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Chillaccino VS -Griffin


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First person to post requirments becomes my opponent

Written Cards only

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First to 5 votes wins

Loser gives 1 rep to winner


[spoiler=Card A]

Koa'ki Meiru Arachnea | *4 | EARTH


During each of your End Phases, destroy this card unless you send 1 "Iron Core of Koa'ki Meiru" from your hand to the Graveyard or reveal 1 Insect-Type Monster in your hand. When this card is Summoned, you can switch all monsters your opponent control to face-up Defense Position. Flip effects are not activated at that time. Once per turn, you can discard 1 card and send 1 Insect-Type monster from your Deck to the Graveyard. You can Tribute this card to Special Summon 1 Insect-Type monster from your hand.

ATK/1900 DEF/500


  • Desgined to work with Spider Archetype
  • Immediately allows you to use all Spiders' effects
  • Is an Insect, so doesn't collide with Spiders
  • Level 4 as most Koa'kis, so can be teched with Summoner Monk even to pure Koa'ki deck
  • Removes threats like Ryko, Hamster and other Flip effects
  • Most Spiders require a number of Insects in Graveyard, so its second effect allows you to essentially dump 2 Insects
  • Its Attribute allows the use of Spiritual Earth Art - Kurogane to abuse the second effect twice a turn
  • Can replace itself with another useful monster after you use it




[spoiler=Card B]

Koa'ki Meiru Pondskater

WATER/Insect - Level 2 - 1000 ATK / 1900 DEF

During each of your End Phases, destroy this card unless you send 1 "Iron Core of Koa'ki Meiru" from your hand to the Graveyard or reveal 1 Insect-Type Monster in your hand. When this card is Summoned or flipped face-up, you can send 1 Insect-Type monster from your Deck to the Graveyard to select up to 2 face-down Spell or Trap Cards on the field. Those cards cannot be activated in response to this card's effect, while this card is on the field, or during the turn this card is removed from the field.


  • It's designed for use with an Insect/Plasma/Monarch Deck I planned before.
  • The effect allows Monarchs/Plasma to be Summoned without threat of Solemn Judgement/Warning/Bottomless.
  • The attribute and effect let you use Mobius and WATER support.
  • The level 2 lets it work with Worm Bait for a quick Plasma.
  • The ATK lets it be Summoned with Mother Grizzly or Howling Insect which gives it a better chance of surviving if your opponent has a bigger threat like Stardust or something (which is when you'd want to tribute for Caius/Raiza - not when it could survive on its own).
  • I included 'flipped face-up' so it can be set and, with that DEF, still work - less dead draw chance.
  • If you're using this with Howling Insect, you'd probably support it with Armored Bee, Worm Bait, Spider Egg and Lair Wire for a fairly strong line-up. It could also viably use Man-Eater Bug, for those nostalgia fans.
  • If you take the Mobius/Mother Grizzly/WATER route, you could also include Moray of Greed, Spiritual Water Art - Aoi and it works with the classic Monarch Frog and Monarch Snowman.
  • They could side between each other, or Pondskater Monarchs could side into/from Frog Monarchs which would be fun.
  • Before anyone says the DEF is too high for a level 2, it's really not important the rest of this stuff is.



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I hope you don't mind. I always include some card notes with my card to explain what they do/what Deck uses them so that people don't miss important combos and so that people can judge with a stronger basis for their vote. If only I did it, it'd be a bit obvious who made which, so I've added it to the requirements. Any problems?

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As this is the first 1v1 of the new year (I suppose lol), I'll give the first vote. Anyway, on principle I usually hate Koa'ki Meirus because of their dependence on Iron Core, but you both circumvented that with the Insect requirement (like most Koa'ki Meirus do). Actually, this is quite the contest. Both cards are very good and fulfill what they set out to do, and I couldn't find any OCG errors. This could easily go either way. My choice, however, is Card B only because it is searchable and very easily combos with other cards and can easily get other cards on the field. Very well done to both of you.

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I must admit I don't know of this Archetype very well, but I've had a little look.


Something about the written card format makes me not want to read it, but they deserve the votes.


I can't judge in detail, so I'll just give the reasons I can for my choice.


Although both good, I chose Card B.




It's more versatile, being more useful in a few more decks than Card A, its also a tad bit more creative in my opinion - you can send 1 Insect-Type monster from your Deck to the Graveyard to select up to 2 face-down Spell or Trap Cards on the field. Those cards cannot be activated in response to this card's effect - I find that effect to be quite original at least (originality doesn't always count for much, but I think it adds to it here).


Card A's stats and level is more in-keeping with the archetype, but that isn't a big factor as the requirement doesn't really have a need for close association to existing cards.


Not many reasons, but its the best I can do as I don't know the type well, Card B.




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