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RadioKirby v. newfie shark

Sweetie Belle

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I call the rematch, and I call the requirements:


  • One that requires the existence of counters to activate an effect or attack.


200 points


Voting Requirements

Votes must be based on effect or OCG. Pic or Name will not count.

I can refuse a vote to ask for more detail.


End Date:

January 3rd. The person with the most total votes wins.


Whoever gets to 3 votes on all cards.


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Knock it off Kirby.


I don't know the circumstances of Shark's victory over you, and frankly I don't care. But to call him all of the above for not wanting a re-match is completely un-called for, and demanding he give up points for turned down a re-match is ridiculous.


If you have a problem with the way people vote, talk to the guys who voted, Shark didn't ask them to vote for him.


This thread has been reported to the mods. They might not do anything. But this is disgusting behaviour.

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Well, I still want a goddamn rematch. Today, not a single thing has gone right. Every little bastard I've gone against today has won only by a fluke. I just want a FAIR competition with FAIR votes. Go to the last 1 v. 1 of me v. him, and you'll see why I'm doing this.

all of them are fair. if your gonna get pissed at people for beating you, you can kiss my @$$

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Newfie, your cards were worse. And the voters weren't that experienced, so of course Kirby's mad.




Please tell me your not talking about the whole 1v1 section. If all of them were fair, I would've lost to Yankee.

your in no position to speak. this is between me and radio kirby. also, i agree his cards were better, butother people didnt. if he won i would of simply gave him the points and rep instead of pulling a temper tantrum.

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You're in no position to speak. This is between me and RadioKirby. Also, I agree his cards were better, but other people didn't. If he won, I would have simply gave him the points and rep instead of pulling a temper tantrum.

First of all, fixed. Secondly, you're in no position to say that Smesh is in no position. If maybe the votes were FAIR, if, say, a competent, experienced member had voted, I'd be content as it is, but I noticed the same people always vote for you. I don't know if it's some sort of conspiracy or bribery or whatnot, but any competent, experienced member would have voted against you. Honestly, your cards were worse, in not only my opinion, but that of quite a few others, and I can tell you who. I've had my share of losses and I've accepted defeat, because the voters were competent, experienced members, unlike this, so this couldn't be a "temper tantrum" as you call it. And if I had won, I would have accepted a rematch, instead of showing cowardice and refusing such, knowing that in the rematch, there will be competent, experienced voters. You are sure that you'll lose because your first, and only win, was a fluke. So suck it up.

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I'm sorry, I seem to have missed the e-mail saying only selected members of the forum were allowed to vote on 1on1s, and that you were the authority to define what makes a good vote.


Looked at thread. Votes were perfectly fair, they all highlighted their opinion that Sharks cards showed more creativity, better OCG and he had written a more enjoyable vanilla story (which given the requirement is relevant). All valid reasons for voting. Some people may disagree, but that's what 1on1s are for. I agree your cards were better in terms of their effect, etc. Shark's not the best cardmaker, we get it, he's been beaten around the head enough for it. But this reaction - seemingly made out of humilation more than anything - is completely out of order.


These 'experienced, fair, competant' voters that you speak of, the thread was there for them to vote on. They didn't.


As for accussations of suspicious voting patterns, isn't your suggestion of hiring 'experienced competant' members to vote (for you) exactly the same thing? Because it comes across to me as such.


I'm gonna type the next bit slowly and in big letters so you understand.




I will not be drawn into further comment on this matter.




Matt Bahamut

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Who gives, just do the god damn contest already.

I have to agree with RadioKirby at points. The votes weren't necessarily fair. It was like newfie called of of his buddies to vote for him.


But Kirby, you didn't give newfie a chance to say yes or no. :\


But anyway, just start the effing contest.

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