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What is the point of this thread? It is a strategy on how to achieve the absolute highest ATK value on a monster in a dedicated deck.

1) Possibly the easiest way to achieve the highest possible ATK on a monster is with Winged Dragon of Ra and an infinite Life Point loop.

2) Another method of achieving maximum ATK that does not involve any loops is the Chimeratech Overdragon deck.
[spoiler=Deck List]NOTE: This will result in ALOT of dead draws and is highly inconsistant.

45 Normal Machine-Type monsters
3 CyDra
3 Winged Kuriboh

1 Power Bond
1 Heart of the Underdog
1 Limiter Removal
3 The Flute of Summoning Kuriboh
1 Philosopher's Stone - Sabatiel
1 Future Fusion
1 Overload Fusion

Now, before you point it out, yes this does use an Anime Card but it's do-able in Tag Force games which is the main reason I'm posting this.
Lazy way:
1. Play Future Fusion dumping all machines into the Grave for CED.
2. Overload Fusion them for a monster with 38400 ATK. (now your deck size is only 12 lol)

Amazing way:
1. Play Flute of Summoning Kuriboh to get a Kuriboh on the field.
2. Have it destroyed than activate Philospher's Stone - Sabatiel to search out another Flute of Summoning Kuriboh
3. - Repeat Steps 1 and 2 twice more - Now search your deck for Heart of the Underdog.
4. Play Heart of the Underdog and hope you don't get wrecked from Direct Attacks.... - end turn -

Note: by this point your opponent should have about 4-5 monsters on their side of the field. 5 is best so it may be necessary to stall out the first turn.

5. Draw lots of Machines (Hopefully close to all of them) via Heart of the Underdog's effect. (To decrease the chance of unwanted spells or traps, you can always remove the failsafe Future Fusion and Overload Fusion) Hopefully you draw into Philospher's Stone for the last and most important time.
6. Activate Power Bond on x number of Normal Machine-Type monsters you drew with at least 1 Cyber Dragon to make CED and thus doubling it's base ATK.
46 x 800 = 36,800 x2 = 73,600
7. Activate Limiter Removal thus doubling it's ATK once more
73,600 x 2 = 147,200
8. Activate Philospher's Stone a final time multiplying it's ATK by the number of monsters your opponent controls (works best with 5 monsters).
147,200 x 5 = 736,000
9. Attack for lots of damage.
NOTE: Before the deck limit was shrunk to 60 from 80, this method could have raised Chimeratech's ATK to over 1 million.

What other ways can you think of to have monsters with lolatk?
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Gateway of the Six + Any bushido counter gaining card + Legendary Six Sam Mizohu + Shinai = Infinite Attack Points on your guys and every monster in your deck in your hand and field and have also destroyed all your opponents cards on the field.
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