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Does so much


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|Cyber Virus|
|Machine/Tuner|DARK|100 ATK|0 DEF|
|This card is treated as a LIGHT monster on the field or in the Graveyard. If this card is sent from the field to the Graveyard, discard 1 card and add 1 LIGHT Machine-Type monster from your Deck to your hand.|

Lets you use Chaos Sorc in various Cyber Decks.
Lets you search Cyber Eltanin, which is amazing.
Makes Formula Synchron with Cyber Larvae.
Would be a staple in Cyber Monarchs, which would become amazing with this.
Isn't optional - cannot miss timing.
100 ATK means that it survives if you protect it with Honest. Also half the reason for the dual-attribute.
Gradius Decks now have a tuner, I guess.

So yeah, is the dual-attribute needed? Is it too good in CMs? Does it make Eltanin far too splashable?
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