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YCM: The Roleplay

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Okay, Serenity. I must agree with Pika and Beata. You're virtually GMing. I'll let what's already been posted slide for now, but anymore 'I win you lose' crap and you'll be reverted to an NPC. Catch my drift?

Okay, moving on, Pika, 6, Serenity (and apparently Beata?), wrap up your argument, and 6/Serenity should be receiving my PM in your next post.
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Well Final Fantasy, Lora, and myself have been brought back to my apartment. From there I was taken into intiensive care, where after hours I was brought out of critical condition. At the same time Lora had to fight someone, in a subarch, in Final Fantasy's mind. Once that was done Andrew and Katie explained everything was alright. Now Final Fantasy and Lora are ready to leave to head to go to Atman . . .

Atman has been following the mysterious person and eventually found out it was Revolver Amynist.

Serenity tried to attack Pika but was almost defeated, so he escaped, and Chibi Lora lead the Mod to where I was . . . only to think everyone had been kidnapped.

And that is all I can remember personally ^^
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