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~The Jolteon Clan~


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I have a Shiny Suicune xD

Meh. I missed the Nationals Championships in Pokemon TCG. NATIONALS!!! If I won 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th, I could've gotten a free ticket to San Diego, California. And it's in a nice hotel xD

Ah, next year then!


PM me your.. I don't know, email? OR whatever, I can add you in by MSN. Meh. We both should make a new email, because of privacy stuff, or I should just reveal it. I don't know. PM me.


I G2G soon, so yeah.

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I don't play TCG, although I collected a few cards... I can remember a few cards... Deoxys... Ludicolo... maybe a Mightyena.


I lost those.



On Topic: I remember finding a Rayquaza in a booster pack. Not sure which pack, but that made me happy. Speaking of which, my McDonalds is giving away Pokemon Cards (B/W Pokemon included) as toys. Probably Pikachu and the starters, but it seems cool. Thing is, it starts today and I went to McDonalds yesterday...


Off-Topic: Are we allowed to visit eachother on Minecraft?

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That joke almost made me kill myself. I keep em' in a box, goddamnit...


I have like 8 decks. Almost all playable.


Fave deck:


[spoiler=Psychic :3]


1 Gastly (DPBP#100)

3 Gastly (NJ9-2H5-44X)

3 Ralts (NX0-163-8NB)

1 Ralts (QC1-NQD-8NB)

3 Duskull (URM-W9Y-MLG (<MLG!!))

1 Duskull (FV4-RAA-LPX)

1 Duskull (X73-1UF-JPX)

1 Duskull (569-JBF-8NB)

1 Natu (2QS-TZH-40P)

1 Natu (7U8-HJ0-8QX)

2 Haunter (ZZE-RCY-D4X)

1 Kirlia (CGN-RUZ-ZZB)

1 Xatu (YU9-67G-0AM)

1 Dusclops (3J3-L8B-H6N)

1 Dusclops (VA8-Y2Y-N8F)

1 Gardevoir (L15-YJD-L0B)

Trainer cardz:

1 Rival (No number, Diamond/Pearl set)

1 Wally's Training (XS6-CS6-EFH)

1 Master Ball (96N-PQF-S25)

2 Great Ball (CBR-YU0-0U3)

1 Mary's Impulse (No number, one of the e-series sets)

2 Phoebe's Stadium (R8N-TNG-1HC)

1 Switch (C4T-DX5-53X)

1 Professor Cozmo's Discovery (954-Y8B-0FN)

Energy Cardz:

27 Psychic Energy (3 of them rare foils :3)





Ogawd, I haven't played the actual card game in what.. 7 years?? Idk. There's like no one around here that likes Pokemon, has cards, and wants to play (or knows how). Soz yeah, I forgot how to play... >.<




On Topic: I remember finding a Rayquaza in a booster pack. Not sure which pack, but that made me happy. Speaking of which, my McDonalds is giving away Pokemon Cards (B/W Pokemon included) as toys. Probably Pikachu and the starters, but it seems cool. Thing is, it starts today and I went to McDonalds yesterday...


Off-Topic: Are we allowed to visit eachother on Minecraft?

Orly? REAL cards? Not some cheap home made ripoff? :o I'm amazed.

And slightly don't believe it still, seeing what they did with Bakugan...

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I knew that xD

Gonna try getting as many cards as I can!


Off-topic: I'm gonna try installing Hamachi, so you guys, get it now!

Try to get 10000000 cardz in one night. When your capital is just 50 bucks!!


Just joking. Thats kinda impossible.


Also, I brought 2 packs of BW today. Got a Bouffalant and a Maractus :3


Off-topic: I have Hamachi.


The ones that have Minecraft SP can't change skins. Real legit bought Minecraft is the best.

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Yup. I just caught Kyurem!


Off-topic: So far, no one is able to connect to my Minecraft server <.<

Oh, I'm going to be an admin in my friend's server. She's trying to make the best server ever! I have random jobs..


- 2 towns to build:


Area 51 (with UFO!)

Surfer's Paradise (Great seaview!)


- Giant creeper to build!


- Minecraft Academy President


- Hunter Association Leader


The Hunter Association is a group of elite Hunters, to rid of monsters in the cities, and to catch griefers, and trasported to the Jail! The Jail is a Griefer's Paradise, where they'll be stuck there forever (the walls are made of bedrock). Currently I'm the only Hunter :3

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Yup. I just caught Kyurem!


Off-topic: So far, no one is able to connect to my Minecraft server <.<

Oh, I'm going to be an admin in my friend's server. She's trying to make the best server ever! I have random jobs..


- 2 towns to build:


Area 51 (with UFO!)

Surfer's Paradise (Great seaview!)


- Giant creeper to build!


- Minecraft Academy President


- Hunter Association Leader


The Hunter Association is a group of elite Hunters, to rid of monsters in the cities, and to catch griefers, and trasported to the Jail! The Jail is a Griefer's Paradise, where they'll be stuck there forever (the walls are made of bedrock). Currently I'm the only Hunter :3

Haven't even gone to get Kyurem. Been working on finding Mesprit for the Legendary Checkoff List. She just won't stop moving, and it's extremely annoying. I do have a Wobbufett, but it's actually getting to her that's hard.


Off Topic: Do we have a Minecraft Club? And can I have your IP? I want to be a hunter xD.

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Glad to see you back Kelsey.


Jynx, Sneasel, Golbat... Hehe.



I note how sucky a Movepool Kyurem has. So much for that high a Base stat. 660. All it knows is a buncha STAB moves and TMs.

Still, I wanna run it like how people run SUPERPOWER!!!!! on Flareon.

Or on Feraligtr.

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Hey, guys. I haven't been here for a while...

Anyways, sorry for the late notice, but I will he leaving tomorrow (Tuesday) to volunteer at a camp, and I may or may not be able to steal some wifi (though it seems extremely unlikely that I will be able to do so). As a result, I will most likely not be online for the next week or so (I return next Thursday).

So with that being said, I will talk to you all next week :)

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Ok Zextra, have fun!

Aww wut? Minecraft club dead? awwwwwwwwww.....


Off-topic (IF I WAS EVEN ON TOPIC TO BEGIN WITH) - Hey Miki, you know how you said you were thinking of a Serebii Edition of this club? Could we alsso do one on the Pokevolution forums? (J-MAX HAS A FORUM. IT HAS XXX. THAT STUFF BURNS)

If so, I can make it.

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Off-topic (IF I WAS EVEN ON TOPIC TO BEGIN WITH) - Hey Miki, you know how you said you were thinking of a Serebii Edition of this club? Could we alsso do one on the Pokevolution forums? (J-MAX HAS A FORUM. IT HAS XXX. THAT STUFF BURNS)

If so, I can make it.


Well, in Serebii, I can't fit this into a Club, so I go for Clans, where we Wifi all day. I'll read teh roolz.


Oooh Pokevolution Forums. Yeeeaaah.

Of course.

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Kyurem, go around a circle, and jump through a ledge, to find a lake.


Off-topic: Ty, no. My friend can't get people to connect, outside her house. I'm the only Hunter so far, so you have to take a test, in Zone 3, then Hunter Training.

Zone 3 is a giant creeper model with monster spawners inside. And it'll be made by me!


Ok, I'll remake the Minecraft Club at Friday!

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Enjoy yourself there. Its a 34um.


I declare a new term - 34um.


Rule 34 is the rule that implies that if something exists, there is porn/hentai of it.

And a Forum that follows that rule is a 34um.


Dirty Forum.

That's wjhat you've just joined. Don't let your parents know.

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