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Turmoil vs. Mr Spaz the Twenty Third© // VOTE NOW


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Best out of 7 votes (first to 4) or most votes in 5 days

Votes must have decent reasoning to be counted

If the vote is based solely on Name or Picture, it won't be counted

Effects should be judged on how useful it is, without being banworthy.


Requirement is that it must be a Tuner.

Winner gets 1 Rep from the loser.



votes: 0




This card can be Special Summoned by removing 2 Vision Counters from anywhere on the Field. When this card is sent to the Graveyard, place 1 Vision Counter on 1 card you control.





votes: 0




While this card is in your Graveyard, you can select 1 Level 4 or lower LIGHT monster you control. Remove from play 1 card of the same name as the selected monster in your Graveyard to Special Summon this card from your Graveyard. When this card is Special Summoned by this effect, remove this card from play when it is removed from the field. Then, send the top 3 cards of your Deck to the Graveyard.

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