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Ceaseless Clash of Hadora [Accepting/Started/PG-13]

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[quote name='Itacђi' timestamp='1294093775' post='4909579']
Name: Itachi
Age: unknown
Personality: Agressive fighter, Arrogant
Likes:Being at the Top, Training, Cake
Dislikes: Being Insulted, Having supriors
Fears: Losing
Powers: Strength (muskle), Layzors >:U, flight
Weaknesses: Arrogant
Power Grid Score: [s]Over 9000! [/s]
Strength: 7
Speed: 5
Durability: 3
Energy Projection: 9
Fighting Skills: 9
Bio: A project designed to bring peace, he escaped and began hating his very creators (lol hates Creator). His fighting capabilties are in a differnt league. However, he has porblems accpeting his limits an other people as social equals. He also likes eating cake

Lol its a saiyan :3

The max stat you can have for a skill is 7.
And you can only distribute up to 28 points among all the skills.
And for each 6 points you use, you must have a weakness.
Try again Itachi.
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[quote name='Itacђi' timestamp='1294093775' post='4909579']
Name: Itachi
Age: unknown
Personality: Agressive fighter Careful Planner
Likes:Being at the Top, Cake, Totally insulting others when they are at their best
Dislikes: Being Insulted, Having supriors
Fears: Losing
Powers: Strength (muskle), Layzors >:U, flight
Weaknesses: Isn't able to plan out unexpected details (i.e can't think on his feet). Gets way in over his head. Horrible social skills
Power Grid Score: [s]Over 9000! [/s]
Strength: 4
Speed: 2
Durability: 1
Energy Projection: 7
Fighting Skills: 6
Bio: [s]He leiks cake[/s]
A simple foot soldier who went AWOL, he began hating the very supriors who put in a bad place. He was forced to decided between his family or hisself and decided to escape. Angry at his own weakness, he began to help others in similar positions.

Lol its a saiyan :3

The Power Grid's better, but if your intelligence is a 7, there's no way you would have a weakness where you can't think on your feet, you're omnipotent.
Gets way in over his head isn't specific enough and doesn't mean anything in a fight as there's no specified way to take advantage of it.
Also, horrible social skills means nothing in a fight.
Since you used 27 points, you need 4 weakness by the way >.>
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[quote name='BlackSkullCortez' timestamp='1294095251' post='4909656']
Nex, you're saying that an all-knowing person can't think on his feet...
And he can't fly faster than a normal person runs...
And that he can only fire lasers, yet he can control all forms of energy...

Itachi, please ignore this.
You ninja'd me.

You said Nex..... >.<

And at this rate, I refuse to let Itachi join this RP without seeing an RP sample. >:I
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"This doesn't make any sense." Shusen grumbled as he read over enemy formation pictures

"It's way too perfect. At any rate, I need some sleep" Shusen spoke softly as he trudged over to his cot. Before long, he out like a light..and susceptible to his string of relentless nightmares.

By the time he awoke, he discovered his plans had been rearranged and misplaced. He scurried over to his work table and discovered his papers with his eligible scribbles missing.

"Sh*t. Can't even take a flipin nap without..." His voice trailed off. Suddenly, he remebered one important fact.[i] Only two people knew of my location, and one of them is dead[/i]. He launched out of his seat and out the door; in pursuit of the theif who stole his ever-important notes

[hr] I told, I rarely do rp's so don't be a harsh judge >.>
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And here's my 3rd app.
Yes, I did. Bite me.

[b]Name[/b]: Cortez
[b]Aliases[/b]: Adaptoid MKI, Energy Infinity
[b]Age[/b]: 15
[b]Personality[/b]: Cocky, he likes making bad puns and talking to dead machines. He doesn't like guidance, and always tries to do things his way, without any regrets. Of course, he loves friends to accompany him, and he hates Gravix.
[b]Likes/dislikes/fears: [/b]
[spoiler=Likes] Chili Dogs
Fighting, practice or actual combat
Comedy, including his bad puns[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Dislikes] Friends getting hurt
Friends under bad influence
Being slowed down or constantly guided[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Fears] Killing in general.
[b]Appearance[/b]: [spoiler=Excuse me if oversized][img]http://cdn.zoknowsgaming.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/zkgsonic.jpeg[/img][/spoiler]
[b]Powers[/b]: [spoiler=Powers]
Cortez can only run up to about 300 mph and maintain constant speed. However, he can run or charge a spin dash in place to go faster for a split second.
He has all the capabilities and techniques of Sonic the Hedgehog (only from adventure 2 and colors. No items).
Cortez's unique ability is his Energy Harness: he can absorb almost any energy that is disconnected from the user if it is almost still and not harmful, like leftover flames, energy left on a weapon, etc. Cortez gains unique abilities from each one, but it does not change his basic speed or strength. These power ups only last for up to 10 seconds, and he cannot harness more than one form of energy at a time. However, he cannot absorb Chakra (he can absorb the element separately), Alchemy Energy, or any user-specific energy (he can absorb any other specific energies, like Darkness from an evil person). He also cannot absorb them directly from life forms, making it impossible for him to use Nature Energy. Cortez, however, can still extract things from Wind, dead trees, and a few other things involving nature.
Cortez also has a Biosuit. It attaches to his body and can change at his thoughts, although it can only move as fast as his basic attacks. It can be made into blades, wings, and even a Gear (See Sonic Riders). The Gear and Wings make him capable of going at Super Sonic Speeds. Although the suit itself cannot break, the portions are connected to his nervous system, making him still fell pain. It can be detached, though.[/spoiler]
[b]Weaknesses[/b]:[spoiler=Weaknesses] Cortez, like Sonic, is unable to swim. If he is facing an opponent in water, he faints in less than 1 minute (without necessarily drowning), moves slower, and is unable to use most of his attacks (Homing Attack). He also cannot absorb energy in the water, making him almost useless. He is not affected like this in the rain, only when in bodies of water, or suspended in a liquid.
Cortez's personality also serves as a weakness: he is a reckless individual. He usually likes to fight any individual by himself in their first encounter, and only allows allies to fight with him if he knows that he needs them. However he prefers to fight by himself. Also, he tends to use attacks he likes and ignores weaknesses unless he faces a formidable ally. Almost all the time, unless he knows to be cautious, he fights head-on.
Cortez is also unable to break through armor, even if his Biosuit shapes into a sword. He is very physically weak, although he can deal more damage if moving at high speeds. However, this does not change the fact that he cannot fight heavy enemies that need to take heavy hits very well. Machines are the only exceptions, since he can absorb the circuitry's electricity.
Cortez is also very incapable of stopping. If he charges at a spiked wall, the only thing that can really protect him is his Biosuit.
The Biosuit is also able to be detached in the presence of Cortez feeling too much fear, fatigue, or rage. He normally keeps himself in check, but he tends to lose it when his childhood is mentioned, or when people are prejudice against failed experiments.[/spoiler]
[b]Power Grid Score:[/b]
Intelligence: 5
Strength: 3 (lighter than most humans)
Speed: 5
Durability: 4
Energy Projection: 6
Fighting Skills: 5
Total: 28
[b]Bio[/b]: [spoiler=Bio]During the Genetic Wars, Cortez was stolen from his family as a baby as one of the first genetic experiments: an experiment to see how well people can harness energy, and to see if age changes how much people are affected by the experiments. He survived countless days of torture by energy, but managed to come out with new abilities and a completely new body. However, due to the new form and lack of certain qualities, he was locked away as a failed experiment. However, he escaped with Nightfall, and although he helped with the escape, his uncontrolled speed got him away from the crowd before he knew it. After 30 minutes of running, he found himself at the opposite coast of Hadora, specifically in Karamana Town.
Cortez didn't stick around for long when the rumors broke out about the Gravix Raiders. He started traveling from town to town to avoid them, since one of his companions was obliterated by them in his early childhood. After years of running, he found refuge in Erepto Dunes, only to soon almost kill somebody and left for Sandshore Resort. There, he was almost caught by Gravix Raiders, but was saved by NEBULA and taken to the Infinity Wing.
Nightfall tutored Cortez into controlling his powers, and later gave him the Biosuit to try to make up for his lack of strength, although Cortez's fear of killing did not help make killing weapons with it. Cortez's determination, however, caused him to become the Energy Infinity of the Trinity.[/spoiler]

EDIT: Putting Bio in spoiler.
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[quote name='Itacђi' timestamp='1294097294' post='4909807']
"This doesn't make any sense." Shusen grumbled as he read over enemy formation pictures

"It's way too perfect. At any rate, I need some sleep" Shusen spoke softly as he trudged over to his cot. Before long, he out like a light..and susceptible to his string of relentless nightmares.

By the time he awoke, he discovered his plans had been rearranged and misplaced. He scurried over to his work table and discovered his papers with his eligible scribbles missing.

"Sh*t. Can't even take a flipin nap without..." His voice trailed off. Suddenly, he remebered one important fact.[i] Only two people knew of my location, and one of them is dead[/i]. He launched out of his seat and out the door; in pursuit of the theif who stole his ever-important notes

[hr] I told, I rarely do rp's so don't be a harsh judge >.>

I see some problems.

1. Grammar herez and therez
2. This would never happen in an RP, the character would take one post going to sleep, then some other dude would have to come in and steal, then you wake up (yes, I'm being very nitpicky)

So essentially, it breaks down to this:
"This doesn't make any sense." Shusen grumbled as he read over enemy formation pictures,"It's way too perfect. At any rate, I need some sleep" Shusen spoke softly as he trudged over to his cot. Before long, he out like a light..and susceptible to his string of relentless nightmares.

^1 post

By the time he awoke, he discovered his plans had been rearranged and misplaced. He scurried over to his work table and discovered his papers with his eligible scribbles missing.

"Sh*t. Can't even take a flipin nap without..." His voice trailed off. Suddenly, he remebered one important fact.[i] Only two people knew of my location, and one of them is dead[/i]. He launched out of his seat and out the door; in pursuit of the theif who stole his ever-important notes
But aside from that, it was only a sample, so it's not like that matters as much. Overall, better than I expected.
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