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Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's, Rise of the Elemental Enforcers | (Not Started/Accepting)


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Name: Renald Alce
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Occupation: Pro Duelist
Personality: Nosey, ignorant, adventurous, yet never satisfyed. Sometimes he will show signs of concern or even care about others, but he usually focuses on how he can become a better duelist.
Appearance: http://images2.fanpop.com/images/photos/5200000/anime-guy-anime-guys-5284778-570-780.jpg
Bio: Renald was a prince, a greatly recognized one at that. He was spoiled beyond belief, while always wanting something…..different. For 7 dull years he spent most of his time trying to excel at a game known as Duel Monsters, which he discovered when he was 7. He would watch shows on dueling, take surveys about dueling, his life was dueling. It was another boring night, when Renald had an idea. He peeked outside his door to check on the guards who had fallen asleep. It was then he made his escape. He then sneaked onto a cargo plane going to his paradise, New Domino City. He arrived there amazed, but he had no money for hotels or food of any kind. He then started to make some cash by entering small tournaments. Eventually he was known as the 9th best duelist in New Domino City.
Principle: Fair Judgment, or Justice.
Ace Card:[spoiler='Justice Soldier Kain'] [img]http://img163.imageshack.us/img163/4084/193063n.jpg[/img][/spoiler]
Deck Type: Justice Soldiers
Deck Strategy: To prevent his monsters from being destroyed by card effects while using mediocre ATK to eat away at their life points. Remove his monsters from play to power up his most powerful monster.
Signature Cards:[spoiler='Cards'][img]http://img163.imageshack.us/img163/4084/193063n.jpg[/img]


Custom Cards: The entire deck. They can be found here: http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/235858-cc-yourdek-justice-soldiers/

P.S. No I am not trying to advertize my cards, just making sure it's fine if I use them.
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