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Betrayal From the Beyond


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Card type: Spell
Spell type: Equip
Rarity: Rare
Increase your opponents life points by 1000 then select and special summon one monster in your oponents graveyard, and equip this card to it. The equiped monster can attack your opponent directly, if you activate this effect no other monster you control can declair an attack. When this card is destroyed destroy the equiped monster. When the equiped monster is removed from the field (exept by this cards effect) your opponent can special summon it on to their side of the field.

Comments on how to improve this card is aprechiated
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[b]Betrayal From the Beyond[/b]
So at first, it gives opponent 1000 LP. It's fine. But then, you can get a free Monster Reborn that makes summoned monster a direct attacker. Sure, other monsters cannot attack, but it still doesn't justify the cost. But maybe giving opponent that monster does. But it's a big maybe. onster Reborn is unbanned, but that's only 1 time thing, as before, it'll be banned again. Cards like Monster Reborn or thus one are bad for game, because they reward bad play and limit opponent's resoruces.
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