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first cards..zelda theme

Link Master

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Guest JoshIcy

major ocg errors.... but less than most, just technicalities...

Gannondorf is severely overpowerd...

Link and his equip just wont work.... they null each other out as you cant seem to make up your mind... if his attack becomes this much it cant increase by that much...


the only cards that work are the Zelda ones.... not Link or Gannondorf....


overall 5/10 for effort... i can tell you tried....

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Guest JoshIcy

icyblue i like your avatara

and he dint try



lol thank you ^_^... i had to "clean" the picture alot to make it not have random white spots on it... invert and adjust the colors right...


ooh and what i meant by try is to have the effects like the game..

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