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some new card ideas

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Here's a few ideas that hit me yesterday for some interesting effects.

Power Saver

When you Normal Summon a monster, you can decrease it's ATK by 300 to place one counter on this card. During your Main Phase, you can send this card to the Graveyard to increase the ATK of one face-up monster by 300 until the End Phase. This card cannot have counters placed on it by the effect of any other card.

Illusion Machine
Level 2 LIGHT Machine/Effect
ATK/800 DEF/700
When this face-up monster is declared as an attack target, you can negate the attack, and shuffle this card face-up into your Deck. When this face-up card in your Deck is the next card you would draw, your opponent's monsters can declare an attack against this card.

Successor of Light and Darkness
Level 10 DARK Spellcaster/Effect/Fusion
ATK/3600 DEF/2800
2 LIGHT monsters + 2 DARK monsters
This monster can only be summoned by using "Fusion Gate". When this monster is summoned, destroy "Fusion Gate". As long as "Fusion Gate" is in your Graveyard, once per turn, during your Main Phase, you can Special Summon one of the monsters that were removed from play to summon this monster. It's effects are negated.

What do you guys think? rating/OCG fixes welcome (not sure if allowed on the Written Card forum).
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