ANBU Posted December 30, 2010 Report Share Posted December 30, 2010 Bleach: War of the RealmsIc Thread [spoiler=Plot]The Soul Society and Hueco Mundo erupt in danger as higher powers decide they want more than their own share of existence. The Aduronians who lived in Aura have decided to take Hueco Mundo, deciding that turning such a dark place to the light would be good for the world, the Atronians however desiring the Soul Society purely to expand their area they live in and eventually get enough of them to overcome the Aduronians and make everywhere in the same living conditions as their home Vorago, wanting to make darkness home to all and cast their rule far out throughout existence. However they didn't expect any resistance from the Soul Society or Hueco Mundo, didn't expect rebellion among their own who prefer those in the other worlds, war between themselves in expansion or even that there might be beings beyond them as two such beings named "Kazuya" and "Lucas" decide to join the battle to keep the balance and keep the need from revealing themselves as they hide among those like them while battling, Kazuya disguising himself among the hollows while Lucas join the Shinigami, when united in battle these two will not only overpower the invading force, but threaten the existence of their opponents. [spoiler=Rules]1 Follow the advanced clause in all IC posts2 Maximum of 3 characters per person, only 1 of them can be a Aduronian or Atronian3 Myself and Techi have final say..4 No Overpowering your characters...5 No asking for Crucis Semino other than by the way listed under the app. [spoiler=Apps][b]Shinigami[/b] Name: Age: Gender: [spoiler=Appearance:] [/spoiler] [spoiler=Bio:] [/spoiler] Personality: Zanpakutou Name: Release Phrase/s: [spoiler=Shikai Appearance:] [/spoiler] [spoiler=Shikai Abilities:] [/spoiler] [spoiler=Bankai Appearance:] [/spoiler] [spoiler=Bankai Abilities:] [/spoiler] [b]Arrancar[/b] Name: Age: Gender: [spoiler=Appearance:] [/spoiler] [spoiler=Bio:] [/spoiler] Personality: Espada: (yes/no, number?) Zanpakutou Name: Release Phrase/s: [spoiler=Resurrecion Appearance:] [/spoiler] [spoiler=Resurrecion Abilities:] [/spoiler] [spoiler=Segunda Etapa Appearance:] [/spoiler] [spoiler=Segunda Etapa Abilities:] [/spoiler] [b]Aduronian[/b] Name: Age: Gender: [spoiler=Appearance:] [/spoiler] [spoiler=Bio:] [/spoiler] Personality: Color: (White/Blue) [white use light powers, blue use water powers] Artifact Name: [spoiler=Artifact Sealed Appearance:] [/spoiler] Summoning Phrase: [spoiler=Abilities] [/spoiler] [spoiler=Summonings] [/spoiler] [spoiler=Angelus Appearance:] [/spoiler] [spoiler=Angelus Abilities:] [/spoiler] [b]Atranian[/b] Name: Age: Gender: [spoiler=Appearance:] [/spoiler] [spoiler=Bio:] [/spoiler] Personality: Color: (Black/Red) [black uses dark powers, red uses fire powers] Artifact Name: [spoiler=Artifact Sealed Appearance:] [/spoiler] Summoning Phrase: [spoiler=Abilities] [/spoiler] [spoiler=Summonings] [/spoiler] [spoiler=Abyssus Appearance:] [/spoiler] [spoiler=Abyssus Abilities:] [/spoiler] [b]Ferans[/b] Name: Age: Gender: [spoiler=Appearance:] [/spoiler] [spoiler=Bio:] [/spoiler] Personality: Artifact Name: [spoiler=Artifact Sealed Appearance:] [/spoiler] Summoning Phrase: [spoiler=Transformations] [/spoiler] [spoiler=Summonings] [/spoiler] [spoiler=Anarchos Appearance:] [/spoiler] [spoiler=Anarchos Abilities:] [/spoiler] [b]Crucis Semino[/b] Name: Age: Gender: [spoiler=Appearance:] [/spoiler] [spoiler=Bio:] [/spoiler] Personality: Artifact Name: [spoiler=Artifact Sealed Appearance:] [/spoiler] Summoning Phrase: [spoiler=Abilities] [/spoiler] [spoiler=Summonings] [/spoiler] [spoiler=Tempero Appearance:] [/spoiler] [spoiler=Tempero Abilities:] [/spoiler] (to become a Crucis Semino you have to have an Atranian or Aduronian app. already posted and accepted, pm the Crucis Semino app. to me and if it's accepted when converting your char. would make sense i will change them or get Techi's Char. to.. after that your power will be similar to ours but less due to being newly converted..) summoning Phrase on Aduronians, Atranians and Crucis Seminos apps is same as release phrase [spoiler=Powers for Aduronians, Atranians & Crucis Seminos]AduronianAngelus Fuga - Angelic Flight - The user grows Large wings from their back made of Light, the pattern of the light on these wings makes it look like large fluffy feathers. These wings allow Flight and some minor protection from attacks, if damaged it takes half an hour for the wing to be able to function properly again. Aqua Scutum - Shield of Water - the user gathers their energy into their forearms before blasting it outwards, moving their hands over it to control it and form it into a large shield of water infront of their hands, held up by a layer of spiritual energy connecting to it from their hands, if this layer is disrupted the water will fall uselessly AtranianEverto Fuga - Demonic Flight - The user grow Large wings from their back made of Darkness, the pattern of the wings makes it look like large Raven feathers with the bones of the wing structure showing on either side the outside 1/3 of the bone on one side and the opposite outside 1/3 on the other. These wings allow Flight and some minor-medium protection from attacks, if damaged if the bones are untouched the wing can work perfectly fine if the bones are damaged it can take up to 45 minutes to function properly again Aten Renovamen - Black Regeneration - only available to very few atranians usually small in size when outside of darkness hiding their presence, whilst in darkness however their power grows, the darker the area the more rapidly being able to match an Espada or Captain in power whilst inside darkness. Verberare Ardens - Blazing Barrage - the user gathers their spiritual energy into their hands, the spiritual energy taking the form of red fire covering the users hands (some users use this on their feet instead) before starting to attack each attack sending forwards a small blast of their spiritual energy which has been modified into a fire-like substance, if the user is covered in water or has used too much energy the fire will dissipate. Flama Umbo - Fire Shield - the user gathers their Spiritual Energy into their hand while holding them closed before pulling them out forming it into a shield between them the shield being of yellow flame. Shield is weaker the larger it's spread). UniversalFlamen Tumultus - Wind Bust - The user sends their reiatsu out in a circular wave around them causing the wind around them to whip around dangerously, while using this technique if the user moves he can be hurt by this wind but any trying to enter the radius around him the wind is whipping ill be hurt by it, it can easily be negated by most reiatsu techniques but serves as a good minor defensive bubble Flamen Vitiosus Inflictum - Wind Vicious Strike - The user gathers their Spiritual energy into their hands, moving them around each other quickly using small bursts of their energy to disrupt the wind flow around their hands, then moving their hands back extending the amount of wind they push into their circulating ball of wind that they have now made from the disruptions. After a short amount of time they turn their hands forwards sending the wind towards their target, the wind whipping around viciously and able to momentarily stop the oxygen flow into a person's lungs for a couple of seconds not enough to cause any serious damage Gelidus Semita - Freezing Path - The user sends a thin wave of reiatsu from their fingertips freezing everything in the exact same point the finger are pointing at, the reiatsu only able to go a certain distance before freezing this allowing paths of Ice to not only be made on the ground or buildings but also in midair. the Ice made is weak and easy to shatter therefore is not advised to be used to try to trap someone. Talisman invito - Talisman Summon - The user concentrates a Large amount of energy into an item they have on them that has Summoning Rituals placed inside it during the creation of the item, the item having a depiction of what it summons on it. over time this technique can also "Evolve" the talisman changing the Summon's body/shape/color and also changing the depiction of the summon on the item even possibly changing the color of the item to show what level of transformation the creature is at Unique Energy (only able to be used by Crucis Seminos, each Crucis Semino's Unique energy is different color and used differently therefore each attack is unique to the Crucis Semino, Blood red = myn and Blue + white/Sky Blue = Techi's) Nihilum Proprius Cannon - Nothing Particle Cannon - The user gathers their unique energy to gather 1 White & 1 Blue marble-sized balls around their right hand, slowly moving to the palm and fusing into a slightly bigger Sky Blue colored ball, the user then clenching their fist and opening it in the direction of their target before the ball condenses and moves into their palm, as they close their hand this energy ball bounces around. The user then opening their hand aimed at their target, the ball having quickly flattened and shot out as a large blast, being 30 feet long and having a diameter of 2 feet. The blast continues moving straight while in a tube-like shape, and continues until it either hits something and explodes causing significant Damage to the target if it directly hits them. If it leaves the atmosphere where it dissipates slowly. Nihilum Proprius Bracchium - Nothing Particle Arm - The user gathers his unique energy in his hand before it bursts out covering their hand like a glove of their Blue unique energy, floating mm off of the skin so as not to harm it the unique energy begins quickly burning anything that comes into contact with it. The user can also change the shape and/or length of this unique energy however using more energy to do this, If the user runs out of energy or is removed from a source of oxygen the glove of their Blue energy quickly dissipates. Letum Flatus - Annihilation Blast - The user gathers their Unique energy into their chest as a glowing Blood Red colored ball of energy starts forming in front of their chest becoming the size of a walnut before thinning out becoming a thin wire connected the the center of both of the user's palms while they gather more of their energy into it thickening it before it forms back into a ball now roughly the size of a tennis ball before condensing itself within seconds to the size of a marble. the user then grabs it with their right hand before opening his hand flat, the ball having transformed into a beam of the Blood Red energy, being only 5 cm thick in diameter and only a single meter long it contains enough destructive power in the small blast to level a city block it hit directly, however unable to continue moving once it's hit something making it only good for a direct hit, part of the beam stays slightly back from the rest detached, the condensed energy in it bouncing around sending it slightly back from most of the beam, whether this part hits is the difference between near fatal injury or just simply a powerful destructive blast of energy impacting a single point. Auctorita Abolitio Fluctus - Power Destruction Wave - The user gathers their unique energy into their hands, small balls of their Blood Red energy forming on their fingertips, growing to roughly the size of marble before they stop a black pattern appearing on them before the user holds his hands out either side, as if letting the opponent have a free strike before quickly swings them around as if hugging himself sending 10 lines of red Energy with black energy rippling through it connecting them before they become thin in midair a very thin wave of energy, each line condensed to make it having enough destructive power to destroy a building, now condensed enough to level a city block and leave a small crater in the middle of the impact zone, the energy explodes in destructive power upon contact with anything physical. Singularis Mutatio - Unique Change - A Ritualistic ability only able to be performed by Kazuya and Lucas, able to transform Aduronians or Atranians they think worthy into one of their own. The Converted one will have less power at first and will slowly start to rise in power towards theirs, however it will still be weaker due to the power Kazuya and Lucas have gained in their unknown additional years of life. Within 5 years the Converted will have roughly 3 quarters of Kazuya and Lucas' original strength when they were Half Corrupted and Half Purified. (to make a power for one of these races get both the name in Latin and in english (above powers forreference to how to put) and then list the power like above making sure not to give it too much power and then under it list what kind of power it is:Elemental Wind,Elemental Water, Elemental Fire, Elemental Ice, Dark, Light or Normal Reiatsu..)[still making powers myself/need powers submitted?] [spoiler=Summon List]SwordsBroadswordsDaosGreatswordsHwandudaedosJiansKatanasNaginatasNodachisĹdachisRapiersSabersScimitarsShortswordsSpathasTachisTsurugisWakizashisYaris GunsMusketsRuger SP-101Volcanic Pistol .41 cal(note that bullets cannot be used by guns summoned by this but rather shoot small balls of reiatsu the summoner puts into the guns) Animals/Beastscurrently all including mythological(this may be shortened or modified depending on the amount of people choosing certain creatures) Elemental Attacks(will constantly drain energy while being used, each element has its own weakness, earth = strong but slow, water = fast but not really strong, fire = strong destructive but can harm the user, Wind = doesn't have solid form therefore doesn't have as much power against opponents or objects not in the air) all summons in your Application must be listed in following format:(Name)-(name in English if first is in any other language)-(summoning phrase to Summon the creature/object)(description of what the summon is and what it can do.. evolutions of these summons may be made but can only be evolved at a certain time during the rp and must be accepted..) [spoiler=Accepted Apps.][spoiler=ANBU]Crucis Semino Reveal hidden contents Name: KazuyaAge: ???Gender: Male[spoiler=Appearance:]Kazuya appears to be a young man, most people's guesses at his age would be 19. Kazuya has Spiky black hair, the forehead of it lazily cut only just enough that it won't be in his eyes, often appearing clean but not keeping down even when slicked. His eyes are a light blue/white verging on the edge of the color of ice, however when in the sunlight his eyes change to a red-ish color appearing to be a dark red possibly the same as blood. His skin is a hell white color a higher tone than that of snow but with a slight tint of red on it, making it seem like his whiter than snow skin was somehow sunburnt, even though the whiteness of it would make most think he has never even been in the sun. Kazuya is often wearing a black cloak with blood red colored patterns on it, all of the patterns finishing at the same point and creating a red circle around where his heart would be, inside this circle in blood red colored Kanji is the word 'Doom' often making any that see him wonder what it means. Kazuya takes off this cloak while alone or with those he trusts, under it are black pants with a dark red shirt tucked in at the top of them with a black vest over it covering all but the center of the red shirt, in the spot where his heart would be the word 'Death' is written in Black colored Kanji on the shirt. Kazuya's teeth all end with a sharp point, the tips of which look black not from being left without care but like they were meant to be that color and the white was put on to hide it. Kazuya always has a Necklace hanging from his neck, the small figure on which appears to be a small boy possibly 13 with their body hidden by a cloak, holding a scythe in their hands. Kazuya also has a small metallic figure in his pocket which looks like what appears to be a Small Dragon, this figure often hangs from a chain attached to the top of his pants, the figure sometimes falling out of the pocket while he moves. [spoiler=Bio:]Kazuya was born different from most others having the ability to move through from earth to Hueco Mundo just by thinking about it, having made his first trip at the age of 6. Able to see the hollows Kazuya was also capable of touching them, at the age of 10 being able to grip a spider hollow by it's face and crush it by pure force which he had gained from unknowingly absorbing strength from those he had touched within Hueco Mundo. when Kazuya had reached the age of 16 he was able to to manipulate his teleporting powers more taking a group of friends into Hueco Mundo with him for a relaxed conversation, however they could see the hollows but couldn't survive even touching them their skin burning on contact the hollows having killed all but one before a fire started around the last, Kazuya glaring at the hollows then running towards them with each single hit he destroyed one not sending them to another plane of existence and the way shinigami killed them would but removing them from existence altogether before the fire lowers from around his friend and he takes him back, not knowing why he was so powerful against them but his friends weren't, the one surviving friend however had received extreme mental trauma from what had happened inside Hueco Mundo often unable to talk after they returned to the land where Kazuya lived on the countryside a short distance from his house, when he did talk all he said was either "Tick, Tock" or "My Time is up.. they're coming for me.. the spiders!" often screaming in terror and then in pain when saying the latter most likely believing he was back in Hueco Mundo thinking that the spider hollows, which he seemed to have thought were giant spiders, were killing him. Kazuya had within months after this even found a man whose skin was blue as the ocean, able to sense the evil inside Kazuya he tried to purify him knowing that Kazuya was still a human this resulting in from the darkness absorbed in Hueco Mundo the Purification only half finished Kazuya's skin turning whiter than snow but still only being half purified, wondering why the blue man disappeared in a burst of blue water having appeared from nowhere. As Kazuya turned he found another man there this one's skin however was Red like blood he felt the Darkness Kazuya had absorbed and craved it's energy knowing he would be perfect to corrupt but while he was corrupting him he found something was wrong it seemed he had been slightly purified this making Kazuya into a mixture between the Light Aduronian & the Demonic Atranian who had both tried to turn him into their own, able to turn members of each of these into the same as him. He had 100 years later full of tormenting mortals the corruption taking the most effect on his soul until he found lucas, who had been through something similar but had purification last which rubbed off on them having also been traveling to the Soul Society not Hueco Mundo. now however in these forms they were able to travel to Earth, Hueco Mundo, The Soul Society and 2 new areas like these none had ever known about one called aura and being made up of clouds and light with Aduronians living in it and one called vorago being a dark place like it was underground having black fires with small red fires inside them which gave the place a slight glow this inhabited by the Atranians. Kazuya had stayed wioth Lucas living in between these 5 worlds before discovering a sixth, directly inbetween Aura & Vorago, this being unknown to exist and being like the earth but empty of buildings with blue grass, a green sky, the sun of this world red and it's moon blue, seeming slightly random however due to the unknown creatures they stayed and made two houses living nearby each other, growing a friendly relationship and referring to each other as 'brother'. Personality: Kazuya often seems cold towards others that he does not yet know and trust, his voice almost mocking as if he's trying to get them to fight him with how he phrases his words. The trying to get others to fight him out of anger often stopping as soon as Lucas is nearby, knowing that his "brother" wouldn't approve of his actions or stand by while he tricks the lower classes of shinigami or hollows into fighting him. While Lucas is around Kazuya is often either kind or silent, deciding on which to be while watching the others around, if he finds one he doesn't trust at all however he'll lash out slightly and bare his fanged teeth to most it would seem like he's trying to scare them but what he's often doing it's warning them that if they take another step closer they'll die, only able to be pulled out of this state by Lucas if they're nearby otherwise reverting to rage inside him if they come close again. When with those he knows and trusts however Kazuya seems mostly kind, his personality changing very dramatically from that of when he first meets a person and will search the whole world, including that which he came from and that which Lucas came from, being different though being of the same race and the only 2 of that race. When he finds one who has committed an act which causes pain or suffering to one that he knows personally he will begin to slowly torture them using his higher strength to cause pain to their body, often leaving them alive to live with the pain but killing one or two every now and then when he gets carried away. Artifact Name: fatum (Latin for 'Doom')[spoiler=Artifact Sealed Appearance:]Kazuya's Artifact is a Sword made completely of Stone which he hangs on his back hidden under his cloak while he is outside and hanging from a special hook he made in his own house for it while at home. the blade and even the handle are made from Rock mixed with obsidian, having a small ruby circle like an eye halfway up the blade Summoning Phrase: Exorior angli instar Barathrum, Regno Formidilosus... (Rise from the Underworld, Reign Terror...)[spoiler=Abilities]Everto Fuga - Demonic Flight - The user grow Large wings from their back made of Darkness, the pattern of the wings makes it look like large Raven feathers with the bones of the wing structure showing on either side the outside 1/3 of the bone on one side and the opposite outside 1/3 on the other. These wings allow Flight and some minor-medium protection from attacks, if damaged if the bones are untouched the wing can work perfectly fine if the bones are damaged it can take up to 45 minutes to function properly again Flamen Vitiosus Inflictum - Wind Vicious Strike - The user gathers their Spiritual energy into their hands, moving them around each other quickly using small bursts of their energy to disrupt the wind flow around their hands, then moving their hands back extending the amount of wind they push into their circulating ball of wind that they have now made from the disruptions. After a short amount of time they turn their hands forwards sending the wind towards their target, the wind whipping around viciously and able to momentarily stop the oxygen flow into a person's lungs for a couple of seconds not enough to cause any serious damage Gelidus Semita - Freezing Path -The user sends a thin wave of reiatsu from their fingertips freezing everything in the exact same point the finger are talking about, the reiatsu only able to go a certain distance before freezing this allowing paths of Ice to not only be made on the ground or buildings but also in midair. the Ice made is weak and easy to shatter therefore is not advised to be used to try to trap someone. Talisman Invito - Talisman Summon -The user concentrates a Large amount of energy into an item they have on them that has Summoning Rituals placed inside it during the creation of the item, the item having a depiction of what it summonson it. over time this technique can also "Evolve" the talisman changing the Summon's body/shape/color and also changing the depiction of the summon on the item even possibly changing the color of the item to show what level of transformation the creature is at Unique Letum Flatus- Annihilation Blast -The user gathers their Unique energy into their chest as a glowing Blood Red colored ball of energy starts forming in front of their chest becoming the size of a walnut before thinning out becoming a thin wire connected the the center of both of the user's palms while they gather more of their energy into it thickening it before it forms back into a ball now roughly the size of a tennis ball before condensing itself within seconds to the size of a marble. the user then grabs it with their right hand before opening his hand flat, the ball having transformed into a beam of the Blood Red energy, being only 5 cm thick in diameter and only a single meter long it contains enough destructive power in the small blast to level a city block it hit directly, however unable to continue moving once it's hit something making it only good for a direct hit, part of the beam stays slightly back from the rest detached, the condensed energy in it bouncing around sending it slightly back from most of the beam, whether this part hits is the difference between near fatal injury or just simply a powerful destructive blast of energy impacting a single point. Auctorita Abolitio Fluctus- Power Destruction Wave -The user gathers their unique energy into their hands, small balls of their Blood Red energy forming on their fingertips, growing to roughly the size of marble before they stop a black pattern appearing on them before the user holds his hands out either side, as if letting the opponent have a free strike before quickly swings them around as if hugging himself sending 10 lines of red Energy with black energy rippling through it connecting them before they become thin in midair a very thin wave of energy, each line condensed to make it having enough destructive power to destroy a building, now condensed enough to level a city block and leave a small crater in the middle of the impact zone, the energy explodes in destructive power upon contact with anything physical. [spoiler=Summons]Messor's Famulus - Reaper's Slave -Summoning Phrase: Efflo ab primo Creperum Exorior, Famulus foras primo Messor! (Out of the Darkness Rise, Slave to the Reaper!)This summon is the body of what appears to be a 13 year old boy in a cloak hiding all his features, a slave claimed from the afterlife by the 'Reaper' in Vorago, wielding a scythe the summon is capable of performing Deadly Dark altered from of Kido, named aptly the 'Death Arts', most of his targets being trapped by these and attacked until the brink of death before the slave uses the scythe, some however evade these and are able to go against him, only time will be able to tell how the young reaper will serve his sentence under the 'Reaper'. Pullus Solum Vulcanus-Lacerta- Black Land Fire-Lizard -Summoning Phrase: Angli primo Pullus Solum, Rursus!.. Lectulus Vulcanus Legio! (From the Black Land's, Return!.. Small Fire Body!)This summon is a very small Fire Drake, having black scales and only standing to the height of a grown man's Knee while on all fours. it has the ability to shoot small balls of fire from it's mouth and some flight from small wings on it's back but cannot maintain long flights or a continuous stream of fire. [spoiler=Tempero Appearance:]Kazuya is covered in a dome of red light which spins around him while he transforms, deflecting all spiritual energy and or physical objects touching it away while he changes, his hands growing slightly with small holes in each finger with what look like very thin wires hangs from them only a couple mm able to be extended though. A mask appears on Kazuya's face fully black and looking similar to the shape of a skull covering his hole head like this with small red dots appears on the mask where the eyes are while the rest of his body transforms becoming the same black as the mask while his clothes disappear, the lower half of his body having disappeared altogether with what looks like a large stinger extending from the bottom of his body emitting small waves of reiatsu from it's tip allowimg him to fly, coupled with two black wings that grow on his back seeming made only of bones. [spoiler=Tempero Abilities:]Talus Alatus- Bone Wings -Kazuya has large wings made of bones extend from his back this allowing him to fly along with the small reiatsu waves coming from the stinger that replaced his lower body which allows him to hover above the ground. these wings can protect Kazuya from medium amounts of damage and cannot be destroyed by normal techniques, only able to be pierced by a person's strongest technique(Bankai abilities, segunda abilities, etc.), the bone strengthening slightly each time they're destroyed, taking half an hour afterwords to regenerate. Talus Ferratus- Bone Armor -the Bone's that cover the mask in his skull appear to move slightly, the expression on the mask becoming one of the following three each with a different effect it will have:- Sadness: bones start to appear on the users body looking like a normal humans skeletal system these sticking out slightly from the black skin and can withstand up to 3x the amount of damage Kazuya would normally be able to survive unharmed.- Anger: 2 Bones shoot out from roughly the skin where Kazuya's ribs would be, these bones beeing broken off from his body which heals itself immediately as their ends sharpen slightly allowing them to be used like Javelins- Joy: Bones sprout from Kazuya's cheek then moving infront of his mouth like pincers leaving a very small gap between them, inside the gap a black ball starts forming which then shooting out in a thin straight line able to destroy a city block upon impact and create a large crater where it hits, as it is so thin it can easily be dodged though. Bestia Morsus- Beast Sting -Kazuya gathers spiritual energy into the sting that replaced his lower body, able to fire it in a thin but easily destructive ray, though only able to destroy inanimate objects if the ray of spiritual energy makes contact with an opponent it makes them unable to resist the power of his Pupa Magister ability only able to be saved from it by the wire being cut or Kazuya releasing them, while shooting the beam out Kazuya's movement to re-direct it is slow making it easy to avoid. Pupa Magister- Puppet Master -the wires on Kazuya's fingers extend, if they are able to attach themselves properly to the body of a living creature they can manipulate the limb they are attached to, if they attach to it's head they can put thoughts inside their heads but not fully control them, these wires can be broken either by attacks from others or by resistance from the target if they have enough power to resist his control, it takes an hour for these wires to become fully usable once all broke. [spoiler=Techi]Crucis Semino Reveal hidden contents Name: LucasAge: ???Gender: Male[spoiler=Appearance:]Lucas appears to be a young man. If some one had to guess, the majority would say he looks 17-18. Lucis has short-medium Brown hair and frosty blue eyes. His skin is whiter than snow. He wears a black cloak in puplic but takes it off when he is alone or in private. Under the black cloak he wears a white under-shirt, jeans and a sneakers. His teath are all to a point. He wears a neckalice at all times, this necklace holds an Emblem that seems to have a sword engraved on it. He also has a left earring that is normal on top but has a small piece that hangs down and holds a small figurine on it. The Figurine appears to be silver fire ball with little eyes. [spoiler=Bio:]Lucas Doesn't remember anything before the Purification, He was different from everyone he met, untill he met Kazuya. They were alike, yet different in the same way. Their bond eventually Growing to the point that they may call eachother 'Brothers'. Lucas and Kazuya have the ability to move from the different realms at will, the eventually found a place no one else had previously discovered. This is where Lucas Prefer's to call home. Personality: Lucas Prefers too be kind and gentile, Unlike his "Brother". Lucas is also more of a dreaming romantic than the fighter like Kazuya. Instead of fighting everything down, Lucas would rather resolve matters with words. Though his personality does not reflect his powers, The Kind person he is, he is also just as strong as KaZuya. They may fight from time too time, But Lucas looks out for Kazuya would look out for him. Lucas often wonders if he was made purposely to be Kazuya's opposite. He'd prefer to take blame or pain before Kazuya, feeling like the responsible brother of the two. Artifact Name: Light Bearinks[spoiler= Artifact Sealed Appearance:]A White stone Ring that is stuck on Lucas's left ring finger. A strange symbol appears on top of it when Realease phrase is said or he uses Unique energy. Release phrase: From Darkness comes the light! Bearinks! [spoiler=Abilities] Angelus Fuga - Angelic Flight - The user grows Large wings from their back made of Light, the pattern of the light on these wings makes it look like large fluffy feathers. These wings allow Flight and some minor protection from attacks, if damaged it takes half an hour for the wing to be able to function properly again. Flamen Vitiosus Inflictum - Wind Vicious Strike - The user gathers their Spiritual energy into their hands, moving them around each other quickly using small bursts of their energy to disrupt the wind flow around their hands, then moving their hands back extending the amount of wind they push into their circulating ball of wind that they have now made from the disruptions. After a short amount of time they turn their hands forwards sending the wind towards their target, the wind whipping around viciously and able to momentarily stop the oxygen flow into a person's lungs for a couple of seconds not enough to cause any serious damage Gelidus Semita - Freezing Path -The user sends a thin wave of reiatsu from their fingertips freezing everything in the exact same point the finger are talking about, the reiatsu only able to go a certain distance before freezing this allowing paths of Ice to not only be made on the ground or buildings but also in midair. the Ice made is weak and easy to shatter therefore is not advised to be used to try to trap someone. Talisman Invito - Talisman Summon -The user concentrates a Large amount of energy into an item they have on them that has Summoning Rituals placed inside it during the creation of the item, the item having a depiction of what it summons on it. over time this technique can also "Evolve" the talisman changing the Summon's body/shape/color and also changing the depiction of the summon on the item even possibly changing the color of the item to show what level of transformation the creature is at [spoiler= Talismans/Summons] Summon Name: Victor-Sword-EmblemSummoning Phrase: -Talisman Appearence: A Neckalice of thin Black String, it holds a blue Emblem. The Emblem is blue and round and flat. It is about 2 quarters wide and tall. A Dagger-like drawing is carved into it.Summoned Appearence: A Sword Named, The Victor Sword. The Sword is long and thing, it is about the length of Lucas' arm, if not, then a little longer. The blade seems to be a Broadsword, but the hilt/handle is more suited for a katana. The Handle is black and the blade is white.Summon Name: Demon FireballSummoning Phrase: Ardeo (Latin for: Burn)Talisman Appearence:(In Character appearence)Summoned Appearence: A floating fireball with a Demonic Face and claws on it. Unique Nihilum Proprius Cannon - Nothing Particle Cannon - The user gathers their unique energy to gather 1 White & 1 Blue marble-sized balls around their right hand, slowly moving to the palm and fusing into a slightly bigger Sky Blue colored ball, the user then clenching their fist and opening it in the direction of their target before the ball condenses and moves into their palm, as they close their hand this energy ball bounces around. The user then opening their hand aimed at their target, the ball having quickly flattened and shot out as a large blast, being 30 feet long and having a diameter of 2 feet. The blast continues moving straight while in a tube-like shape, and continues until it either hits something and explodes causing significant Damage to the target if it directly hits them. If it leaves the atmosphere where it dissipates slowly. Nihilum Proprius Bracchium - Nothing Particle Arm - The user gathers his unique energy in his hand before it bursts out covering their hand like a glove of their Blue unique energy, floating mm off of the skin so as not to harm it the unique energy begins quickly burning anything that comes into contact with it. The user can also change the shape and/or length of this unique energy however using more energy to do this, If the user runs out of energy or is removed from a source of oxygen the glove of their Blue energy quickly dissipates. [spoiler=Tempero Appearance:]Lucas is covered in a dome of Blue light which spins around him while he transforms, Absorbing all spiritual energy and or physical objects touching it while he changes, Lucas' clothes disappear leaving only his jeans. Large white wings seem to be pure light energy sprout out of his back. A Mask that covers his head and is pure white, grows. The Victor sword morphs from being inside the transformation. It becomes a large white katana that is able to pierce anything. [spoiler=Tempero Abilities:]Lux lucis Pennae- Light Wings -Lucas has large wings made of Light extend from his back this allowing him to fly. These wings can protect himself from medium amounts of damage and cannot be destroyed by normal techniques, only able to be pierced by a person's strongest technique(Bankai abilities, segunda abilities, etc.), The Light in these wings is capable of absorbing any non-physical attacks and increasing Lucas's strength/Unique Energy.Talus Ferratus- Bone Armor -the Bone's that cover the mask in his skull appear to move slightly, the expression on the mask becoming one of the following three each with a different effect it will have:- Sadness: bones start to appear on the users body looking like a normal humans skeletal system these sticking out slightly from the skin and can withstand up to 3x the amount of damage Lucas would normally be able to survive unharmed.- Anger: 2 Bones shoot out from, roughly, the skin where Lucas' ribs would be, these bones beeing broken off from his body which heals itself immediately as their ends sharpen slightly allowing them to be used like Javelins- Joy: Lucas's Mask opens and begins Stealing Energy from anyone nearby by sucking it into the mask's mouth.Immortalis Tripudio- Immortal's Dance -By using a little Unique Energy, Lucas can teleport from place to place. Made possible by hyper-activating His cells with quickly with the Unique Energy and his wings accelerate this to the point of leaping through Time/Space for a few seconds. Immortalis Recuperatio- Immortal's Recovery -By Hyper-activating a large ball of his own Blue Unique Energy, Lucas can throw it at someone or push it inside himself. Once inside a body part, This Energy will quickly Heal and Recharge The target's whole body. [spoiler=naturia melon]ArrancarName: seji kangaetaAge: 23Gender: Male[spoiler=Apperance]Dressed in a white suit, he has no visible hair but where his hair should be there is helmet, that appears to be whats left of his mask from his hollow days. Pale green eyes with a small scar over his left one, measuring at 6.8 ft and weighing 170lb, he is a largely built person. he has a average sized head and a rather small mouth, is nose is short and thin and his ears ar covered by his mask. [spoiler=Bio]after becoming 1 of many of espada that betrayed Aizen and left to continue to grow stronger, he had consumed 753,628 Gillians 34278 and 17 Vasto-lordes, at the time he was part of the espada he was #2, but has grown emensely. He betrayed aizen due to the fact that he still had memories of his human lifes and did not want to harvest the souls of the innocent and gave himself a name that resembles the souls inside him, but his hollow erges possessed to tight a grip that had to feast on others. [spoiler=Personality]a calm and confident man, who is conflicted about who he is, when he's not in combat mode he is distant and easily confused, but while fighting he's completely focused on what must be done. he won't start a fight with anyone except hollows, but if attacked he will fight back with out mercy. Espada: noZanpakutou name: kibakuRelease phrase: Defend me[spoiler=Resurrecion appearance:]A large White Armor like substance that resembles a hollows mask appers on my skin leaving only my Face exposed, it tips are as sharp as a katana. [spoiler=Resurrecion ability: ]Anyone who touches his skin once has their sense hightened, Anyone who touches his skin twice increase their spiritual pressure out put, anyone who touches his skin 3 times or more will act upon one of their own thoughts. (they think of a technique, they use it before they realise that they have, they predict what i am going to do, they immediately do what was predicted) its called Kokoro no ito kibaku (minds intention kibaku) [spoiler=Segunda Etapa appearance: ]similar to resurrection but much more detailed, with six claw like arms growing out of the back like the legs of a spider [spoiler=Segunda Etapa ability: ]anyone who comes into contact with the armor/arms loses thinks too fast and can't concentrate once, anyone who comes into contact with the armor/arms 5 times has their mind borrowed (they lose all instinct and the ability to think, they can still act coherent but are easily confused, and i acquire the ability to predict any and all movements) it called Kibaku o shĹmĹ sa seruto kangae (thought draining kibaku) [spoiler=Gabriel Maeso]Arrancar Name: Vladimir UmbraerusAge: 25Gender: Male[spoiler=Appearance:] Long light gray hair, red eyes, palid skin, his mask remains are an Armor shoulder that it's neckpiece covered his left bottom part of the face the other part of his mask is like an eye protection for his left eye it enables him to see and can protects his eye(like I mentioned before), has 1.85 meters tall and weighs 78 kg, he is not fat, he is an avarage person that works out, wears an open white long coat(like Urukiora but longer), also wears black pants and black boots. [spoiler=Bio:] Also one of the many espada that betrayed Aizen, he left because didn't agreed with his plans and for beeing able to remember some of his memories before dying that Aizen wanted to make him forget about them, after he betrayed Aizen he started to train more and more each day, haven't counted how much of hollows and Menos Grandes he absorved, he doesn't care for that, nowdays he wanders Hueco mundo searching for a way to go to other worlds to find better oponents. [spoiler=Personality:] Cruel, evil, loves to fight and kill, doesn't have any mercy for his oponents, alway focus, jugdemental with his oponents. Espada: Once were Number 6(I'm a Grimmjow Fan, and he was just number 6 because he never used his "Segunda Etapa", never thought that an opponent were strong enough for it, sorry if it sounds OP but is that he jugdes his oponents a lot).Zanpakutou Name: DrakulRelease Phrase/s: Trage ĂŽn ĹŁeapÄ![spoiler=Resurrecion Appearance:] His Shoulder armor become a full armor protection for his left arm, his eye protection become more detailed and he gains a Halberg for battle. [spoiler=Resurrecion Abilities:] Gains strength, speed but not much of it, who ever is slashed or impaled by his Halberg gets cursed for some time, the curse consists on the enemie get a liitle dizy and unable to heal himself/herself for 2 minutes, each time that he slashes or Impale someone that had already been cursed, the curse gets worst, each time that a curse is powered Vladimir gets weaker and slower, so you can say that he is also cursed. [spoiler=Segunda Etapa Appearance:] His coat turns Black outside and inside it is Blood red, its under part(waist down)is torned on several strips(same paters as his coat), he gets a pair of Demon Wings, loose his Halberg, gains protections on his legs(Knees and what is under them), right arm(just his forearm and hand), his mask and protections turns Dark with red details, his arm protections have demon hands, and loose his face protection and his hair gets a little bigger. [spoiler=Segunda Etapa Abilities:] Get a lot quicker and stronger, gain the abilitie to use "Umbra Cero"(A cero beam made of Chaos and Dark energy), has a high regeneration speed, he can also curse like in his previous form but now he is unafected by his own curse and the curse is alittle worst and can get worst but he has to absorb energy from other living things to be able to stay in this form. [spoiler=TheFinalFan]Name: Po KarasuAge: 250, but looks to be 1/10th of thatGender: Male[spoiler=Appearance:]A very glum Soul Reaper, he has very pale skin, hair as black as night styled into spikes and long bangs, and grey eyes that have thick circles underneath them. He is garbed in the classic Captain's uniform, and has a black scabbard for his blade. His right arm sleeve has been torn off, but his left shoulder has a shoulder pad, which is occupied by Tiamat, a very powerful and very old Adjuchas-class Hollow. She takes the form of a small 2-foot long armored Hollow desert lizard, but used to be a powerful dragon 100 times her current size until Po defeated her in battle. She now serves him as his aid, and, since she's been around for centuries, she knows many Kido techniques, making up for Po's lack in Kido training.His Zanpakuto, "Hime", takes the form of a scanity-clad geisha-like woman with silver hair, pale skin, and deep blue eyes clothed in a black kinono with a black rubber bodysuit underneath. She is incredibly sadistic, and doesn't care who she fights, as long as she gets "fed". [spoiler=Bio:]Po worked his way up to becoming a Soul Reaper, and then entered the employment of Mayuri Kurotsuchi. He fell in love with Nemu, and tried to win her affection, but failed every time. Eventually, he worked his way up to 3rd Seat by the time Ichigo became a Substitute Soul Reaper. Po took over for an increasingly demented Mayuri and inherited the secret project that drove the man (completely) insane. Nemu decided to stay as Lieutenant, and there are fireworks between the two. Po is still getting used to being in charge, since he is a newer captain. He is very interested in the newly-discovered beings, and wants to research them. He is also working on their secret project, something that will get him in huge trouble if discovered. Personality: He seems quite emotionless, but is actually the joker, and enjoys playing very dangerous pranks on his subordinates (which leads to one of highest peacetime mortality rates in the Soul Society!). He is also a big fan of Mayuri Kurotsuchi, and will get on your case in a heartbeat of you disgrace him. Beneath that glum exterior is the mind of a genius, inventing the popular "Boost Candy", a small candy-like item that instantly replenishes your spiritual energy. However, unlike his predecessor, he realizes that ethics and morals are very important in the scientific process, even though he agrees that science must take precedent over the law.Zanpakutou Name: Kuroishibu no Hime ("Princess of the Black Branch")/Kuroishiburyu no Hime no Obuliettu ("Oubliette of the Princess of the Black Branch Dragon")Release Phrase/s: "Feast"/"Consume All Life"[spoiler=Shikai Appearance:]The right sleeve of Po's uniform has been torn off so not only can the effects of Po's Shikai be seen, but so the sleeve doesn't have to be repeatedly repaired. In its unreleased from, his sword takes the form of a botuko, or wodden sword, made of a black wood, but, when she releases, the sword digs into his arm and roots herself in it, causing thorns and branches to painfully sprout from his skin. The blade's thorns are very sharp, and can pierce even the thickest Hollow hide. Po can shape Kuroishibu no Hime into various shapes, such as an axe or a meat cleaver. Also, Po can go a bit further and fully encase his right arm in wood, totally merging his limb with the blade. [spoiler=Shikai Abilities:]The sword's primary ability is that she feeds off of spiritual energy, like a Bakkoto. When the sword stabs her victim, it will take root in them and drain them of their energy, making them look dehydrated and decrepit before finally killing them, causing their body to wither away into dust. Sadly, this also effects her master, so Po invented "Boost Candy", a special type of Soul Candy that gives the user an instant boost of spiritual energy. He has to take these regularly, otherwise he will succumb to his own blade's effect. It can also grow rapidly at the expense of its master, forming various blades and whips. Also, Koruishibu no Hime can be stabbed into the ground, draining the life force and spiritual energy of the surrounding landscape. If this occurs, nearby plants will wither and die. [spoiler=Bankai Appearance:]The blade consumes his body as it transforms into a large dragon-like creature made out of black wood. The head can easly swallow a human whole, and has a long fleshy tongue with Tiamat attached to the end. About 20 feet down the body from the head is a ribcage-like contraption in which Po is trapped inside. His clothes are gone, but everything from the waist-down is encased in wood. Underneath his skin, one can see what looks like black veins. His arms are similarly encased.A naked woman with pale skin, silver hair, and deep blue eyes is behind him, comforting him through his terrible ordeal. The woman is also connected to the dragon in a similar manner, and her breasts are against Po's back. This woman is the manifestation of Po's zanpakuto, helping him through the massive pain of the parasitism. [spoiler=Bankai Abilities:]The dragon has the ability to suck the spiritual energy out of the surrounding area, causing plants to die and the ground to decay in the area. Just being near the Bankai causes anyone to fell gradually weaker. The dragon can regenerate at will, and has the ability to "eat" others. The "eaten" will appear on the back side of the "cage", there clothing removed and their arms and lower body encased. They serve as "backup batteries", and experience massive pain as there energy is gradually drained. When they are finished, the dragon will absorb them into itself and they will stay in the belly of the beast until the Bankai is destroyed. The dragon's tail can also sprout blades and thorns and shoot thorn-tipped tendrils at its foes to drag them back to be "eaten". However, due to the fact that the Zanpakuto consumes so much of its master's energy, it can only be used safely for a short period of time, with each Boost Candy, which normally gives a Soul Reaper much more power, adding a couple of minutes to the time limit. [spoiler=Greycat]Name: Ran SetsunaAge: 113Gender: Male[spoiler=Appearance:] Ran has the cool, professional look of a modern day business man. He also strives to be unremarkable and easily overlooks. As a result, a lot of time and effort goes into ensuring that he looks his best as well as non-threatening. He has could pass for an teenage nerd or something of the sort. Standing at only 5'8, he is just within the range of average height and is neither muscular nor thin. His build is more of a light weight boxer, meaning that he is small, quick and sharp. His hair is carefully gelled and combed back so that no hair hangs to his face. his soft eyebrows are generally half raised in a quirly manner over his curious gray eyes. Combining his conservative style with his almost non-existent spiritual pressure (strange for a captain), he is easily overlooked. He is fond of modern clothing and often wears a black suit and tie with a white shirt under his Haori. In fact, he made it the uniform of the SID. And, as the leader of said organization, he is expected to wear it. It even comes with shades for when he's up to being more conspicuous. His zanpakutou, which is a Kodachi with green and silver hilt wrap, is hidden inside his jacket or inside his sleeve if wearing the traditional uniform. His insignia has been reworked into a badge that his squad wears on their lapel. KĹruekĹ appears as a small girl around 12 or 13. She is short but has long hair that reaches to her thighs. She dresses in the manner of a poor resident of Rukongai. She carries the sealed form of herself around in her hands. She is shy and quiet, though she has a wonderful voice. Where as Ran is over confident, KĹruekĹ is distinctly self-depreciating. Strangely, her bankai has the opposite personality and is downright cocky. [spoiler=Bio:] Ran was originally an average student in the academy, but that was until he unsealed KĹruekĹ's shikai form. With the link forged with his frequency manipulation abilities, he quickly rose to the top of the class in kido studies. Not one to stand out too much, he kept his work just a but above average and worked hard at his othr classes. Once he reached graduation, he had two futures ahead of him; Kido Corps or the Gotei 13. He choose the Kido Corps. For a while at least. The monotonous jobs of the Corps were not for him. He needed a greater challenges to hone his skills. As such, he applied to transfer to the Gotei. He was welcomed into the 13th squad and soon found his niche. With his ambitious personality, he quickly climbed the ranks to seated officer, and was soon climbing those ranks as well. On a mission to the human world, he was protecting a boy who was unusually appealing to hollows. While the mission was far from difficult, he was introduced to a new realm. The boy was a fan of American films and through him, Ran learned of the 'men in black' and the 'FBI.' Ran was determine to form something similar in Soul society, an organization that would gather knowledge and data, history and facts. A facility that could seek out, contain and provide the most valuable of commodities; knowledge. unfortunately, he did not have the necessary sway to start such a place and some pointed out that the 12th division already did that. To start something new was pointless and impossible. With Ran, that was practically a dare. He had the idea and support from some fellow squad members, but no influence. But he knew how to get that. His captain was finally considering retiring, his sickness having taken it's toll. With murderous self training, Ran mastered Bankai and rose to the number 1 seat in the squad. When the time came, he was ready. Ran managed to acquire a recommendation for captaincy and thoroughly trumped his rival in battle. With that, he got himself installed as Captain of the 13th squad. First order of business; forming the Shinigami Investigation Department, the SID. Personality: Ran is a driven man. He has ambition and isn't afraid to act on it. But because he is also a very reserved man, he tends to act from the background, nudging pawns here and their to acheive a greater goal. He hates being made a fool of as wel as being outsmarted. His berserk buttonis to imply that he isn't good at his job. His ambition is unfortunately fueled but overconfidence in his own abilities, and that his gotten him into trouble a few times before. He tends to smother his flare ups under a cool facade of calmness and humility. But their are times when a hint of disdain spice his actions. He is a loyal person, which means he will take care of you, won't turn against you too badly and probably won't stabe you in the back. Probably. As his squad members put it; KĹruekĹ is the right shape to slip between vertebrate. Zanpakutou Name: KĹruekĹ (Echoing Call)/ Sabishii kĹkyĹ kĹruekĹ (Lonesome Symphony Echoing Call)Release Phrase/s: Be heard; kĹruekĹ/ The mournful cry that can be heard, the single voice that hums alone, the soft peal that rolls across the land, the rendition of sounds of all creation, that quiet melody that calls countless over the vast expanse. Sing for me; Bankai: Sabishii kĹkyĹ kĹruekĹ [spoiler=Shikai Appearance:] His sword bears resemblance to a tuning fork, with two blades in place of the tines. The hilt and shaft resembles the letter 'Y,' metal guards branching out from the shaft to hold the two blades. The blades side back to back with two inches between them, so the overall effect is like that of a double edged broadsword. The weapon is only about two feet long. The blades themselves are each only about an inch thick and thin, looking deceptively weak. Unlike many Shikai, the blades are fully silver, not black with silver edges. [spoiler=Shikai Abilities:] KĹruekĹ abilities lie in the manipulation of frequencies. She can only manipulate a combination of sound reitsu frequencies. Manipulation of her powers allows for tricks such as matching Ran's frequency with that of another shinigama or even and human, making him good at blending in, or altering voices. KĹruekĹ's form also naturally stores the force of impacts between her tines. Offensively, she has four forms of attacks:Ring- KĹruekĹ releases a pressurized burst of sound that than shatter stone. It can be released in different ways such as curved slash, a thrust, a sphere, etc.Reverb- releases the pressure of the last major or series of impacts in one go. Very effective against powerful opponents as the burst contain the total impact of the clash of both Ran's and his opponent's power.Resonate- gathers Ran's Reitsu and alters it to match an opponents attack. Can be used to imitate attacks as they are used. Unfortunately, to imitate takes more reitsu than it would to actually do it. he uses it as an intimidation factor.Peal/Crash- gathers spiritual energy from the air and smashes/launches it at foe. Most dangerous as well as most useless. Require a good concentration of reitsu in the atmosphere for decent power so is only useful at the end of a fight, the flashier the better. [spoiler=Bankai Appearance:] After saying the poem, KĹruekĹ releases a burst fo reitsu that surges over his hands and shoulder, forming a kind of silver armour. It is fairly thin on his dominant hand but forms a large gauntlet on his right. The gauntlet has a disk on the palm and several circular vents on the large lower arm guard. Both shoulders bear silver guards with similar vents. KĹruekĹ's main blade is a bit larger, but not much, though it is now the length of a normal katana, and several circular depressions are on each 'tine.' The vents taking and expel air to use in his techniques. [spoiler=Bankai Abilities:] Sabishii kĹkyĹ kĹruekĹ is basically an improvement to KĹruekĹ's normal powers. However, the Gauntlet (kĹkyĹ/Symphony) is capable of the same abilities the blade is. In Bankai, Ran can imitate attacks as long as Sabishii kĹkyĹ kĹruekĹ has a sample of the 'sound.' Due to the reitsu managing attributes of KĹruekĹ, Sabishii kĹkyĹ kĹruekĹ allows Ran to cast kido with no waste of power. Also because of the frequency managing abilities, Ran's spiritual pressure is almost none existent as KĹruekĹ keeps a tight rein on it, as long as Ran wants to, that is. [spoiler=TheDragonDuelist]Name: CrossAge: UnknownGender: Male[spoiler=Appearance:] Cross is a tall man, standing around 6'4 with a slim build to his body. His complection is pale, which goes well with his long snow white hair. His outfit is a typical espada uniform, the only modification being that his sleaves are a bit longer then his hands. His zanpakuto is a simple Daito style katana with a blue hilt and the symbol for death as the guard. [spoiler=Bio:] How Cross came to be is unknown, all that is known is that when he appeared he took over as the leader of the Espada. Personality: Cross is rather cruel, torturing many of his companions for the sport of it. He tends to abuse people he fight, mainly making excuses for him to have a handicap on his opponents.Espada: Primera Zanpakutou Name: Meikai no rasutokingu (Last king of the Underworld)Release Phrase/s: Devestate...[spoiler=Resurrecion Appearance:]When released Cross's resurrecion takes the appearence of him wearing what looks like a gigantic coat in covered in fur at the wrists, and neck. He then gains a gigantic cleaver like weapon. [spoiler=Resurrecion Abilities:] In his resurrecion Cross gains the abiliy to produce ice that go to down to absolute zero from the swing of his blade. He also gains the power to produce Hell Fire that can be willed at a single thought. Cross also gains the ability to summon small minions which also produce the same powers, but can only use smaller variations. [spoiler=Segunda Etapa Appearance:] Currently does not have a Segunda Etapa. [spoiler=Segunda Etapa Abilities:] [spoiler=Sigs.][url=""][img=][/url] [url=""][img=][/url] both done by Vanitus Gamer... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Techiâş Posted December 30, 2010 Report Share Posted December 30, 2010 This one will be kick-ass... now for Members... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ANBU Posted January 1, 2011 Author Report Share Posted January 1, 2011 Bump.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ANBU Posted January 3, 2011 Author Report Share Posted January 3, 2011 BUMP... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Techiâş Posted January 3, 2011 Report Share Posted January 3, 2011 You know... we can talk minor Ideas/small off-plots here so we don't have to keep bumbing... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hexcalibrate Posted January 4, 2011 Report Share Posted January 4, 2011 ArrancarName: seji kangaetaAge: 23Gender: Male[spoiler=Apperance]Dressed in a white suit, he has no visible hair but where his hair should be there is helmet, that appears to be whats left of his mask from his hollow days. Pale green eyes with a small scar over his left one, measuring at 6.8 ft and weighing 170lb, he is a largely built person. he has a average sized head and a rather small mouth, is nose is short and thin and his ears ar covered by his mask. [spoiler=Bio]after becoming 1 of many of espada that betrayed Aizen and left to continue to grow stronger, he had consumed 753,628 Gillians 34278 and 17 Vasto-lordes, at the time he was part of the espada he was #2, but has grown emensely. He betrayed aizen due to the fact that he still had memories of his human lifes and did not want to harvest the souls of the innocent and gave himself a name that resembles the souls inside him, but his hollow erges possessed to tight a grip that had to feast on others. [spoiler=Personality]a calm and confident man, who is conflicted about who he is, when he's not in combat mode he is distant and easily confused, but while fighting he's completely focused on what must be done. he won't start a fight with anyone except hollows, but if attacked he will fight back with out mercy. Espada: noZanpakutou name: kibakuRelease phrase: Defend me[spoiler=Resurrecion appearance:]A large White Armor like substance that resembles a hollows mask appers on my skin leaving only my Face exposed, it tips are as sharp as a katana. [spoiler=Resurrecion ability: ]Anyone who touches his skin once has their sense hightened, Anyone who touches his skin twice increase their spiritual pressure out put, anyone who touches his skin 3 times or more will act upon one of their own thoughts. (they think of a technique, they use it before they realise that they have, they predict what i am going to do, they immediately do what was predicted) its called Kokoro no ito kibaku (minds intention kibaku) [spoiler=Segunda Etapa appearance: ]similar to resurrection but much more detailed, with six claw like arms growing out of the back like the legs of a spider [spoiler=Segunda Etapa ability: ]anyone who comes into contact with the armor/arms loses thinks too fast and can't concentrate once, anyone who comes into contact with the armor/arms 5 times has their mind borrowed (they lose all instinct and the ability to think, they can still act coherent but are easily confused, and i acquire the ability to predict any and all movements) it called Kibaku o shĹmĹ sa seruto kangae (thought draining kibaku) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Techiâş Posted January 5, 2011 Report Share Posted January 5, 2011 ...interesting... You should probably edit it a little... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ANBU Posted January 5, 2011 Author Report Share Posted January 5, 2011 add a bit more to the appearances and the personality and due to the new races having higher spiritual energy than either of the current two (shini and Arranc) with their spiritual pressure your segunda etapa will confuse them and allow you to predict 3 versions of events that they will do each as possible as the other two, and they will have kinda coherent thinking (their spiritual pressure protecting them from part of your segunda's effect but 2 or 3 touches would put them in the same state most arrancs or shini would be from one hit/touch.. most of the aduronians and atranians will probably be NPC's anyway.. ^^')that ok..? tried to think of a way of diluting it from their spiritual energy levels affecting it without changing too much.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Techiâş Posted January 5, 2011 Report Share Posted January 5, 2011 hey anbu, we need to get out there... post a status or something like I did... cause we seriously lack people-power to get this thing running.., Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Heavens Guardian Posted January 5, 2011 Report Share Posted January 5, 2011 Save me a spot Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Techiâş Posted January 5, 2011 Report Share Posted January 5, 2011 Will do! XD Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Heavens Guardian Posted January 5, 2011 Share Posted January 5, 2011 ¡ Hidden by Heavens Guardian, January 5, 2011 - No reason given Hidden by Heavens Guardian, January 5, 2011 - No reason given [b]Shinigami[/b] Name: SezItyAge: 15Gender: Female[spoiler=Appearance:] [spoiler=Bio:] Yound women i could see ghosts. I met this Soul Reaper i neary got her illed by a Hollow I stole Her Powers and now i am a Soul Reaper. I ahte my life before. I Had no friends, no family even though i could see ghosts i was in foster care. Personality: Sensitive,Cocky,Talkive,AnbisiousZanpakutou Name: Laminis FuryRelease Phrase/s: Feel The WRATH[spoiler=Shikai Appearance:] thin Sleak Amazon Blade. With a Handle made Of Gold.[/spoiler] [spoiler=Shikai Abilities:] To doa Quick and powerful Attack.(Increase speed and Power)[spoiler=Bankai Appearance:] , Barbian Blade,Gold Handle With a Dimond at the bottom 6ft Long [spoiler=Bankai Abilities:] Confuse my oppenent, with extreme Speed and Massive power. Link to comment
Techiâş Posted January 5, 2011 Report Share Posted January 5, 2011 Anbu will certainly want to take a look at this ... :D I like it :P But Anbu will also have to accept it (Are you going to add more?... I feel there is more to it that is missing...) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Heavens Guardian Posted January 5, 2011 Share Posted January 5, 2011 ¡ Hidden by Heavens Guardian, January 5, 2011 - No reason given Hidden by Heavens Guardian, January 5, 2011 - No reason given Name: SeyTityAge: 15Gender: Female[spoiler=Appearance:] [spoiler=Bio:] Young Child I could See Ghost and Hollows. I was a Orphan I did everything for myslef just to Live. I work Hard One Day I saw a Soul Reaper. I Then Saw a hollow I started Screaming and trying to kill the hollow. The Soul Reaper Tried to save me but died but before that She gave me her power now i am part of the Soul Reaper. Personality: Talkive,Obilious,ElegantZanpakutou Name: Laminis FuryRelease Phrase/s: Feel My Wrath[spoiler=Shikai Appearance:] [/spoiler] Thin Blade With a Dragon head As handle(Design)[spoiler=Shikai Abilities:] To increase Speed and Focus[spoiler=Bankai Appearance:] thin Fast Blade. a Golden Handle of a Dragon [spoiler=Bankai Abilities:] To increase Speed and to confuse with the The Beauty of my weapon. Link to comment
Heavens Guardian Posted January 5, 2011 Report Share Posted January 5, 2011 i might add more i might find a pic or something maybe a better bio but its midnite here and i am tired(i have school in Morning) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Techiâş Posted January 5, 2011 Report Share Posted January 5, 2011 Lol, I see, Goodnight... (it's 3:20 am here and I have school in less then 4 hours...) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ANBU Posted January 5, 2011 Author Report Share Posted January 5, 2011 something with how you wrote the bio makes it sound.. idk off?describe the personality in atleast a sentence not just three words..a blades appearance cannot be fast, it's how fast the user swings that makes it fast..the beauty of a weapon 1. would not confuse the opponent & 2. is not an ability >.< edit the post.. not post a new one.. fix the spoiler for shikai appearance and put shikai abilities in their spoilershikai and bankai abilities should be stuff like what you can do in that formi.e. Hitsugaya in his bankai grows wings of ice and can shoot dragons of ice [very basic example.. for each ability if not just increased strength, increased speed, etc. describe what it does] edit: ...i saw a second post of your app. when i wrote this :S glitch? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Techiâş Posted January 5, 2011 Report Share Posted January 5, 2011 Damn anbu... Why so Ruthless? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Heavens Guardian Posted January 5, 2011 Report Share Posted January 5, 2011 Name: SezItyAge: 15Gender: Female[spoiler=Appearance:] [spoiler=Bio:]As a young kid i could see ghosts. I was born and raise well but at age my parents left me in foster care. I was A lone i had no friends i had nothing. all i did as talk to hosts. When i turned 13 a Hollow came in Attack me A Soul Reaer Came and killed it. I was thankful of him and was wondering how i could be a Soul Reaper. He gave me his power(He hated being a SR) and i became a Soul Reaper. I went To SR School(I forgot Name) and pratice my hido.I am Done with School and now working to help creatures everywhere. Personality: Loyal,Sensitive,Classy, StubornZanpakutou Name: Laminis FuryRelease Phrase/s:Dont U dare Stare.[spoiler=Shikai Appearance:] Thin Blade with a Handle of a Falcon. [spoiler=Shikai Abilities:]Increase speed and Power. [spoiler=Bankai Appearance:] thin Blade with a golden Dragon Handle. [spoiler=Bankai Abilities:] Confuse my Foes and Increase Speed. UpDate Will Add more and Fix Things but its a Updated Rough Draft. *Personality Update(Wont let me switch without messing up post) She is carful with fighting but still will want to fight alone. She is outwitted easy but she shows off her moves to other people quite often. She is careless when not in fighting. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Techiâş Posted January 5, 2011 Report Share Posted January 5, 2011 Much better ^-^ anbu shouldn't have that much to say about this one XD I can't wait to see it finished XD Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Heavens Guardian Posted January 5, 2011 Report Share Posted January 5, 2011 Bankai update as well: It grows a few feet wile still increasing at Amazing Speed. It makes them confused not knowing where i am. Hope that Helps. I need to fix Speeling errors in Bio but hopefully u know what they mean :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Techiâş Posted January 5, 2011 Report Share Posted January 5, 2011 Ofcourse you could just put Extreame speed, and have confusion as a side effect from trying to follow her movements... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Heavens Guardian Posted January 5, 2011 Report Share Posted January 5, 2011 As a young kid i could see ghosts. I was born and raise well but at age my parents left me in foster care. I was A lone i had no friends i had nothing. all i did as talk to ghosts. When i turned 13 a Hollow came in Attack me A Soul Reaer Came and killed it. I was thankful of him and was wondering how i could be a Soul Reaper. He gave me his power(He hated being a SR) and i became a Soul Reaper. I went To SR School(I forgot Name) and pratice my hido.I am Done with School and wanted some fun so i became a robber. I stole from the soul reaper i became wanted i was turned by force i locked by a special Hido. When i turned 14 I got out of the Torture. I wanted to help. So now i am with these Many people. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ANBU Posted January 5, 2011 Author Report Share Posted January 5, 2011 On 1/5/2011 at 8:29 AM, techi said: Damn anbu... Why so Ruthless?if we let 1 person who hasn't done their app. properly we're gonna have people trying to get away without doing any work on 'em... sorry? @Maple: kk.. just gotta wait for you to finish probably in the next couple of days?btw it's Kido not hidoand just use the edit post button instead of posting it again entirely edit: you two put 3 posts in while i was writing this >.< Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Heavens Guardian Posted January 5, 2011 Share Posted January 5, 2011 ¡ Hidden by Heavens Guardian, January 5, 2011 - No reason given Hidden by Heavens Guardian, January 5, 2011 - No reason given It will not let me edit with not messing up like <BR> thing it gets annoying. Link to comment
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