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Unscramble that Yugioh card

~British Soul~

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rules - unscramble the words below to give the name of a yugioh card, the first person to get a card right gets a rep

1. rare spit pier (Spirit Reaper)
[b]solved by[/b] Mr. Spaz
2. prod got fee (Pot of Greed)
[b]solved by[/b] Naturia Melon
3. darn stand for log fame (Frost and Flame Dragon)
[b]solved by[/b] Naturia Melon
4. dart rust sag don (Stardust Dragon)
[b]solved by[/b] !
5. no wig rib hed u k (Winged Kuriboh)
[b]solved by[/b] Naturia Melon
6. when rats foo (Wrath of Neos)
[b]solved by[/b] dogfish44
7. can i kid marag (dark magician)
[b]solved by[/b] canadian
8. lee here no lots amen (elemental hero neos)
[b]solved by[/b] monkeymadman
9. usual darkling (skull guardian)
[b]solved by[/b] canadian
10. i phrase froth tip (spirit of the harp)
[b]solved by[/b] canadian
11. sir i plain on demons (Dimensional Prison)
[b]solved by[/b] Canadian
12. do grand verona (Red Nova Dragon)
[b]solved by[/b] Canadian
13. no immoral that had bureaucracy (Earthbound Immortal Ccarayhua)
[b]solved by[/b] Champion lance
14. moo gem key kinky (Mokey Mokey King)
[b]solved by[/b] Catman
15. phone arrives (vairon sphere)
[b]solved by[/b] naturia melon
16. mr ad dig no leaf cast rust ad (Malefic Stardust Dragon)
[b]solved by:[/b] tdloe
17. zora star dig guy seal bat
[b]solved by:[/b]
18. U Star Gag Duo
[b]solved by:[/b]
19. Bar China Door Soup
[b]solved by:[/b]
20. Peking Gun Hint (penguin knight)
[b]solved by:[/b] Naturia melon
21. Kamikazi in a buoy
[b]solved by:[/b]
22. one coals hearse meshing imperfect
[b]solved by:[/b]
23. barking sea abbots (beast king barbaros)
[b]solved by:[/b] Canadian
24. alba badges fall
[b]solved by:[/b]
25. chided red water took
[b]solved by:[/b]
26. hangman zeta pike
[b]solved by:[/b]

GOGOGO and there is more to come (i made a mistake with no. 4 - now fixed)
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