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Ninja Adventure (A Naruto RPG/Application Open)


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*theres defiantly more power in this village then the last but still nothing I can't take without drawing my blade, perhaps I should start eliminating this akastuki group I've been hearing about*


Kurage:Who was watching the fight between chelaf and kevin the whole time *These guys wont be any challenge to me let alone my master. Then why did Hikashi want to come here for candidates? Maybe theres something more to this village maybe theres actually power here Hikashi wants to eliminate? I'm sure I'm over thinking this i better leave and tell Hikashi there moves...*



Ichimaru had arrived at the fight but between Nanaho and Shadow but he was far enough where he wouldn't be noticed he was studying Nanaho's jutsu carefully.

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Shadow & Nanaho

Shadow held Nanaho off the ground using the Spear (pressed up against Nanaho's Staff). Shadow pushed his head to beside Nanaho's and "3.........2.........1........." he whispered in her ear. "ZERO!!!" he shouted as he swung his spear with tremendous force, slashing her far across the beach. Nanaho struggled to her feet as Shadow began to spin his spear from side to side "Ichimaru... what do you want?" asked Shadow viciously without looking at him...

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ooc: can't go on MSN im not on my comp



"Ha ha! so you noticed me did you? Well i was only looking for you for 2 days god! Anywho since I guess your the leader now you should take this terror used to have it before he went of and died" ichimaru reached into his pocket and through shadow a mysterious pure black ring. "now if you don't mind ill be back here watching you work." as he sat back down.

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Shadow & Nanaho

Shadow continued to spin the spear from side to side, and as the ring came within reach he spun on one side and slipped it onto his left ring finger (but seemd to do nothing), before going back to spin it from side to side again. "Ichimaru... I need you to find Suteibu and stall him for as long as you can. He may be at the Village Hidden in the Void" he shouted as he threw a Kunai with a map on it at Ichimaru...



"Come on out now! You won't escape from us, we have you completely surrounded!" shouted an ANBU squad leader. A few seconds past with nothing happening "Fine. If you won't come out, we'll come in!" he shouted and as he did, everyone moved closer. As they reached the foot of the house... "Fated Circle" shouted Suteibu. A huge wave of energy shot out of the house, striking all ANBU soldiers down. Suteibu walked out of the house and stared over the area and caught a small glimpse of a ninja disappearing. *So Shadow... your watching...* his thoguhts were cut off as he was hit in the back by someone, but there was no one around, rendering him unconscious...

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ooc: kurage left no trail to follow by the way




Kurage went back to the place where Hikashi was "I'M BACK!"



"How were they?"



"Pretty good on of um even found me but i got away without leaving a trail"



"alright you can sleep now"



"YAY! I DID A GOOD JOB! as she went to bed



"can do buddy! Shadow Style demons transportation ichimaru was were suteibu was hiding and saw him get knocked out *well it seems hell be stalled anyway* ichimaru leaves

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*Tch, coward* thought Chelaf as Kurage disappeared. Then he heard Kevin talk something and disappeared in an puff of smoke himself ''It's nothing to worry about, just the girl from earlier today was watching our fight for some reason, probably tried to learn our jutsus for the Chuunin Exam'' said Chelaf as he helped Kevin up.

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Shadow & Nanaho

As Ichimaru vanished using his Demonic Teleportation Jutsu, Shadow used it as a signal to rush at a disoriented Nanaho (who had not heard where Ichimaru was heading) at high speed. Before Nanaho could react to Shadow rushing her, Shadow stepped on her pole (rendering it useless) and stood over her with Spear against her throat.


"Don't move, there's nothing you can do" he said as he kicked the pole away into the distance. He then stood on Nanaho's chest with the foot he once had on the pole, and kneeled down to get his head next to her's (without moving the spear from by her neck). "So tell me sweet child... where is Destiny's right hand?" he asked, shocking Nanaho to the core...



Suteibu woke up inside a jail cell, however there is something different about this cell; the walls were as normal however there were no bars on the cell, instead in place of jail bars there was a field of pure Chakra, delivered via finely cut square pathways in the floor. Suteibu looked around at the area around him *Man, imprisoned. That's a pain in the ass* he thought as he sat up against the back wall. Just then, a man opened the door opposite the cell. "It's been a long time... brother" he said as he stared at Suteibu's eyes "Where is Destiny's right hand?" he asked forcefully...

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ooc: She can't participate in the cunin exams she's a rouge ninja




"Ah so your up"






I want you to spy on this one today" tosses her a picture of blake.






*Well ill just leave shadow to his buisness*

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As Chelaf was running to his home, he remembered about when he found Kurage spying on them *I got to be alert, they might be planning something* thought Chelaf. As he almost reached to his house, he noticed Kurage running on the roofs *Her again?* thought Chelaf as he changed his path and started following Kurage while keeping an distance from her.........

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