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New, small Photomanip


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Original Images:
http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs17/f/2007/129/7/4/Stock_032__by_enchanted_stock.jpg (BG)
http://www.improve-mental-health.com/image-files/depressed-girl.jpg (Focal)

The heart was scratched. Actually made it using a part of a skin tut that Ken faved on DA.
^^To clear this up, it gives descriptions as what to make scars look like ;)^^

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That smudging doesn't fit well at all. 3: The quality is really low too, and the monotoneness is really bad. This is more of a tag than a photomanip. It needs more stocks and variety to be a photomanip. Really, just a stock with a texture over it won't cut. ://
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