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Forever Quest (Always accepting)


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"The land of the Everwalkers is a strange place. Always shifting and moving and... transforming. The Life of an Everwalker is harsh, always called upon, always moving and changing, a bit like the land itself. But although it is rough we must honour the Sacred Pledge and fulfill our destinies. Although I don't often complain it is hard to leave friends at the end of a quest.The good part of this lifestyle is the Journey and other such 'missions' defeating monsters, catching rogues, fulfilling quests, it is truly the greatest lifestyle."

Spoken by Grand Leader Cajuelid "The King of Quests"

To enter write your character/s (MAX. 3) Joining the Everwalkers and any information from before you think is necessary. (including a nickname) . You can write in First Person or Third Person as long as you give your name. I'll PM you if you were accepted (and you always will be) unless I'm offline in which case someone (to be decided after some people join) else will.

*sigh*. Claustrophobic Tekara was speeding up the mountainside ignoring the magnificent view on his left."I can't wait to join the Everwalkers,' he thought,'Oh why does their HQ have to be so high in the mountains!"

Kataru Wesk was moving silently through the shadows the mountain offered at mid-morning. He got bored and could see no one coming so he took out his drawing book to sketch the magnificent view.

The reception was small and plain,a counter with tests and info on members and some chairs in the corner. A man sat on one of the chairs reading a book. Kataru decided to scare the attendant while she wasn't paying attention."This is gonna be fun," he thought.

"Hello ," whispered Kataru from behing the front desk startling the attendant."Please go round the other side," the attendant respondded cooly."Hiyaaaaa ,"screeched Tekara as he came running into the building. Cries of Woah! Aaaaah! Look out! rebounded through the reception."Sorry ,"apoligised Tekara guiltily," I got over-excited."They left the background tests to the attendant."Your clear," she informed them. They went to their new room as roommates but still in silence.
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