!

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