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ooc: Kurage's a girl




Hikashi: in a low soothing voice "watch your tongue child"


Kurage: in a much lower pitch then before "sorry"


Hikashi: "We thank you for the information and we will take our leave...

they were gone in the blink of an eye

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*Woah, that was fast* thought Chelaf ''Well guys, I'm off to an tea shop'' said Chelaf as he walked away ''See ya guys later'' said Chelaf as he was walking. On his way, Chelaf thought about what the girl said *Kurage: YAY! NOW WE GET TO HAVE EVEN MORE FUN THEN WHEN WE...,'' wonder what she meant by i.......**sigh** *pervs* thought Chelaf as he approached the tea shop.

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Shadow punched through the dirt above him and opened up some sitting room. He stood up to his feet and clutched his ribs firmly. *Man... that was a lot harder than I thought* thought Shadow as he composed himself and walked over to Tiki. He stood over Tiki (who was laying on the ground, breathing heavily) and stared down at him.


"It's nice to see that your just as good as ever. I could rely on you to produce a good challenge for me. But now, it's time to up the ante on this fight" said Shadow as he began to glow. Suddenly as the light faded, he was wearing black Gauntlets and Cleaves (Leg Gauntlets), with black flame streaming out of them. The heat off the gauntlets was scoldingly hot...

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The knights charged at Shadow, and Shadow just smirked as he raised his hands in front of himself, facing palms at each other. "Darkness Blaze!" he shouted as the space between his hands appeared a ball of black flame. He pushed his hands back and then forward quickly, launching a stream of black flame (like a flamethrower) at the knights, eviserating all bar 2 of them, and the heat forced Tiki to crinch.


Tiki looked up from the attack and saw that Shadow had vanished, leaving the knights perplexed to his location. Suddenly, Shadow silently appeared behind Tiki and flung his flaming fist at Tiki...

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"Again with this hut of yours, Tiki" he said as he walked towards the hut, picking up his Spear along the way. He continued to walk and started to eliminate the 2 remaining Knights without slowing down or deviating from his direct course towards the hut. "Prepare to expose as the weakling you really are Tiki" he shouted as he charged at the hut and leaped into the air. He thrusted the spear into the roof of the hut, piercing it fully...



Nanaho continued to look out over the sea, and suddenly saw land in the distance. She smiled slightly and looked back "Hey boys... we're near the mainland. Not too much longer now" she said seductively and winked at them. All of a sudden, the speed of the boat increased *Not too long now* she thought.


She looked back forward and saw a bird flying at her. The bird came closer and landed on her breasts before opening its mouth and showing the message from Suteibu. She took the message and the bird flew away before burning up in midair. Nanaho opened the message and read it...

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The smoke was thick from the devastatingly massive explosion of the Tiki Bomb. Tiki didn't relax but started to think that he had won when Shadow didn't appear for a couple of minutes. Suddenly, a Spear flew out of the smoke at Tiki's head, which he dodged at the last moment. However, as the Spear flew by him Shadow appeared out of thin air, gripped the Spear and swung it with vicious force, slashing Tiki and sending him hurtling to the ground.


Before Tiki could recover, Shadow stood over him and prepared to stab him through the heart with the Spear. "This is the end of the line, TIKI!!!" he said but stopped suddenly (about an inch from Tiki's chest). *Damn I'm out of time* he thought as he unsummoned the Spear (to Tiki's surprise). "I'll see you around Tiki. Just remember how I whooped your ass" said Shadow as his gauntlets vanished. Shadow made the gauntlets vanish so that their power would be concentrated into his hand; he put his hand on the floor and forced his chakra into the floor, destablizing the Battlefield and making it vanish.


After it vanish, Shadow was enveloped by the shadows themselves and vanished without a trace, leaving Tiki to die slowly...



Nanaho was close to the Mainland, but couldn't help but think about Suteibu. *Suteibu... going back home could be the worst decision you've ever made since I've known you. I know it's for the right reasons, but do you really want to risk them incarcerating you?* she thought worryingly. "Umm... miss Nanaho" said the Pirate Captain fearfully. Nanaho looked back at him teary eyed. "I'm fine. Thank you for the transport... I appreciate it" she said as she turned and faced him. "And now for your payment" she said as she kissed him lovenly.


Without saying another word, she leaped off of the ship and walked towards the mainland and the Pirate Ship set sail. "It's about damn time you got here" said a wispy voice from behind her. Her eyes widened and she turned around cautiously and saw Shadow laying on the beach, relaxing...



Suteibu (atop of Diega) reached a island in the middle of a rainstorm. He landed on the village, unsummoned his dragon and set off into the jungle on the island. He continued to trek across the vast jungle until he reached an open crater and a village in the middle of it. He walked down the mountain path towards the entrance, and when he reached the entrance he was stopped by a group of Jonin. "You... why are you back here, naive?" asked the guard distastefully...

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"Lemon Tikis White Wind" a breeze came from no where and healed tikis wounds, tiki then took out a pearl the size of his hand and put it on to the ground the pearl immediately turned black *This is the power Shadow was after...and the only way I can defeat Shadow is if I turn into "him" again..."

[flash back]

A strange man was standing in a once peaceful village now covered in the blood of it's citizens as the man laughed sinisterly....

[flash back over]


*no! never again will I be "him"* tiki stood up and summoned a huge lemon tree and walked inside of it then the tree went into the ground (a special teleportation jutsu) the island blew away in the wind...



at a restaurant type place




Hikashi: "I'm afraid not, I don't like the idea of you trying to train with those two guys we met. After all I don't want you revealing your sword and your abilities to anyone here..."


Kurage: "awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!"



looking for shadow "I've been almost everywhere! For now I suppose Shadow is the new leader so I can't really complain if he go's off without the slightest trail...but how the heck am I supposed to give him this!"

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Shadow & Nanaho

Shadow was sitting on the beach, staring out at the ocean. Nanaho stared at him worryingly *Oh man... I have to get out of here. Tch, Shadow will see that coming, will outrun me and have his way with me. But if I stay here he's going to have his way with me anyway* she thought as the sweat poured down her face *Oh Suteibu... what should I...*.


Her thought was cut off by Shadow from the distance "Thinking of him right now will not help your cause. You cannot think of your loverboy and hope to get out of a catch 22 situation" he said calmly as he stood up and turned to face her, with eyes closed. Her eyes widened at the possibility that maybe he was reading her mind. Shadow slowly opened his eyes and showed that his eyes appeared bloated, blinding him completely. At the sight of this, Nanaho grew far more confident and charged at him. "Metal Claw" she shouted and the spikes exited her hand (forming a claw like appendage). She came within arms reach and thrusted her fist towards his face (trying to stab Shadow)...



Suteibu stared at the guard with distain in his eyes, yet he blinked recessively. "I'm here to pick up the mine and Nanaho's important stuff and then I will leave without causing too much problem" said Suteibu calmly as he stared at the guard dauntlessly. The guard stared back at him, and then let him pass. Suteibu walked into the village and onward towards his and Nanaho's home in the village. *I hope she's Ok* thought Suteibu...

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Hikashi: hikashi just sat silently




Hikashi: Hikashi stood up put some money in Chelafs hand and left money for the bill on the table and then took Kurage and left as fast as they did before.



*The only other place I haven't check is the islands but shadow wouldn't go there!...would he?*


ooc:be back on later

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*What is up with that chick?* thought Chelaf as he sat down and ordered Ramen


After he paying for his meal, he left the restaurant ''Man *burp* that was some good ramen'' said Chelaf as he got out from the restaurant *That guy doesn't like to talk much* remembered Chelaf about how Hikashi left...fast *And seriously, that girl needs to calm down* though Chelaf as he walked down the street.

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''Meh, just saw those 2 again, the ones who asked info about the Chuunin exam, the girl who was with that guy is........like.........hyperactive or something like that and the guy, seems like he doesn't like to chat much, anyways, I'm going to train in an while'' said Chelaf as he walked off

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