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Pokemon-Shattered Earth and Broken Sky [OOC | Co-hosted by Obsidian and Mr Spaz the Twenty Third © | PG-16 | Always Accepting]

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[center][color="#800080"][size=2][color=#000000][font=arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif][size=2][center][color=#800080][size="3"][size=2]Gotcha. Gym #3-Blackpearl; Type-Steel; Leader-Bruno[/size][/size][/color][/center][center][color=#800080][size="3"][size=2]
[/size][/size][/color][/center][center][color=#800080][size="3"][size=2]What's your badge?[/size][/size][/color][/center][/size][/font][/color][/size][/color][/center]
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Name: Anderson Anderson
Gender: Male
Personality: Random, very random, and he LOVES to point out the obvious
Appearance: [IMG]http://i56.tinypic.com/bhdqgy.png[/IMG]
Ignore the fact that he has no mouth.
Bio: He is an amateur trainer (derp) and he is an even better computer hacker. He is also a computer fixing person or whatever they were called. He sometimes plays jokes on people by hacking their computer and then getting them to hire him to fix it, of course he would give the money back or give too much change. At the time of the eclipse he was hacking a game corner's computer to download a Porygon to his flash drive. He later uploaded it to his laptop so he could get a real Porygon.
Starter Pokemon: Porygon
Type: Normal Trainer
[spoiler=random vegetable][url=http://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fennel]Fennel[/url][/spoiler]
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I, uh, don't know how to say this, but...
I can't do this RP. I wanted to, but given the speed of the RP, everyone is going to be posting while I'm mostly offline. Call me lazy, but I don't want to go through ten [/exaggeration] pages of posts and me only getting one off.
So, in conclusion, I am withdrawing my reservation. If someone else wants to take it, be my guest.
I am sure this is going to be at least a good RP, but it's not one I want to take part in.
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I'm guessing there is still a place for another character?

Name: Xavier Redwoods
Gender: M
Personality: Xavier is usually a nice person, but can get a little mean if in a bad mood. Always talkative and sarcastic. Always put one of his friends before himself. However, can be quite stubborn, because if he starts something, he will not stop until it is finished.
Xavier has black (with sprinkles of gray), shoulder-length hair. He wears a leather jacket over a black t-shirt that reads "SARCASTIC: One of my many talents." on it. Wears dirty blue jeans that has a number of holes in it and black sneakers. Stands at just over six feet tall.[/spoiler]
Bio: Xavier comes from a huge family, having five siblings and several cousins. His family was always that kind of family that would get together for any occasion; because of this, Xavier became a very kind person who always put someone else who needs help before himself. Him and his friends would always talk about going on a pokemon journey, but he was the only one that actually believed it. He likes to think his pokemon are part of his family, and, to him, they are.
During the Lunar Eclipse, Xavier was watching a horror movie with his Poochyena. His room was very dark and it almost blinded him when light came from outside, despite it being nighttime. When he looked outside, he was surprised to see it looked daytime. While he was standing outside, a large fissure appeared in front of him, almost dropping him into it. (Is that good, or should I expand it?)
Starter Pokemon: Poochyena
Type: Normal Trainer
Other Important/Trivial Information:
[spoiler=Random Vegetable]
Tomato (or Corn)[/spoiler]

Is that good enough? If not, tell me what I need to expand or whatever.
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[center][color=#800080][size=2]Very good, especially for a newbie. Yes, this works. You are indeed...[/size][b][size="7"]ACCEPTED[/size][size="3"].[/size][/b][/color][/center][center][color=#800080][b][size="3"]
[/size][/b][/color][/center][center][color="#800080"][size=2]And Obsidian, I am now specifically tasking you with Gym Leader 1. Lastly, Mr. Spaz, check the thread title.[/size][/color][/center]
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Thank. I love writing, so that's why I'm "very good", because I write a lot and I know how things go. Will we only have the start pokemon for the rest of the role-play or will we be able to catch some other ones, like in the games and anime?

Also, if you need anymore Gym Leaders, I can help. Not sure if you do, but just in case you have to have some other ones, I'm here to make one.
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[quote name='Dharc the Dark Charmer' timestamp='1293766055' post='4898180']
[center][color=#800080][size=2]Sure, Nightshade, that'd be great. If you wouldn't mind, could you make the Shorand Leader? And yes, you will be able to catch more.[/size][/color][/center]

I was thinking you could, but just wanted to make sure. Does the Gym have a particular type or can it be one I pick out?
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[quote name='Dharc the Dark Charmer' timestamp='1293767169' post='4898230']
[center][size="3"][color="#800080"]It can be whatever, but I would suggest, based on the location, Flying. Again, it's up to you, but I was just thinking of that based on the locale.[/color][/size][/center]

When I read it, I either thought Water (because it said it was half-way into the ocean/sea) or Flying. I'll have the character up later tonight, or if I can't do it tonight, I'll have it up tomorrow.
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Say hello to my app!
Is it OK that she is an Electric Type Gym Leader? If not, I'll make an entirely new app.
[spoiler=First Gym Leader App]
Name: Zasuka Resacun
Gender: Female
Personality: Zasuka is a kind girl, always trying to help, even offering advice during battles. She doesn’t care if she loses or wins, because she enjoys battling, not winning.
[spoiler=Bio] Bio: Zasuka is the daughter of the former Gym Leader of Debriment Town. She lived happily and well with her father, mother and two brothers. When she was 10, like most people of that age, she received a Pokemon from her father, who had plenty of Pokemon spare in his PC. The Pokemon she was given was a Spiky Eared Pichu, which she loved, and trained well. After a while, she caught more Electric type Pokemon, the type her father used in the gym. She was soon able to battle really well with her team of Pokemon, defeating many other trainers in her town.
When the Lunar Eclipse happened, she was fast asleep in her bed, her Spiky Eared Pikachu, once her adorable Pichu, standing guard. It woke her up when the Lunar Eclipse occurred by zapping her gently. When she was fully awake, she saw daytime, instead of night-time! After waking her parents, and her brothers, the concluded something had happened. But what, they didn’t know.
Zasuka’s father decided to go find out what was going on, and left the Gym to Zasuka’s older brother, as he was oldest, if only by a few months. Mere days after he left, the earthquakes began their ruthless strike on Debriment Town, claiming the lives of some of Zasuka’s friends, and even, in the end, family. Both her brothers were killed when they fell into the gaping chasms now cutting through the town. With her brothers now gone, and her mother without Pokemon, Zasuka is now Gym Leader. [/spoiler]
Starter Pokemon: Spiky Eared Pikachu (Ok, I don’t know if Spiky Eared Pikachu’s exist, but I don’t care)
Type: Gym Leader
Spiky Eared Pikachu
Other Important/Trivial Information: First off, Corn. Secondly, and more importantly, she is an Electric Type Gym Leader, and she hands out the Strike Badge.[/spoiler]
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[center][size="3"][color="#800080"]Good, but, one problem...Raimon's Kamitsure already hands out the Volt Badge. How about the Circuit Badge, or the Strike Badge?[/color][/size][/center][center][size="3"][color="#800080"]No matter, she is [/color][/size][size="5"][color="#800080"]ACCEPTED.[/color][/size][/center]
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[center][size="3"][color="#800080"]Sorry, Lord, really, but first come first serve. Well, you'll still hold a special place in my heart. Anywho, I believe it is time for...[b][i][u]THE IC THREAD!!!!!!!!!!!!![/u][/i][/b][/color][/size][/center][center][size="3"][color="#800080"][b][i][u]
[/u][/i][/b][/color][/size][/center][center][color="#800080"][size="2"]Edit: Here ya go. Enjoy![/size][/color][/center][center][size="3"] [/size][/center][center][size="3"][color="#800080"][color="#800080"][url="http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/234570-pokemon-shattered-earth-and-broken-sky-ic-co-hosted-by-obsidian-and-mr-spaz-the-twenty-third-%c2%a9-pg-16-always-accepting/page__view__findpost__p__4898490"]IC Thread[/url][/color]
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