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Team Pokemon V.S. Team Disaster [Started/Accepting]


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Name: Lex Orita
Age: 17
Gender: female
Appearance: http://www.animegalleries.net/img/396115
Bio: Lex grew up in the city of Snowpoint in the Sinnoh region. Ninetails was her very first pokemon she hatched from an egg and evolved from a Vulpix. Ninetails is unuseual because Lex has tought her physic moves though they are weaker then her normal fire type moves. Lex is known as a master at water and ice typoes. She is also known for her powerfull water and ice types female pokemon and, of course, Ninetails who is her strongest pokemon. She has a little sister named Hannah who runs a hot springs in the Sinnoh region with her male Arcanine. Lex has been offered a job as a Top Ranger many times but has declined every time for unknown reasons.
Personality: her temper is unpridictable but here are the basics. In battle: hot headed, quick to react, clever and merciless. Normally: calm even under extreme stress, smart mouthed, protective, rash and quick to act before she really thinks.
Main Pokemon:fey Ninetails
Pokemon Team: fey: Vaporeon/Dewgong/Frostlass/Gardivore/Cloyster/Gangar/Seaking and male:Blastoise/Swampert
Other: top intelegence officer
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Name: Emily Zuria
Age: 15
Gender: female
Appearance: http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs19/i/2007/239/f/b/Pokemon_Trainer_OC_Contest_by_EvilApple513.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/63281626/&usg=__UwdnJBSQOnJ8V3VuqO0R_6U5zsM=&h=463&w=400&sz=57&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=dLWGhutedvRumM:&tbnh=141&tbnw=90&prev=/images%3Fq%3Danime%2Bpokemon%2Btrainer%26hl%3Den%26biw%3D1020%26bih%3D564%26gbv%3D2%26tbs%3Disch:1&itbs=1&iact=rc&dur=359&ei=BiMUTavzNoO88gbc1PzKDQ&oei=BiMUTavzNoO88gbc1PzKDQ&esq=1&page=1&ndsp=16&ved=1t:429,r:3,s:0&tx=37&ty=60
Bio: Emily was born in the Kanto region where she received and Eevee as her very first pokemon. Of course as time went on she eventually evolved it into the Umbreon of today. She then ended up catching a Riolu which evolved into a Lucario. While she was training with her Lucario Team Disaster came and stoll it from her. She hasn’t seen her old friend again since that day. Wanting to protect the pokemon Emily joined Team Pokemon. Her natural acting ability made her the perfect spy for Team Pokemon. Emily is well known for having every evolution of Eevee.
Personality: she is a nateral actress and her mood is allways changing due to her postiotn as the spy for Team Pokemon. One minute she can be unbelevably evil and the next she can be the sweetest person in the world. You never know with Emily. Her personality depends on whatever role she is playing at the moment.
Main Pokemon: Shadow the fey Umbreon
Pokemon Team: fey Jolteon/Vaporeon/Glaceon/Flareon/Leafeon
Other: (Rank, and any other random info we should know) spy for Team Pokemon
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Name:Zanza Kotsuzuka
Age: 15
Appearance:[url="http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn33/LxStraightEdge/UntitledAnimeDude.jpg"]My link[/url]
Bio: Born in the Johto region, Zanza has always been poor. He grew up on the streets, begging for money. He barely had enough money for him and his Slakoth. Then, he stole a nugget from a man, and got his life back on track. He trained fiercely, and climed Mt. Silver three times. Now, he works as a trainer-for-hire. He chose not to choose a team because now that he had money, he wasn't going to lose it all.
Personality: lazy, would much rather be eating. likes to sleep with Slaking.
Main Pokemon: Slaking
Pokemon Team: Slaking, Scizor, Skarmory, Ampharos, Gallade, Gardevoir
Other: Works for highest bidder
Fun Fact: Doesn't do Pokemon nicknames
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He dosen't just want to be a Leader, he wants to be a god! To become one he needs power, so he joined Team Disaster to get the samples of all the legends...

...The strongest ones will have their samples implanted into him and...

...Let's just say Chimera will live up to his name in a horribly gruesome way...
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