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Team Pokemon V.S. Team Disaster [Started/Accepting]


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WHAT THE HELL BEAVER!!!!!! You caught Jirachi without approval. And too easily i might add. FIRST OFF! Jirachi isn't on the moon. He lives in a cave crystalized! Second, it is a Psychic Pokemon, therefore wouldn't be that affected by Psychic. Third, One ultra ball catches a legendary in space floating around? less gravity would affect the pokeballs speed. You're really starting to make me mad with your lack of rp skills and your annoyance....
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Dude, first, I had to, cause that was my mission, and second, LAY OFF! All I had was a freaking Gardevoir! Third, I looked it up! On Pokemon Emerald, you can go to the freaking moon! Guess who's there! JIRACHI! So just, LAY OFF!

Oh, and another thing! You dare to say I have lack of RP skills! Last I checked, I've posted on this thing like twice as much as you! You thought the RP was locked! WTF!
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If you actually READ my posts, you'd know that Zanza has done jobs for Team Galactic, and seeing whereas their name is GALACTIC, wouldn't one think they would have A FREAKING ROCKET! And, no, I admit to not asking Jolta, but I had the next best thing, Obsidian/Crystal Star give me the mission! LAY OFF!

By the way, I changed a few things, cause I am SICK of being called BEAVER!
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I'm not a she.

Well, the Rocket part was fine, but like Nazo said, too low a Gravity will cause a ball to float around instead of hitting the target.

Well, it is part steel too, makes it less affected by Psychic. Plus its Catch Rate is 3, so it will logically not be caught Unless you throw a *gasp* youknowwhat.
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1. Nazo. Jonah. SHUT UP!
2. I agree. Jirachi is mega rare, hard to catch, 4x unaffected by Pyschic. You see where I'm going with this?
3. Excuse me Jonah? How is forgetting an RP prove that someone is a bad RPer. I probably need to ask somebody personally, but I've orgotten RPs before *coughTeam Pokemon vs Team Disastercough* and nobody says I fail as an RPer. So I suggest leave commants like that for PM. Please.
4. ....um..... You know what, stuff it. I'm not gonna say it. I prefer to keep more discriminating thoughts to myself.......

I just OPed, didn't I? You saw the thing..... God. I like doing that. :P
It's fun! But I think Koko and Sazan are out for a while, so I'll have to..... Fly back on Emonga? OH f***!

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