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Chuck Norris can ___________

~British Soul~

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The origin of the word "f***" can be traced back to the the time of Chuck Norris. Whenever he would enter a room all who feared him would panic and say "Oh Chuck" Before he proceeded to wipe the floor with them in a single breath. The phrase "Oh Chuck" was then coined as a general cry of warning uttered the very moment before something terrible was to transpire such as a volcanic eruption, a mass genocide or the sighting of Justin Beiber. The phrase "Oh Chuck" as it reached foreign lips took on the new guise of "Chuck" however, still retaining the same meaning of imminent foreboding. It seemed though that when the phrase "Chuck" was bellowed the latent tradegy would seemingly increase in its devistation, almost enraged by the mention of "Chuck" itself. The word "Chuck" then becamse synonymous with bad luck and people became more and more apprehensive about saying it, until one day it vanished from existence. Many many years later in a small diner on the outskirts of Lithuania Chuck Norris came in slowly through the enterance doors, he lifted his head slowly and smiled. Those in the diner froze, the word "Chuck" waited agitatingly within the mouthes of all those in the diner, like the last bullet in a loaded pistol, but only trembling air pierced the lips of those watching in horror. All in the diner that day perished. When news of Chuck Norris's return filtered across the planet a new word came to be, a word of immense forboding inspired by the travesty of the word "Chuck" and so it came to be......"f***".
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