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Word DIS-association


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This is a game for all those who love to be random, for all those who love the spur of the moment.

We all know the Game, Word A-sociation, E.G: Dog-Bone-Blood-Red-Anger-Hate-Suffering (lol star wars joke)

WELLLLL this is my game, Word DIS-association. But what is word disassociation I hear you all yelp?

It's very simple:

-You start with a word, and the next person in the thread posts a word that has nothing to do with the word posted by the previous YCM member. But unlike word association the fun does not stop there ohhh no.
-Before you type your new word, in one sentence you must try with all your might, to validate how the word in the last post is connected to the word in the post preceeding it.
-Then after you have written your sentence trying to link the two words you must write: "they are clearly related"
-Then you type your new word and go on your merry way







(there is no word preceeding this one. So I nor the the next person can validate how the words are connected until the third player comes into the game. Only that player can get the ball rolling)
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