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Pokemon-Shattered Earth and Broken Sky [OOC | Co-hosted by Obsidian and Mr Spaz the Twenty Third © | PG-16 | Always Accepting]

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Name: Lex Oteri
Gender: female
Personality: unpridictable and often sharp tounged. she is quick witted, protective, adventerous and loves to take risks. but she is also calculating, a master tactition and stays calmseven under extreme stress.
Appearance: http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://fc04.deviantart.com/fs43/f/2009/078/4/b/Pokemon_trainer_by_Zombiesmile.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.dollwizard.com/forums/showthread.php%3Ft%3D53736&usg=__5vM8UN7ILY7i5kmd9YCBOytqZYo=&h=910&w=600&sz=303&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=AcwGLHNODYB4LM:&tbnh=143&tbnw=94&prev=/images%3Fq%3Danime%2Bpokemon%2Btrainer%2Bgirls%26hl%3Den%26biw%3D1362%26bih%3D547%26gbv%3D2%26tbs%3Disch:1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=1137&vpy=38&dur=1108&hovh=277&hovw=182&tx=133&ty=139&ei=fJ4jTbwTwpyWB4a33K4L&oei=fJ4jTbwTwpyWB4a33K4L&esq=1&page=1&ndsp=29&ved=1t:429,r:9,s:0

[spoiler=Bio:]Bio: ((Sorry. I don't know how to do spoilers)) Lex grew up in the capitol city of an island region called Glacier Town. She was the Champion of the Sea in that region and her little sister, Emily Oteri, ran the hot springs. She found Ninetails as an egg and soo nevolved her with a fire stone. Together they had many adventures and battles untill Lex became a member of the last member of the Elite Four.

Starter Pokemon: Ninetails
Type: 4th Elite four member
Team: female: Ninetails/Dewgong/Vaporeon/Gardivore/Seaking/Garadoyse. male: blastiose and Swampert
Other: she travels constently so she is allways on the move

(((I am getting her picture now))))
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Name: Tyten Torrel
Gender: male
Personality: Nerdy, but also a diligent trainer. Overly reliant on machines to do alot of work at home. doesn't like having a lot of people around him at once. He mainly spends his time in museums or is out looking for fossils. Is a big fan of fossil pokemon and fossils overall. Often talks to self or pokemon. Is easily scared.
[spoiler='Appearance:']5 feet, 6 inches, shinny, black hair, dark blue framed glasses, green eyes, usually wears a red collared shirt, jeans, and tennis shoes.[/spoiler]
Was sitting in the middle of a dig site he had discovered and talking to his pokemon for self-esteem because he had only found two dome fossils and was far from his house with no transportation to get home. Then he got up and as he started walking away, the sky went dark and he got really freaked out to the point where he grabbed his pokemon and ran as if his life was in danger. He only got a few meters away from the dig site before he decided to look up and then he saw what was happening. He was frozen in fear of the thought of what might be causing this to happen and what it may signify. Afterwords when he got home he was just in total shock, confusion, and fear as he tried to think of why this happened.
Starter Pokemon: kabuto
Type: Normal Trainer
[spoiler='random vegtable']asparagus[/spoiler]
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Name: Klaus Andersson
Gender: Male
Personality: Klaus is a very kind person with a gentle heart even though he doesn't speak much. He will go out of his way to help a friend or a Pokemon.
[spoiler=Appearance]Klaus is tall for his age, about 6'1 with his spiky hair putting him in at 6'4. His hair is black with red tips and his eyes are a bright icy blue. He wears glasses(the lenses tinged a grayish color) although his eyesight is fine, and is normally seen wearing a loose-fitting black vest over his signature plain white tee with black jeans. He is pale although he spends much of his time outside and carries his Pokeballs on the inside of his vest.[/spoiler]
Bio: Klaus was originally born in the Unova Region but moved to the Rokan Region when was about 12. He had always loved Pokemon and they naturally liked him back, coming to him when they were injured. After some time, a wild Bachuru and Snivy came to him and never left, coming with him to the Rokan Region. At the time of the eclipse, Klaus was relaxing in an open meadow with his Janovy and Bachuru in a meadow, staring up at the sky.
Starter Pokemon: (At the beginning of the roleplay) Janovy and Bachuru
Type: Normal Trainer
Other Important/Trivial Information: Klaus is age 16 at the time of the eclipse.
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<P>Name: Sarah Kartli Gender: Female Personality: Very happy and joyful. Likes Pokemon and Will heal any pokemon she thinks is injured. She doesn't like things to get in the way of her though. Appearance:[url="http://mysthy.blog.friendster.com/files/anime_girl_14917_1600x1200theanimeg.jpg"]My link[/url] Bio: She was at her father's deathbed when the eclipse began. He had given her a single Pokeball. It contaned a Grimer. It latter evolved into a Muk. Her Mom left one day to go work at the Pokeball Factory on Sarah's 11th birthday, but never came home. Her Mom always brought pokeballs home for Sarah's birthday. She had promised to show her a picture of The Master Ball. She had always wanted to see it. Sarah vowed to find her Mom when her dad died. She vowed not to use the [url="http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2010/167/3/a/custom_pokeball_meme_by_Adrastia217.png"]Custom Pokeball[/url] (Buttom Middle) until she found her Mother. When she saw the eclipse, she thought it as a sign to find her Mom, since she loved eclipses. At that same moment, her father died. (It was exactly 3 years later. Now, she's 15) <BR>Starter Pokemon: Grimer <BR>Type: Elite 4 </P>
<P>Team: Muk,Crobat, Gengar, Drapion,Venesaur,Pendra <BR>I don't know how rto put in a spoiler, so, here, ONION OF TOTAL FUDGENESS!!! <BR><BR>Name: Sean Longson <BR>Gender: Male <BR>Personality: Light and skippy. Loves to talk, infact, his sister, who's emo, sometimes feels happy around him <BR>Appearance:[url="http://browse.deviantart.com/?qh=§ion=&amp;global=1&amp;q=Anime+boy#/d1gh6w7"]appearance[/url]<BR> Bio: His dad is always working. At the time of the eclipse, he was out, working on a "Special Project". His dad is a worker at a labratory, but he can't tell Sean what he is doing (Suspicious!). His Mom is the lovey-dovey type. She doesn't like it when he leaves the house for long periods of time. She says she is afraid that he might get attacked by a stray pokemon, but he says he'll always his Skarmory. His sister is, as mentioned, an emo. She never cuts, though. She has a Pokemon of her own, and sometimes lets him use it. Her Pokemon is a Sableye. She is 16 years old. On the eclipse, Sean was asleep, and he shot straight up, awake, when the clipse became full <BR>Starter Pokemon: Skarmory <BR>Team: (E4, Gym Leader, Shattered Earth, and Broken Sky Only) </P>
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Name: Andrew Shell
Personality:He is very furious at his brother.He usually helps the pokemart on his street.The local gym leader is his best friend and usually helps him anything he needs.
Appearance: [img]http://api.ning.com/files/6rw9nG*akUiaVn*K-tWiuFOhL-ak1IzOfuIBnDTbzkfGd0j74vaOiVeQWItRV3**viasypr7Qh83V9IvVSpwVzl86nEZUWSA/1226397807_3073_full.jpg[/img]
Bio:He was helping the Local pokemart when all of the sudden...FLASH!!!A blinding light blinded him and he dropped the package of Ultra Balls.
He fell down onto his back and he droped his Duskskull.The ball crashed into a tree and then the light ended.He got up and he was tremblin from the earth quake.
A man came up to him and gave him the poke ball with his pokemon in it.Andrew said-"Thanks Victor"It was his friend Victor and then Victor walked away.
Starter Pokemon: Duskskull-Lv.6-Night Shade, Astonish, Confuse Ray, Shadow Sneak
Type: Normal Trainer

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[center][size=3][color="#800080"]Uh, hey guys. Sorry for not posting sooner, but I was grounded for two D's (Shoulda been 5D's XD).[/color][/size][/center][center][size=3][color="#800080"]Anyway, Umm, my cohosts, I dunno where you've been, but you had the authority to accept/deny, etc.[/color][/size][/center][center][color="#800080"][size=3]So, long story short, I am terribly sorry, and I'm going to look over ALL OF THE APPS NOW [/size][size="1"](Or later...) [/size][size="3"]and I shall determine your worth! Be prepared for things![/size][/color][/center]

[size=2][color="#800080"]Felix--Accepted, on the following condition: You cannot have two Poke's as your starter. I will allow Janovy, however, as I can allow single-stage evos for starters, or you can have just Bachuru, but not both at the startup. [/color][/size]
[size=2][color="#800080"]Ultima--Accepterated (BOTH)[/color][/size]
[size=2][color="#800080"]Raxus--Moveset and level not required in app, but okay. Either way, accepted.[/color][/size]
[size=2][color="#800080"]Now, for IC postage...[/color][/size]
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[center][size="3"][color="#800080"]Yes, but my Ononokus (or Omnomokus as I sometimes call them) despises me. If you read back a bit, you'll see she attacked me [i]AFTER[/i] I caught her. Not to mention the fact she's only helping because she knows I'm deciding her fate down deep inside. And Obsidian is a Coordinator. It's not like an uber-strong Pokemon will make that much difference in contests if it's STEELIX.[/color][/size][/center][center][size="3"][color="#800080"]
[/color][/size][/center][center][size="3"][color="#800080"]Here, if you want, think like this: Ononokus is like Ash's Charizard or Iris's Doryuuzu. Meanwhile, Steelix is like Dawn's Mamoswine. The first one doesn't listen because of its vanity, but the other will listen because it gets incentive for doing so (Right Obsidian, HINTHINTHINT)[/color][/size][/center]
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