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VanitusG's Sig Showcase

.::Kisuke Urahara::.

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[center][b]Here is a Showcase of most of the sigs I have made so far. Some are requests and most are thought of by me. Also, these are on Pokecharms.com too.
You are aloud to use the ones that don't already have someone else's username on them BUT [color="#FF0000"]credit to me is required[/color].
I would also love some good ole' CnC![/b][/center]

[spoiler=Usable Sigs]


Here are the sigs that were requested and already have usernames on them.

[spoiler=Requested Sigs]

~Thanks for viewing.
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Well, your tags surely have some atmosphere, but they lack all the basics, such as depth, flow etc...
Your lighting isn't good and most of the renders you have used are badly rendered...
Finally, I think the text should be smaller and not so fancy. Usa a simple font and perhaps a Gradient or a Clipping mask...
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