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OOC: Genesis [Started/ Accepting]


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[quote name='Maple' timestamp='1294371510' post='4916944']
Name: Red Hood
Age: 15
Sex: Female
Allegiance: Organization
Bio: One of the younger Akira she was often picked on. She fought out with pure revenge beating the crap out many she fought. One day She was walking through a forest then a young person appeared she called her Scary and ulgy furious she seek him out never found again. So she is looking for the boy and his family to slaughter.
Personality:Angered easy, Tirless, Sensitive
Akira Type: Warrior
Specialized Technique: Quick Blade movments. Once Mad increase speed and Power. Onc enrage She Turns into a Warrior with a Mask but the mask is her face tell calmed down.

will you take my last app as your own plzzzz? =P
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[quote]Name: Kakoru Zephyr



Allegiance:Genesis (Assassin)
Bio/Personality:Kakoru is calm and calculated, he tries not to show emotion and he dislikes humans. Although he must work for them at times he takes his revenge by stealing their property. Boths his parents were Akira his father was a Necromancer while his mother was an Elementalist. They were assassinated by humans which led to his disliking of
them. He is the youngest member of the Council of Akira. Throughout the territories of Genesis he is famous for doing whatever he has to to finish a mission.

Appearance: http://media.photobu...BlackHair-1.jpg

Akira Type: Necromancer

Specialized Technique: Enveloping Shadows- He manipulates shadows around him and envelopes opponents being/s.

Changed it :D:D:D:D:D

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Maple yours was a short post. Please use many more details, its like righting part of a story, be very descriptive and clarify. OH and also try not to do unnessisary things unless you have reason (If so please elaborate in your post). With what I see in your post it should at least be like 10 lines of why did you start fighting, where exactly are you, fighting text (how you swing, counters, combat dialog, etc.), plus much much more details Im not sure whats really going on in your post I'll delete it because of my reasons but please retype it and post.

Scratch that last part just edit and fix

Oh and Korean, PERFECT (actually maybe a bit much but thats nothing to complain about)
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Yes, Korean I liked the while explicit but vivid thing with Twigs that I can deal with please it creates canon of the attack.

Dark I kind of have to say the 16 are the top of the top and I thought as the RP got further and further down plot wise we could start having people become experts right now your just highly trained and powerful to a fair degree. Also your post is simple and has a character that no ones playing which is fine as long as its a short encounter, uneventful, or clarifies current situation and if so finish the conversation and such so that you can move on,
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Name: Zasuka Factuno
Age: 15
Sex: Female
Allegiance: Church
Bio: Zasuka, strangely, grew up unaware of her Akira heritage. Her father, a necromancer, was a really evil Genisis Akira, and her mother, a Bishop Akira of Church, didn't want Zasuka's childhood haunted by her frightening powers, if they were powerful at all. As such, she lived like an ordinary human girl, happy, peaceful, free. Until her mother was called back to Church to fight again. Zasuka sat waiting on doorstep for ages, waiting, and waiting, for her mother to return.
She never did.
So Zasuka became an orphan, or at least she thought she did. But her father returned, and told her of her heritage, showed her how to use her powers. But, in doing so, he showed her what an evil, cruel man he was, beating her for failing to do a spell properly, and scowling all the time. So Zasuka's first act when he powers were more powerful was take out her father.
They battled for about a week, not stopping to eat, drink, even sleep. To so much as blink during the course of the battle would be to bring more advantage to your opponent. But, finally, Zasuka defeated her father. Tired, exhausted, Zasuka left the battleground, and then found Church, the organization her mother had once been part of. In order to fight against the other evil members of Genisis, she joined up.
Personality: Zasuka is cheerful, and overly optimistic, always looking at the bright side of things. However, she is easy to anger, and when angry, she is mean and acts before she thinks, often attacking others. Whereas when she is happy she defends others, and prefers to plan things before doing them.
Appearance:[IMG]http://img694.imageshack.us/img694/9641/1166843545animegirl1.jpg[/IMG] (Ignore the wings)
Akira Type: Elementalist. Specializes in Wind and Lightning/Electricity
Specialized Technique: Hurricane Toss: Zasuka creates a small orb, created of pure lightning and wind. She tosses it in the air, and it stays suspended. After a second, or whenever Zasuka wills it, hurricanes will shoot out. Along with lightning bolts. Lasts about 5 minutes.
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Okay, your the boss.

Name: Reiko Juniper
Age: 17
Sex: Female
Allegiance: Genisis
Bio: Reiko Juniper was born as the non-identical twin to a boy she has never met, or held in contempt. She hasn't realy though about it, as she was to busy hating her parents for giving her away. She never got over it when she found out that she was not the child of that family. So she ran away. And then, one day, she tryed to commit suicide. But, when she stabbed herself in the hand (she slipped and fell over), she found that she could control her blood. This gave her, not only the chance to hunt those pesky humans, but the tools to find the only person who's blood was near enough to her own to control; her twin.
Personality: Surprisingly, Reiko has quite a cheery disposition compared to most Akira on the Genesis side. But, she has a room that changes her to a sadistic witch, manipulating people and groteskly malforming them with surgical tools and other things. She is also quite sadistic in her disposition, but the happiest one you'll ever meet.
Appearance: [img]http://www.my-silvermac.com/wordpress/wp-content/images/redhairanime.jpg[/img]
Akira Type: Necromancer
Specialized Technique: From two slits in the palms of her hands she can use her blood as a weapon, sheild, bullet catcher, and much more. She can also self heal quite quickly. But, if there is not enough blood in her system for to long, she may suffer a stroke, go into a comatosed state, or even die. The process is more tiering the longer it is used, and she could lose control, making her bleed to death.

Name: Hadrian Juniper
Age: 17
Sex: Male
Allegiance: Church
Bio: Hadrian Juniper was born the non-identical twin of a girl that he has tryed to find since she was givern away. He was so upset when he found out that he was the twin of someone that could not be found he left to try and find her. On the way he joined an organiseation that helped him through this difficult period; The Church. He was so gad that he had found her, but he stayed hidden. When he heard of her intentions, he was distrought. He now knew why she was givern away, and never wished to know her. But, whilst he was their, he saw her powers, and found his blood being drawn out of him. He knew that only the church could help him now. But, the unerving thing was that his powers were also necromantic, so most church members do not trust him. This is undeserved, as he has looked to the church for guidence through a tough time, and now he will pay them back whatever way he can.
Personality: Hadrian is a troubled soul, but this has not kept his spirits down. He is always trying to make his powers better, and advance on calming techniques. But, he can be very sacremental, and is depressed at times when he remembers seeing his twin like that.
Appearance: [img]http://silverinessimage.webs.com/photos/anime%20boys/boy1.jpg[/img]
Akira Type: Necromancer
Specialized Technique: Shadow Orbs: Hadrian can create orbs (30 cm diametre), that at whatever angle you look at them, they seem to have a thick purple outline with a large balck centre and white lightning elxploding out of it and hitting the surface at random intervals. Deoending on what he does, they can heal him (aborbed by himself), take control of, maim or kill an enemy (absorbed by anyone else) or use an object for anything (absorbed by an object). They make an awsome projectile explosive, but he can only use them continuously for 30 minuits, or he risks comatosis. But, he takes the greatist risk if he absorbs it and uses it to increas his power. Though he becomes impervious to harm, and can do numerous things in this inhanced state, his mind can onlu take 5 minuits before cracking up.
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