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lets talk sonic and the black knight

Hi-Def Legacy

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[img]http://img651.imageshack.us/img651/9467/320887.jpg[/img] sir lancelot the only card im posting

i hate sir lancelot especially lancelot returns it took me 100 tries to beat that boss oh lancelot shut up about me being a court jester and caliburn shut up would you

king arthur
oh my goodness 12.88 seconds that must be a world record

dark queen
my goodness under 1 minute not world record but the fastest i heard was under 30 seconds how is that possible!

sir gawain
under 24 seconds thats possible but man he loves to gaurd your soul surge.to get 5 stars you have to litterally be impervious the whole time!

other than that other than excalibur what weapon did you like?
what type of mission did you personally hate? ill tell you this theres 2 mastery stages and collecting rings oh and theres another one chaining enemies.
what enemies did you hate. i have 2 gaint ones and flying stone shooters oh and dont forget the will-o-wisps.

enjoy the talk :lol:

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