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~The Jolteon Clan~


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Hey boiz/girlz, Striker needs moar members




Treehouse of Fun is a treehouse of fun. 'nuff said.

The Jolteon Clan, on the other hand, isn't a Jolteon Clan. Its an Eeveelution Clan!


We really need a TRUE Topic. Get back on Drawing?

Or should we talk about the Penguins of Madagascar?

Or should we talk about Probopass?

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I can JUST see Team Disaster offering legendary protectors sexual favors in return for the legendary.......

Ok, I'll join :P But if I don't do anything remarkably M-18 rated, then you well know why.I'm actually working on a PG-13 RP now. The first non m-18 rp, yay!

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That way, its an even 50-50. The game's more fair.

Unlike Good always winning, the bad.... gets a chance XD


"Oh c'mon Austin, I'm tonnes sexier than that young flat Samantha Sparks. How about a deal - you and your friends hand over the bird trio and Lugia while I have fun with you. I'll let your friends have a share of the fun..."




My mind is more messed up than the Korean Guy.


OK, good point. Very, very good point.


PG-13 RP? What's it about.

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It's about this new region, (not gyms, mind you) thats been recently discovered in the strecth of ocean between Unova and everywhere else. Each region, having found out about it, wants to colonize the region as its own (Especially Johto, no offense. But they are basically just an add on of Kanto. SO THEY WANT LNAD)

So everyone who signs up is a member of a group from one of the five regions, and will trael to Inggura (as some are caling it) to colonize. And you destroy the other region's settlements were possible.

It's an all out war

And loving it.

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"Oh c'mon Austin, I'm tonnes sexier than that young flat Samantha Sparks. How about a deal - you and your friends hand over the bird trio and Lugia while I have fun with you. I'll let your friends have a share of it too."

Remove Pokémon from that and it'll make a RP I would join.

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Vespiquen is really difficult to get! Combee has a gender ratio of 1F to 7M...

Vespiquen's more than just a buzzer. It can do lots of things.


THREE SIGNATURE MOVES!!! Attack Order, Defend Order, Pingas Heal Order.

There should be a Male Combee evo with 'Guts' or 'Toxic Heal' as an ability.


[insert Picture Here]

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Fire Punch Pansear Project is starting. BTW, when I'm allowed to get Wi-Fi, I'll give you all an Air Slash (and Assurance) Oshawott.


So.. *checks "Air Slash Oshawott" list and writes it down*





Anyone else with reservations?


Off-topic: My AMV (Anime Music Video) is failing. Helpz plz?

Oh, and Wish.. HURRY UP AND FINISH YOUR MOVIE! *sighs*


EDIT: Me! I'll see if I can remake my Pokemon Online server. Bai!

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