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Swordfire206 VS Sakurazaki Daisuke [Christmas 1-on-1]


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So it's a Christmas 1-on-1!




It has to be a Christmas monster (Support card is optional)

The effect must be 5 lines or longer

4 votes to win




Loser gives 25 points and a rep to the winner


[spoiler=Swordfire's card]




When you use this card as a Synchro Material, you can pay 300 Life Points to return all Synchro Materials back to your Deck. Shuffle your Deck afterwards. During your Main Phase 2, you can Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower "Christmas" monster. The Summoned monster is destroyed during your opponent's End Phase. When this card is attacked, you can switch the target to a "Christmas" monster you control.



[spoiler=Sakurazaki's card]


Delivery Team - Delibird Duo




LORE: If you control 2 or more "Christmas" monsters, you can Special Summon this card from your Hand. Each time this card inflicts Battle Damage to your opponent's Life Points, toss a coin and call Heads or Tails. If you call right, inflict damage to your opponent's Life Points by 300 for each card in your Hand. If you call it wrong, increase both players Life Points by 200 for each card on your side of the field. When this card on the field is send to the Graveyard, both players draw 1 card.


Christmas Elf - Cookie




LORE: When a Level 5 or higher monster is Special Summoned, you can Special Summon this card from your Hand.As long as you control another Fairy-Type monster, your opponent can only select this card as an Attack Target.Each time you draw, increase both players Life Points by 200 for each card in your opponent's Hand.


Christmas Elf - Christmas Cookie




LORE: When a Fairy-Type monster is Special Summoned, you can Special Summon this card from your Hand.As long as you control another Fairy-Type monster, this card cannot be selected as an Attack Target.Each time an effect that would increase your Life Points is actived, increase this card ATK by half of the increased amount.


Christmas Toy - Cruiser




LORE: If you control 2 or more Level 3 or lower monsters, you can Special Summon this card form your Hand.Each time a card effect that would make you draw is actived, you can inflict damage to your opponent's Life Points by 200 for each card drawed by that card effect.Also, when a monster on the field has its ATK increased, you can inflict damage to your opponent's Life Points by the increased amount.If you do, discard 1 card from your Hand.



And I might give a rep as well if I win to the loser

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