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Me Vs. Coyote Starrk.



Lv 8




Card A:


This card's ATK and DEF become the number of DARK-type monsters in you or your opponent's Graveyard. Once this card is Normal Summoned, Set, or Special Summoned, neither you or your opponent can Normal Summon, Set, or Special Summon any monsters except by the effects of Spell or Trap cards. After this card is declared as an attack target, discard two cards from your Hand to negate the attack. Once this card is destroyed, destroy all Spell and Trap cards on the field.


Card B:


Each time a Spell or Trap is activated, increase this card's ATK and DEF by 500. This card cannot be destroyed by battle while it's ATK and DEF are lower than 1500. During your Draw Phase, you can reveal the card you drew to your opponent to activate 1 of the following effects depending on the card you drew:

-Monster: Increase this card's ATK and DEF equal to the ATK and DEF of the drawn monster.

-Spell: Draw 1 card.

-Trap: Add 1 card from your Graveyard to your Deck. Then shuffle your Deck.


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Card A:


Since I'm too lazy to fix the OCG errors, I will do it the easy way:


• become = gain (in this case, since that ATK and DEF are not ?)

• Once this card = When this card

• You can't Normal Summon using a Spell or Trap card (unless you are talking about Ultimate Offering and Double Summon, but those cards are only used alongside a • regular Normal Summon)

• After this card = When this card

• declared = selected

• Once this card = When this card ...again


All in all, not a bad idea, but there are some major flaws. its ATK/DEF gaining effect is most likely a mistake, because as it is, it's pathetic: So you and your opponent have a total of 4 DARK monsters in your Graveyards, so this card has 6 ATK and DEF? Also, this card would likely cripple a lot of decks, since just having it on the field locks down Normal Summons, and though there are plenty of cards used to Special Summon, it makes life a pain... I'd say the most useful effect is by far the last one, though it would probably get D. Prisoned before it could be activated...


Card B:


This card is very effective, but OP'ed at that. First of all, it acts like a Marshmallon until it has more than 1500 ATK and DEF - good. Then it gains 500 ATK and DEF for each Spell and Trap card activated - fair enough, but balanced. Now, its list/bullet effects are what really pushes this card into the OP'ed zone... First of all, drawing a monster card gives this card's ATK and DEF a boost - well, depending on the monster, this can really get it into the Beatstick status; even too much, maybe... The Spell effect is good for gameplay, but adds even more "power" to this card. Its Trap effect is not bad, but not particularly useful.


However, with that said, Card B is much more playable than Card A, so Card B gets my vote.

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