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YCM: The Roleplay


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"Alright then, I'll be in the air." he said, then pulled onto the reins of the dragon, and it immediatly rocketed into the air. Soon, he could see the two figures of Atman and the man in black. He also saw someone flying in the air towards them to. He didn't know who he was. He flew faster towrds the man and saw that it was Chaos Sonic. "Hey there, Chaos!" he exclaimed to Chaos Sonic in the air, wind flowing past him as he flew to catch up to Chaos Sonic. Obviously, they were both tailing Atman and the man in black. "You think that guy Atman's tailing is Phantom Roxas?" he asked loudly to Chaos Sonic. It probably wasn't anyone else, and as his bird flew faster to catch up to Atman, he couldn't help but wonder one specific thing: What's happening to YCM?
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Looking in the Air, Serenity did not hear is name being called by Atman. His focus was now only one focus: To hunt down and kill YCMaker and his mods for the Treachery and Destruction they had caused to the innocent members of YCM. Anyone that could see Auras could see a menacing, huge Aura that was surrounding Serenity as his whole being was filling more and more with Hate.[i]They will pay for everything that you have caused. If they ban me, I will come back, only much more Stronger.[/i] Flying around, he say the first mod he was going to Destroy. Opening his hand, it caught fire. As his hand was on fire, he launched it at the Mod, Pika.
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Nashiki had to think for a moment about Lora's request, it'd be slightly difficult since Nashiki herself had not been there. "Excuse me while I delve into FFR's mind for the location of the said location." Nashiki placed her hand on her head and started to concentrate. "I have the location in mind and I will indeed be able to teleport us there." Nashiki said as a circle of shadows and darkness surrounded them. suddenly the shadows rose up and sight was now taken away from all in the darkness. It seemed like only a few moments but the group was successfully in Jake's apartment, outside the lab. "I must make the request that while my body is here you refer to me as Nashiki. Being called that fool is ridiculously absurd." Nashiki said and then went to stand in a corner of the room.
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He saw Serenity launch the fire ball at Pika, knowing full well that with her looking down at her messenger she would be defenseless. Without a second thought, he ran and tackled Pika out of the way, and drew his pistol and took aim. He had his sights dead center on Serenity. "You son of a bi[b][/b]tch. Why would you just attack a defenseless person?" He demanded of Serenity. His pistol was loaded, and he hoped he didn't have to use it. But if he did, he was a killer shot.
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When Serenity saw that some idiot help Pika dodge his hand, he sent his hand to come back to him. After all, it was pointless to lose what was wasted. As his hand reformed, he felt the bullet go through him, as it was intended to kill him. As soon as the bullet hit him, the amulet activated, sealing the wound almost as fast as it was created. Flexing his hand, he Flew down to meet to face his opponents. Serenity wanted to kill Pika as fast as possible, but this man just made that slightly Difficult. [i]Might as well face them and show them who will be delivering their Punishment[/i]" How dare you Protect this monster of a person when all they are doing is destroying YCM?" Serenity said as he pointed to the other person. "You will be killed by them, Did you Know? They are behind the Earthquakes and The Tower being attacked. Now, move out of my way or you will face her fate as well."
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[quote name='The CandyMan' timestamp='1295757992' post='4953565']
When Serenity saw that some idiot help Pika dodge his hand, he sent his hand to come back to him. After all, it was pointless to lose what was wasted. As his hand reformed, he felt the bullet go through him, as it was intended to kill him. As soon as the bullet hit him, the amulet activated, sealing the wound almost as fast as it was created. Flexing his hand, he Flew down to meet to face his opponents. Serenity wanted to kill Pika as fast as possible, but this man just made that slightly Difficult. [i]Might as well face them and show them who will be delivering their Punishment[/i]" How dare you Protect this monster of a person when all they are doing is destroying YCM?" Serenity said as he pointed to the other person. "You will be killed by them, Did you Know? They are behind the Earthquakes and The Tower being attacked. Now, move out of my way or you will face her fate as well."

OOC: I never actually shot off the pistol.
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Lora was happy to hear that her request would be possible, as there wasn't a lot of other options, and thanked Final Fantasy. When the shadows lifted high above their heads she leaned down and whispered in her father's ear that everything would be okay now and that they were going to get him some help. Next thing she knew they were back at home and the female who'd taken over Final Fantasy's body explained that she would prefer to be called 'Nashiki' while out. Nodding her head Lora replied, "Oh! Of course Fina . . . I-I mean . . . Nashiki. Thank you so much for getting us back here, you're welcome to stay and help yourself to anything we have."

"Andrew! Katie!" the teenager barked loudly standing up and swiftly moving over to the doorway leading to the secretive area everybody had been in before. Over what sounded like an intercom the monotone voice of Andrew replied, "Down in the tech division Lora, what do you need?"

"Katie calling in," the female from the front counter said on a different frequency, "From the level of alertness in your voice something is troubling you. What is the emergency?"

"Dad's been very badly injured and we need to get him into isolation and have his vitals stabalized before it's too late," Lora replied, stunning Nishaski with how well and precise she gave orders. The door opened up to show some more people that Final Fantasy had noticed on his last trip here and they walked up beside their unconcious master before picking him up, blood trailing as they carried him to the medical room. Once her father was out of sight Nishaki could see Lora bitting her knuckle in worry, her mind fighting back the urge to imagine the worst possible outcome.


Chibi Lora had been trailing behind Tyler for a while, slowly falling behind as his two mighty dragons flapped their wings and increased their speed ever so slightly. The wing kicked up by the beating monstrosities was pushing her back even more, yet before they completely lost her she managed to grab onto one of their tails and hold on for her tiny life, "Tyler can you please slow down!"

Her voice, by the time it reached Tyler, probably sounded like a small bird's cheeps so it was understandable that he never replied. Frowning for once Chibi Lora began to hard task of pulling herself along the dragon's tail until she reached it's hind legs. By then Tyler had already caught up to Atman and was yelling at him.
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Nashiki looked around the apartment, there was nothing to interesting to her; nothing that she could steal that would be useful to her. Nashiki noticed Lora had begun to become nervous of the outcome of her fathers health. "Do not worry, your father will be ok and they you'll be...well, doing the things you normally do with him." This was difficult for Nashiki, she'd never actually comforted someone before; she was always out for herself: stealing, killing, and fighting for the things she wanted. FFR was the most connected with these people but he was unable to be brought back at the moment, so Nashiki would have to do.
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Lora plopped down on the couch and let out a big sigh. She knew Nishaki was trying to help but the truth was she wasn't doing a very good job. Curling up in a ball Lora always thought her father was almighty or at the very least extremely powerful, but seeing him like that shocked her. He was bleeding so much she thought he'd die any minute if he wasn't being taken care of . . . she still thought he might die without ever waking back up. 'In a true fight you put your life on the line. You go all out until your body breaks and then you still keep pushing until the last flicker of your life' he had once told her during practice, teaching her how to fight with all of her power, but she never thought he was being serious. [i]"How could he have gotten so beat up fighting one Mod? Didn't dad say he'd gone against them before?"[/i] Lora thought before looking up at Nishaski, "Fina- Nishaki . . . how many Mods [i]are[/i] there?"
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She looked over her messager, someone telling her to kill others, immediately. She rolled her eyes, giving off an exaggerated "hmph" noise. "I have a better idea." she clicked her messeger off.

Look over the damaged war zone, her eyes surveyed the scene. She put her hands towards her mouth in a "cupping" motion. She took in a deep breathe, then suddenly felt it escape her.

"H-hey!" she looked up to see her attacker, the man she had responded with a thumbs up. She attempted to push the assailant off of her, but he had gotten up before she got the chance. Propping herself back up, she placed her hands slightly behind her, then performed a quick backflip that got her back to her feet. Dusting herself off, she suddenly remembered she was wearing a skirt and hoped no one had seen anything. Her face had a faint shade of pink before turning back to her normal angryness.

The tips of Pika's fingers ignited with electricity. Her short brown hair stood up, pushing the yellow hood she wore slightly up.

"Just what the hell is this all about!?" She looked at Candyman, hearing him speak. Her spark storm was dying down as she listened to his words "You think us mods-" as she said that, her left hand came to touch her chest, a small lingering spark shocked her, but she quickly got over it. "Had something to do with blowing up the general section?"

She held her banhammer in a defensive manner. "This is HAMMER, not a bomb. Not an earthquake machine. What the hell makes you think we were involved in this? Do you have even the slightest bit of proof or are you just talking out of your ass?"
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Serenity shook his head and ignored what Pika said. "I will now remove those that dare harm the life of others here at YCM. You mods are all the same, thinking have the right to run YCM and do whatever you want, with acknowledging the consequences that are bond to follow." In his mind, Serenity kept replaying the seen with Atman being attacked by JoshIcy. "Goodbye, and may you have a swift death." he said as he began to walk forward towards Pika. [i]I will show all these mods, even if it will kill me![/i] Pulling out Martha, he pointed it at Pika as he walked close towards her, with the intent to remove her very being from existance.
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With her hammer at the ready she let out a faint shrug. "You've been given a chance to explain yourself, but if you choose to not take it that's your own business."

She readied a strike with her left hand, a storm of sparks could be seen shooting off of them. In her right was the banhammer. I assume "Martha" is a weapon of some sort, but can not make any further comments about until more information is presented.

The female TCG moderator rushed forward, doing fairly well with avoiding strikes from "Martha". When she was within striking distance, using her hammer, she faked a hammer shot with her right, before shooting lightning out with her left.

If Candyman struck for her right, he'd be hit with the Thundershock attack, and the TCG mod would also likely take a bit of damage, considering how she fired it at point blank range. If Candyman struck her left, it would be likely her hammer hit it's mark, and his warn level increased, 'suspending him' in midair and not allowing him to move, giving the girl the chance to either finish him off or let him yell threats or something. If Candyman had super 1337haxx0rz and manged to block both attacks, it would be likely that Beata Persequenda would have to step up and give her a hand.
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Nashiki just looked at Lora for a moment, she didn't know that answer either. This world wasn't hers and she wasn't going to pretend it was. She placed her hand on her forehead once again and delved into FFR's mind for a second time. "There are sixteen official moderators. However, there are also former former moderators who have probably retained their moderator powers." Nashiki said, giving her best answer to the question but not knowing any real information on the subject didn't help her answer. "Why do you ask?" She said, thinking that she was planning something she shouldn't be.
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Lora didn't answer, she was too deep in thought. If there was sixteen Mods and her dad had just finished fighitng one of them, easy math stated there was fifteen more. Phantom Roxas, Flame Dragon, Ubmra, Airspace, Falling Pizza, Crab Helmet, Marble Zone, Opalmoon, XxShaiudsxX, Yankee and Yin were all Mod names which she had remembered her father mentioning. She didn't even know the number was more than that, or who was still an active mod, but she knew he'd had personal friendships with some of them. [i]"Could the Mods really be doing this?"[/i] she questioned to herself trying to remember the faces of each Mod she'd ever been introduced too. She could distinctly remember Phantom Roxas, Shadiu and Airspace and knew some of them wouldn't seem like the person to do such a vial thing. Sighing she stood up and looked at Nishaki, "I don't think all of the Mods are the cause of the earthquake, if any, or the attack on General Ruins."
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OOC: Lolz, I guess my name's Beata. :PP

IC: Beata watched the mod and the man fight. The mod had a hammer, that was a slight advantage, but the man was smart, Beata knew he was up to something. Beata let out a sigh and reached into his pack and fished out a joint. He stuck it in his mouth and lit it. He took a deep breath, holding in the smoke for about 7 seconds, then letting out. He set his pack down and stuck the joint back in his mouth. He set down his pistol near his bag and pulled his kuriki out of it's sheath, starting to flip it around and swing it. He wanted to fight. Moments later, the euphoria of the weed kicked in, his vision started to become more of snap shots of what he was seeing, he gained some energy, felt weightless and became numb in his shoulders slightly, making his jacket feel weird against his upper body. He was ready for a full on fight now. He grinned, joint still poking out of his mouth. The man was a threat, and he was going to wipe him out if the mod couldn't handle it.
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Nashiki was going to pat Lora on the shoulder but was suddenly thrown back by an unknown force. She hit the wall hard and was slammed into it twice more. "Ugh." She sounded off and slowly go to her feat, he touched her head by was slammed against the wall again. "Lora, can you fight!?" Nashiki said and walked over to her and grabbed her hand without waiting for an answer. Suddenly both of them disappeared and were suddenly placed inside of an ancient looking temple. "Look!" Nashiki said and pointed to a wall where the body of FFR was chained tightly to it; his body beaten down and unconscious. Through the right wall another man was thrown and slid on his feet past Lora and Nashiki. He stood up and nodded at Lora. "Vayne Krieger, nice ta meet ya." If Lora thought back hard enough she'd probably realize that Vayne was the form that FFR took when they were in training together. A new man, in which Lora had never seen before, stepped into the room through the hole Vayne's body made. "Well, well." He said softly yet darkly. The man had long blood red hair in strands and somewhat spiked at the top of his head, that complimented his blood red eyes. Bits of a mask made of bone showed on the left side of his face and also as horns on his head. He was wearing all white cloths which included puffed white pants, and open white jacket that he never wears a shirt under and black shoes. "Outside help should be illegal don't you think...." He said and then smirked at them. "Shut the hell up." Vayne said and then stood back up.

[spoiler=A pic if ya can't gather what I mean.][IMG]http://i326.photobucket.com/albums/k405/FFRVII/Espada_by_juhaihai.jpg[/IMG][/spoiler]
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To be honest, Pika was doing better than Serenity had originally thought. [i]No matter, I will show her how wrong her mistake was for actually trying to not let me strike her down for her Crimes!!![/i] Holding Martha in his left hand to block the hammer, he switched the structure of his right hand into a jagged blade of molten candy. Using this new "hand", he attempted to strike Pika's right side. As soon as his hand was going for her side, He felt like a small bolt of Lightning hit him. Stepping back, he saw that her left hand had shot out some sort of electric based attack.[i]I should have known from the costume she was wearing that she would pull off some kind of trick like this.[/i]

"Ha Ha Ha, It looks like you score a point. Let me assure you that will be the last time you strike me!" When he said this, Serenity's body looked like it fell to the ground, but he was in fact combining some of the earth with his Candy body. Due to his ability to manipulate candy, he could add other "ingredients" without destroying the candy. He know tasted like Dirt, but was still candy nonetheless.

Standing back up, he began applauding Pika.
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"What the hell is your problem? I mean, other then being a frogging idiot?" She raised a brow, preparing her final trump card. A literal one in the case. Other then her lightning based attacks, as a TCG mod she had powers over certain cards from a certain card game. Holding her banhammer in the right hand, she placed the left one on the small of her back, a bit of a submissive pose. Nevertheless, should he try something peculiar during her monologue, she'd be ready.

"You think mods blew up the general section? What makes you so sure? And what makes you think I had anything to do with it? I've seen plenty of regular members, just like you, with higher post counts who still spammed and trolled and got themselves banned. Does that mean I should be grouping you in with all these other stupid n00b trolls?"

Considering how frequently the TCG section had arguments, her ability to debate and present a case was rather well developed. And should debates and other intellectual fights not work, she had more then a few tricks up her sleeve should it come to a fist fight.
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As if on cue Michael dragging the bomb along behind him. "I was planning on taking a nap but you guys are making so much noise I just had to get here. Now Pika will you tell me about this?" He pointed to the bomb but to be more specific the symbol on it. "This bomb was one of the bombs used to blow up Card Maker Tower. It has YCMaker's official symbol. I have a question. Do you know who did this? Quite frankly I don't think somebody would be stupid enough to put their name on a bomb. I want tyo find the creator and slaughter him or her for such a crappy bomb. The thing is a freaking dud." Michael kicked the bomb to prove his point. "See?"
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"Then answer me this: Where were you when people were needed help when the Earthquakes happen and Why are you giving 50% out Warnings to those that are breaking Rules that were invented only 1 Minute ago and not let anybody else know about it, making sure everybody gets 50% Warnings? Not only, but how did you know it was a bomb that hit the Card Tower? No one has recovered anything from there since I just came from there. You must have known there was a bomb before it was set off!" Serenity knew Mods had their ways with words and could use them to their advantage.
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"Napping." She smirked, running a hand through her hair. "I'm not at YCM's beck and call just because I'm a mod you know. I have a life outside of being a moderator here. Did you know I practiced ballet in my spare time?"

Balancing on the tip of one foot, she performed a quick pirouette, twirling with the greatest of ease and once again forgetting she was wearing a shorty short skirt. As she finished, an odd stare and a temporary lack of balance was the only hint of dizziness she showed.

"As for 50% warns, I can't really comment but I know I haven't given out any warns lately. I did ban a guy a little while back though." She scratched her cheek with a spare hand, before getting to his final question.

"As for the bomb, I heard it all the way from the TCG section. We all did." She looked around before picking up a scrap piece of metal off the ground. "Loud explosion noise. Mass destruction. I put 2 and 2 together." She casually tossed the metal scrap to the ground.

"Unless you happen to know... a little too much about what happened here." it seemed the interrogation had been reversed. "You seemed awfully persistent in trying to scare away the mods of this place. And pretty strange you claim you just came from there, and are perfectly fine. How do I know you had no involvement in what transpired here?"

(OOC: Wow, I completely missed that 6 Shot spoke to me. >_>)

Feeling she had unnerved Candyman enough, she then set up Six Shots in her sights.

"I've never seen that thing before in my entire life. However, I will say the logo is a dead give away that its a frame job. It's as you say, no one would be stupid enough to leave their name on a bomb. Clearly someone who thinks... less of your intelligence is at play here..."

She ran a her right hand through her hair, slipping the card back up her sleeve. It seemed she wouldn't need it after all.

"Consider you think I'm guilty and all, I'd say our mysterious saboteur was correct." A light chuckle escaped the young lady, as she held her banhammer at the ready.
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Atman finally caught up to the enigmatic man in the nobody cloak, just as they arrived at the old YGT building. He used one more burst of energy to tackle the man and knock him to the ground. Atman turned him over and saw... That it wasn't Roxas. Well s***. It was actually... Xemnas from Kingdom Hearts??? No, it was a front. Atman smacked the nobody in the face, removing the holographic disguise. It was actually Revolver Amethyst, a moderately well known member. "Amethyst, whatthefuck are you doing here?!"

"Organization business," Revolver replied, "keep out of-"

"The Orgy building's destroyed! Where's Roxas!?"

"Roxas?? He's at the Organization."

"You're a terrible liar! I just told you--"

"Yea well, you were kicked out of the Orgy before you found out about our secret base."

"Secret... Base?"

"[sigh] If you want, I'll take you to see him."

Atman paused for a moment, deciding whether to believe Revolver. Ultimately, Atman got off him and helped him up, but asked one more question. "What about my friends? Can they come too?"

"Jeez, if everyone came, it would be a secret base, would it. But, maybe how's not the time. Only bring a few more people. Say... Four."

"Five then," Atman retorted. He pulled out his messenger, just as Ty and Chibi Lora arrived. "Ty's one." Atman said, and then turned to the little doll, "Chibi Lora, go get real Lora." Atman then PM'd FFR, Serenity, and 6-Shot, not realizing FFR and Lora were conducting their own plan, or that 6 and Serenity were arguing with Pika.

[TO: Final Fantasy Revolution]
[CC: NoBeginning, The CandyMan]
[Get over to the YCM Grand Toutnament building ASAP. Questions later.]

(OoC: Pika, Serenity, and 6-Shot, I want your argument to last as long as possible. EDIT: [s]Pika, try to get your double crossing into motion.[/s] You're doing fine. :D )

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Lora had been in a small depression following finally getting her father back to the house, with aid from Nishaki of course. Nishaki had been thrown into the apartment wall twice and before she was able to do anything to assist her they'd both been transported to somewhere only Nishaki could recognize. Looking around Lora now found herself on some short of astral battlefield surrounded by complete emptiness. Fate not allowing her mind the time to recoil from the sudden teleportation, the exploding noise of a man coming through a wall reached her ears. Sliding beside Lora and Nishaki she'd recognized the man from earlier, but could not place his name until he said it, "Vayne w-whats going on here?"

"Well . . . well," Lora heard someone say softly in the direction Vayne had come from. Glaring upwards she could see the man who'd caused the damage walking through the hole. Stopping he merely smirked at Vayne before speaking, "Outside help should be illegal don't you think?"

Responding as he stood Vayne readied himself to fight, Lora not understanding the situation . . . but knowing that the guy with red eyes definately wasn't helping her get back home. Anger and rage filling her mind she stepped in front of Vayne and asked, "Is he the reason I'm here?"


"Because Serenity was with us ma'am," a small voice called out beside Pika and a blue light burst beside her. Floating freely Chibi Lora smile, waved, and greeted the Mod happily. Zipping to be right in front of her the miniature told Serenity that he shouldn't've attacked a Mod without probable cause before returning her attention to Pika, "Please forgive Serenity for any unfavorable transgressions."

Bowing Chibi Lora acted humble to get on the Mod's good side. But how odd events had turned out for the paper golem. Summoned to find Atman and get Jake home, she had no way of knowing that her mission was moot. Ridding on the hind legs of Tyler's pet dragon she was finally blown off . . . only to find 6 and Serenity arguing with [i]another[/i] Mod! At least now she could try and get some help, if only she could convince Pika not to fight them, "But I can assure you Serenity or 6 couldn't be the culprit behind the explosion at the Card Making Tower. We were no where near it when it occured."
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Mecha Pedobear exited jail and thanked the guard as he passed by.
[i]Why did Marble just request my freedom like that?[/i] he wondered, [i]This is suspicious. All this shaking was going on while I was in jail, and now it appears that there's been an attack on General City. I'll have to leave. Maybe go to Music City to clear my head of all this. But for now, I need to find out something.[/i]
Mecha walked down the street to find the ruins of the Card Maker Tower.
A look of shock overcame Mecha's face.
"What is this?!" he yelled aloud hoping someone would hear, "Hello! Is anyone there? Who did this to General, and how can I get out of this hellhole?!"
Mecha stood and waited.
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(OOC: i'll asume you meant "couldn't be the culprits")

Pika at first seemed alarmed to find a blue light burst, but her shock and awe quickly melted away as quickly as it seemed to appear.

"You're awfully 'near it' now. How would I know you hadn't just come from the tower?" A casual smirk as she placed her hands on her hips. "Honestly," she looked at 6 Shot. "The delinquent who thinks it's fun to spam in the status feed" eyes turned to Candyman "the guy who has no qualms against attacking moderators" eyes then at... whoever Chibi Lora was. "and a little kiss ass trying to get on a mod's good side." Pika cocked her head, her bangs falling over her eyes. "And somehow you all think I'm the most suspicion one in this group?"

"Other then a logo on a bomb, an obvious frame job, I don't see where you guys get off blaming the staff for this." It seemed she was unaware of what exactly JoshIcy had done, and perhaps they were as well since I didn't honestly read that section. >_>
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