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Ninja Adventure (A Naruto RPG/Application Open)


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"Why are you letting me go?" asked Suteibu as Geri revealed Suteibu's bag of weapons sitting in a corner next to the door. "Just be grateful. Don't asked any questions and go now while the security is out of this area, follow these directions" he said as his weapon was unsummoned and he handed Suteibu a piece of paper. Suteibu didn't speak he just grabbed the bag and rushed out the door, following the directions his brother had just given him.


by following the directions, he soon reached the wall of the village completely unimpeded. He hopped the wall and landed on the other side, seeing they were surrounded by water (slowly rising up) when in the distance he saw a figure, up on the cliff above...



Nanaho continued along the riverbank (following the orders of the note in the fish). Suddenly, she reached the edge of a slowly filling reservoir with a village in the middle. As the reservoir filled and the village was accessible, Suteibu jumped over to Nanaho and the two embraced each other and kissed (falling to the floor), as the village vanished. "God, I've missed you" Nanaho said sweetly and Suteibu smiled back at her...



Shadow looked at Ichimaru "Glad you could make it. I need you to help me with something" said Shadow as he put his arm around Ichimaru (friendly like)...

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suteibu and nanaho see tiki standing over them "Well I'd hate to break up the love fest, but you to are coming with me" saying that as he summoned the giant lemon tree



*O great Shadows being friendly I don't like the feel of this* "Yes Shadow?" he asked with a half smile.

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Suteibu & Nanaho

Suteibu and Nanaho looked up and saw Tiki and the summoned tree. "So where are we going?" asked Suteibu as he stood up and helped Nanaho to her feet...



Shadow looked at him "We're going to find an ancient power that will boost the power of the Akatsuki so high that we will be unstoppable" said Shadow as he walked ahead of Ichimaru...

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"Were going...to fight and kill shadow, and anyone else that happens to be in are way! saying all this as he pushed nanaho and suteibu into the tree and then the tree vanished



sigh "Another big adventure on the Akastuki express woot woot!"

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Suteibu & Nanaho

"Will you stop pushing us" asked Nanaho angrily. On the other side of the "portal", Suteibu and Nanaho saw Shadow (with Spear in hand) and Ichimaru. "Looks like we're in for a fight. Summoning Jutsu" he said as he summoned a Spear and Nanaho extended claws out of her knuckles. "So, Tiki... who'd you want?" asked Suteibu as he spun the sword from side to side and Nanaho crossed her arms in front of her and Metal engulfed her arms (forming Shield-like arms)...



Before Shadow could retort to that, he saw Suteibu, Nanaho and Tiki coming out of the tree. "Ichimaru, you think you could muster up the will to fight them?" he asked Sarcastically as he pointed at the three leaving the tree. "Summoning Jutsu" said Shadow as he summoned a Spear...

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"I'll take that Tiki Fellow you can have Suteibu and Nanaho"



"I wont be tiki for much longer I'm afraid..." he formed a few hand signs "Lemon Tikis Secret Coffin" a coffin covered tiki and everyone was waiting for a moment and the coffin opened. Everyone in the area felt a great strain as a figure walked out of the coffin but it wasn't tiki this man had long silver hair wearing a half cloakish jacket sort of thing "Greetings my name is Subatsu"

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OOC1: FF7, does Subatsu look like Sephiroth from the Final Fantasy Series? Because if he does, this would clash as Shadow's picture is of Sephiroth (from FF7: Advent Children). Page Ref: 43, post 853...


Suteibu & Nanaho

Nanaho looked over at Subatsu and began to feel cold and uneasy "What is with this guy?" asked Nanaho quietly. "Apparently, he is one of the highest S-Class criminals in history, often compared in infamy to Shadow. However that was back before he was 'sealed' by Tiki, so compared to today's standards he may not be that dangerous" whispered Suteibu without taking his eyes off Shadow. "However, unlike Shadow he's so obsessed with gaining power, he lost control of the power he had gained and it poisoned his mind. Now, he can't mask his Chakra anymore meaning that pretty much anyone who isn't dead can sense him coming" whispered Suteibu, sounding unimpressed with Subatsu's power...



*Subatsu... That's a name I haven't heard in a while* thought Shadow as he looked over at the former Tiki. "Well, shall we begin?" asked Shadow as he stared at Suteibu and Nanaho...


Suteibu, Nanaho & Shadow

Suteibu and Nanaho charged at Shadow, looking to end the fight quickly. Nanaho went ahead and went to punch Shadow, yet Shadow dodged it effortlessly. Yet, as she slashed her claws sideways, he was forced to move backward into the oncoming path of a plummeting Suteibu (who had jumped up while Nanaho was punching him). Shadow raised his spear up and with only one hand's worth of counter pressure stopped Suteibu cold in his tracks, however the ground below his feet did dip (forming a mini crater).


"Is that the best you've got?" asked Shadow smuggly as Suteibu jumped to the side of him, leaving Shadow pincered between Suteibu and Nanaho (who has now formed a Trident-like Spear using her Metal Jutsu)...


OOC2: FF7, can we drag this out for a while. I'd like the fight Shadow vs. Nanaho and Suteibu to go on for a while.

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Corey's Story :


Corey followed that guy until he saw that he wants to kill Risekage.

"I see that you aren't my enemy after all.. Wanna team up and kill Risekage ??"asked Corey.



Kevin's Story :


Suddenly Kevin was in there with Naze and Corey.

"Hey guys..I guess I am the only one who wants to kill you.. Big Brother"said Kevin.

Then he runned and tryed to kick Corey.

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Corey's Story :


Corey blocked Kevins hit and kicked him and Kevin fell 5 meters from there.

"If you keep this up then i guess it will not be much fun as i dot.."said Corey


Kevin's Story :


"Risekage.. You handle that weird guy i take care of my brother MYSELF!!"yelled Kevin and started runnig toward Corey.

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Risekage's Story:


"Blake go get the senseis please" he said.


Naze's Story:


Naze appeared out of nowhere behind the Risekage and kicked him in the back.


"Risekage, Risekage, Risekage you aren't very strong are you?" asked Naze.


Risekage's story:


"I'll show you" Risekage said. "Fire Style: Flame Destruction."


A big ball of fire went towards Naze and exploded as it hit Naze with powerful impact.

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Kevin's Story :


"Okay Corey.. Take This !!"

He jumped into air and kicked Corey. Then there was big smoke.




Corey's Story :


"Nakakaaa.. You didn't expect to hit me right.. Oh well .. Kekkei-Genkai Style : Invisible Jutsu!" The Corey turned Invisible.




Kevin's Story :


"Please.. I can see you when you are invisible.. Kekkei-Genkai Style : Invisible Jutsu!! Followed by Kekkei-Genkai Style : Invisible Exploding Bubbles!" Then a hug mass of invisible bubbles targeted Corey and exploded.




Corey's Story :


"What?!?! From the bubbles ?!? Shurikains(Or what ever you call em:D).."

Corey gotted hit by 50 Shurikains.

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Suteibu, Nanaho & Shadow

Suteibu and Nanaho were on either side of Shadow, and were preparing a coordinated attack. Suddenly Nanaho charged at Shadow, but Shadow (seeing this attack coming) surprised both of them by charging at Suteibu intently. Shadow slashed his spear, and Suteibu raised his spear just in time to block the attack.


"Your fast" said Shadow "But your not instinctive" and as he said that he swung the exposed area of his pole, hitting Suteibu and driving him backwards while in the motion of swinging his Spear towards Nanaho, slashing through her Trident's pole effortlessly and cutting Nanaho's top as well. *This isn't working* thought Suteibu as he leaped and landed next to Nanaho, now holding the bag in his hand instead of the Spear and smirked sinisterly.


He reached into the bag and drew out two swords from the bag, giving one of them to Nanaho. "So, now you think swords will make it easier for you?" asked Shadow rather smuggly. "Sing... Benihime" said Nanaho as her blade changed shape and began to glow red. Shadow looked on and eventually looked at Suteibu.


"Multiply... Matsuhide" said Suteibu as he lifted his sword into the air and let go of it. The blade lifted into the air and suddenly (in a flash of light), the sword "exploded" into 8 Swords floating around Suteibu, and 4 Swords sticking in the ground around Suteibu (in the form of a diamond). *This will be fun* thought Shadow and he prepped his Spear and smirked sinisterly...

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ooc: no he doesn't look like Sephiroth and yeh I'll draw the fight out a bit



"Well suteibu your absumptions were sort of correct. I have learned to make my chakra last longer and be more contained then usaul I don't do as much rampaging anymore so therefore I'm free to concentrate on Ichimaru for a few minutes. Now, it's time to play." Ichimaru suddenly felt a huge punch to his stomach "Chakra Beam Cannon" Subatsu unfolded his fist into a hand and shot a huge beam of chakra and Ichimaru into the sky



Ichimaru landed back where subatsu started at "S***, you looked stong but geez! Ok my turn Secret Jutsu #4 (I think thats what I'm on) Mystic Blue Fire Tornado"



"Thought this would be a chalenge Chakra Desperssion Field." A mist of chara flooded out from Subatsu and fizzeled out the tornado. "Now, Chakra Desperssion Wave." A huge wave of chakra went to Ichimaru and slamed him against some rocks.



"How can you have that much chakra?" he asked as he got up in a stagger.



"I come from a rare breed of ninja who were blessed with not one but two kekkai genki. The first, which I'm using now, lets me take the chakra copacitys of those I've already kill'ed so that means my chakra copacity is the same amount as over 40,000 Ninja! I call it Seishou Fukintou (Energy Imbalance)

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Suteibu, Nanaho & Shadow

The three stared at each other, waiting for the others to make a move first. Suddenly Nanaho's sword lit up and launched a burst of red towards the Shadow. Shadow had little time to dodge, but he managed to dodge most of the attack (yet did get hit slightly on the chest). *Wow, that's was a powerful attack* thought Shadow as he looked up at Nanaho, yet saw that Suteibu still hasn't moved since using his sword.


Suddenly Nanaho charged at Shadow and began to slash with her sword, forcing Shadow to back away quickly and remain on Defence. And still throughout this, Suteibu stood back and did nothing but watch. Suddenly, Nanaho slashed through Shadow and he vanished. *Shadow Clone* thought Nanaho as she looked around frantically for him, but before she could look for too long Shadow's hand extended out of the ground and grabbed her leg, dragging her down and trapping her (while pulling himself out of the ground). "Now then, Suteibu... you ready to fight yet?" asked Shadow sarcastically and rhetorically as she smirked in his direction...

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"Is that so well then Secret Jutsu #5 Fury From Above" a few large meteors came from the sky but were falling only fairly fast.



With out looking away from Ichimaru, Subatsu pointed at the ground where nanaho was trapped and suddenly a crater just big enough for nanaho to get out formed without damaging nanaho at all. "Meteors? Thats not very outside of the box? Rushing Chakra Pillar" a pillar of chakra came from the ground and completely disintegrated the meteor. Subatsu made a hand sign and held it the chakra that he dispersed solidified into about 1000 or so little hard balls floating in the air. "Chakra Bullet Barrage" all the chakra balls started whizzing at Ichimaru as if being shot out of several gun barrels at once...


Ichimaru: "OH CRAP! Defense Barrier Steel!" a ball of steel surrounded Ichimaru and was able to block all the bullets except for a few "Secret Jutsu #6 Shadow Lurking Blades!" metal blades popped out of nowhere (6 of them) and started moving towards Subatsu *this will get him*



Ichimaru could only stare as he saw his blades go strait through Subatsu but did no damage at all then the blades vanished. "Did I not tell you my 2nd Kekkai Genkai yet? I'm so sorry! It's called Shinkouteki Ranmyaku (spiritual chaos) what this one does is very unique it makes all physical weapons (i.e. any attack thats not pure chakra) go right through my body as if it wasen't even there like I'm a ghost." Suddenly all the chakra balls went into the air and changed there shape into needles "Chakra Needle Rain" all the needles went through what was left of the steel shell and hit Ichimaru then they vanished...

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Shadow, Suteibu & Nanaho

Shadow charged at Suteibu just before Subatsu released Nanaho from the ground. *Why did he just release me?* she pondered as she brushed herself down. Shadow swung his Spear at Suteibu, however without moving his arms one of the swords circuling Suteibu blocked the swing effortlessly. Then, Suteibu extended his arm out and swung it in Shadow's direction, which launched a sword at him.


The sword struck Shadow and as it appeared that Shadow was hit he exploded, sending Suteibu's swords flying away (but soon came back). *Damn, another clone* thought Nanaho as she watched on, switching between watching Shadow & Suteibu and Subatsu & Ichimaru. Shadow appeared to have vanished completely as his clone was destroyed, however Shadow appeared behind Nanaho quietly and completely undetected and stabbed her in the back with a Kunai. She gringed and collapsed to the floor as Suteibu turned and looked on (while making the 4 swords in the ground float as well).


Shadow looked over at Suteibu as he lifted Nanaho off the ground by her leg, and flung her at him. "I believe this is yours" said Shadow smuggly as Nanaho bounced over towards Suteibu. Suteibu looked at her, worrying about her well being. "Don't worry about me" Nanaho said as she pulled the Kunai out of her back and breathed heavily "You have to concentrate on Shadow" she said as she began to heal herself slowly (without using her hand). "I'll be fine. Just go and get him" she said confidently and kissed his cheek, and Suteibu nodded at her and kissed her on the forehead. "Ok Shadow... GAME ON!" he shouted as he rushed at Shadow, with swords floating around him...

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"Thats it Secret Jutsu #6, #7, and #8" three people come out of the ground "These are warriors from my time they have never been defeated! NOW ATTACK!" the three start charging



*sheet I'm almost out of time* "sorry I'm gonna have to finish you now Chakra Multiplication Spears" spears fly out of nowhere and stab all three guys in all over and go after ichimaru and cut him up bad and a lot go through him



As Ichimaru fell to the ground he muttered "I guess I'll never make it back to my own time..." as he slipped into death



*gotta hurry* subatsu runs over to shadow (as pushing suteibu out of the way with some chakra he focused and he was about to punch shadow in the face but he froze an inch away from his face "NO! I ran out of time!" shadow simply kicked subatsu away after he froze (his Kekkai Genkai was turned off) "Suteibu take some of my chakra for I can't use it anymore" a cloud of chakra forms around suteibu and quickly is absorbed into his body "win or ill kill you" subatsu's turned back into Tiki and a ball of white shining light whizzed out of tiki's body and flew away...

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