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Team Pokemon V.S. Team Disaster [Started/Accepting]


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Name: Austin Black
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Bio: Is Volker's little brother. He is next in line to take over the gym at Sunyshore City. He lives on a small island off the cost of Sunyshore City. He lives with his younger brother, Tyler, his father, and Volker. His mother just died and he isn't taking it well. He is depressed a lot now and usually lays on his bed staring at the celling. His brother Tyler just started his Pokemon adventure and now he has to travel with him. He is happy sometimes though. He is looking forward to the adventure so he can get away from home.
Personality: Is really happy sometimes but mostly sad because of his mother's death.
Main Pokemon: Pichu
Pokemon Team: Pichu-Male
Pikachu(Nicknamed Piku)-Female
Chinchou Egg
Other: Next in line for Sunyshore City Gym

Name: Tyler Black
Age: 10
Gender: Male
Bio: Is starting his Pokemon adventure and is excited. He is the youngest of three boys. His oldest brother is none other then Volker the leader of the Sunyshore City Gym. His other brother is Austin Black. He is really helpful trying to cheer Austin up but fails most of the time. He lives on the small island of the coast of Sunyshore City there he resides with his father and two older brothers. He just got a Snivy, which is rare because Snivys don't usually roam Sinnoh Land. He is having his brother Austin come with him on his adventure so he might cheer up.
Personality: Very happy-go-lucky. He loves to make friends and is easliy impressed. Is kinda sad that his mom died.
Main Pokemon: Snivy
Pokemon Team: Snivy-Male
Other: Third in line for the SunyShore gym leader
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Can I just say? JonahHex is beginning to bug me...

It's just that, his character has ties to Team Galactic AND Rocket!

That's over the top for a hired mercenary to be able to call up either Team and use their resources at any time...

...Anyone else have a problem? Or is it just me?
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[quote name='Chibi Demon Kid' timestamp='1298486500' post='5029240']
Can I just say? JonahHex is beginning to bug me...

It's just that, his character has ties to Team Galactic AND Rocket!

That's over the top for a hired mercenary to be able to call up either Team and use their resources at any time...

...Anyone else have a problem? Or is it just me?

Well, I'll give him permission, but I'll control Team Aqua and Team Magma until someone else takes this/these role(s).

OK... how 'bout this... all the evil teams are fighting to get the Legendaries... Boy I smell war.

Hmmm... Team Disaster has more problems, more rivals tryin' to catch Legendaries!

And no, Sam doesn't know, but I'll try to think of a way she'll find out soon after the epix battle.
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[spoiler=Character: Reece "Freeze" Frost][b]Name:[/b] Reece "Freeze" Frost[hr][b]Age:[/b] 64[hr][b]Gender:[/b] Male[hr][b]Appearance:[/b] [IMG]http://i52.tinypic.com/1zedrnq.png[/IMG]
Reece is a wiry old man in his early 60's, but that doesn't mean he sits in a chair all day. Despite his age, he's as active as he was forty years ago. He wears a light blue suit with a matching fedora, with a red band and a red dress shirt. He carries a red cane, with a black grip, which actually conceals a rapier, which he uses for fencing, and self defense. He wears a white scarf given to him by his older brother, Yanagi, the former Gym Leader of Chouji Town.[hr][b]Bio:[/b] Reece is the younger brother of Yanagi, Chouji Town's Gym Leader, before the takeover. Reece was always in his brother's shadow; nothing he could do would ever live up to his mother's expectations. After consideration, he went to live with his uncle in Isshu at age 18. His cousin, Hachiku, was only just born at the time. Time passed, and Hachiku grew to be a fit young man, and a movie star. Reece, growing old, moved out of his house in the city and relocated to a small town near Route 7.
Recently, he received a letter from one of his old friends in Chouji Town, informing him of the recent overtaking of the regions in the area. Reece, being the vigilante old man he is, decided to become a lone Trainer, secretly aiding Team Pokemon, but appearing to be on the side of Disaster. With his connections in Disaster, he was able to acquire a result of an underground project being attempted: an Ice-Type Hinoarashi. It has since evolved, but it still appears to be somewhat unstable, reverting back to a Fire-Type an random moments.[hr][b]Personality:[/b] Reece's mood tends to be very volatile, being happy and energetic at some moments, and being cold-hearted and mean the next. This is mostly due to his constant "switching of sides." He needs to appear to be on one-side, when in fact, he is on the other.[hr][i](Nickname / Species / Gender / Ability)[/i][hr][b]Main Pokemon:[/b] Frieza / Onigoori / Male / Inconsistent [i](Onigoori really does look like Frieza from DBZ!)[/i][hr][b]Pokemon Team:[/b]
[img]http://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/c/ce/Spr_4p_362.png[/img]Frieza / Onigoori / Male / Inconsistent
[img]http://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/d/dd/Spr_5b_614.png[/img]Cola / Tsunbear / Male / Snow Cloak
[IMG]http://i52.tinypic.com/34e4v95.png[/IMG]Icy / Ice Bakufun / Male / Ice Body (Flash Fire when Fire-Type)
[img]http://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/1/12/Spr_4d_365.png[/img]Ikakku / Todozeruga / Male / Thick Fat
[img]http://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/e/e7/Spr_5b_581.png[/img]Pretty / Swanna / Female / Pidgeon Heart[hr][b]Other:[/b] Lieutenant Commander, Team Disaster spy.[hr][/spoiler]
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Actually I was near Registeel's Cave. Oh well, Sam's gonna find out once she's done with fighting these buncha gaiz.

All in Japanese? But why?
Oh right, you are Japanese. I still remember clearly.

Glalie, Beartic, Icy Thyplosion, Walrein and Swanna.

Don't know about Icy Thyplosion. But then again people are allowed to have Pokemon without moves the normal Species can learn, but only limited to 1 Pokemon. So accepted.
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