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Ninja Adventure (A Naruto RPG/Application Open)


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Shadow continued to meditate near the entrence way as the fight escalated opposite him, yet the fight did not seem to freighten him. Suddenly, he opened his eyes and in a slight flash of light gauntlet's appeared on his arms, with black flame pretruding off of them. The runes vanished from around Shadow's feet as he stood up...

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OOC: The fight is about to end between Terror and Blake so Arc 1 is about finished


Terror's Story:


"Oh and by the way the only way to stop that Fiend from inside of you from destroying the Cave Village is to kill me" Terror said.


Blake's Story:


The demon disappeared.


"Okay, Nightmare Punch" he said.


Terror's Story:


He took the punch.


"That won't kill me, Dark Arts: Nightmare" Terror said.


Blake's Story:


"Shadow Clone Jutsu" Blake said.


Terror's attack hit one of the clones.


"Chidori" Blake yelled.


It hit Terror with great force.


"Now, Nightmare Hail" Blake said.


Terror's Story:


He looked up and saw needles coming out him but the time he got up they striked his body.


"Damnit" he said.


Blake's Story:


"Now let finish this this is my secret jutsu, first Shadow Clone Jutsu" he said.


A thousand or so clones came up.


"Now, Dark Inferno Strike Jutsu" Blake yelled.


All the clones body turned and dark color then darkish flames came up in there hands. Then they all striked Terror with a blast from lava of some sort.


Terror's Story:


After the attack he laid on the ground bleeding almost every where.


"Why you?" he asked Blake as Blake came forward.


Blake's Story:


"Because I'm much stronger and have trust now DIE, Dark Inferno Strike Jutsu" he yelled.


Again they attacked only this time with much more force.


Terror's Story:


After the next attack he was laying on the ground only covered with blood. He looked up at Blake before dieing.


Arc 1 Finshed


OOC: Now before we start Arc 2 we need to see who will be in Arc 2 and stuff first.

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OOC: This is a filler arc just to tie up some loose ends involving Shadow and Blake (since both of them were left in the hideout when Terror died). So no one post anything to get involved in it, because I'm not going to prolong it beyond this one post.


Arc 1.5

Suteibu & Nanaho

Nanaho grabbed Chelaf's arm and took him over to Haruka, and Chelaf asked Haruka his questions and Haruka answered. The answered soothed Chelaf's soul and calmed him, as well as everyone else in the area. With the questions answered, Suteibu Nanaho and Chelaf took off on a dragon (summoned by Suteibu) and flew away from Shangri'La. "Did you get what you wanted?" asked Nanaho to Chelaf, whom looked over to her and nodded. Suddenly, Suteibu's shadow began morphing and through it came a massive beast. It went to grab Suteibu until the Medallion began to glow, driving the beast away. As the beast recoiled, he struck Nanaho off of the dragon and into the water below before vanishing back through Suteibu's shadow.


"What the hell was that thing?" asked Chelaf. Suteibu looked around worryingly "Where's Nanaho?" he asked fearfully. Chelaf looked around as well, but didn't know. They both tweaked at the answer together and looked over the edge at the sea. "NANAHO!" shouted Suteibu as the dragon rushed away into the horizon, leaving her behind...



Blake stood over Terror's dead body while Shadow stared over at him, glowing in a dim light. Blake looked up and saw him standing near the entrance "So... you want something!?" shouted Blake. Shadow looked over at him and began laughing uncontrollably. "What are you laughing at!?" shouted Blake. Before he allowed Shadow to answer Blake charged at Shadow "DIE!" he screamed as he got closer and closer, but suddenly he was forced backwards as Shadow kicked him in the chin, yet his momentum carried him under Shadow's leg and flew into the wall.


Shadow started laughing uncontrollably again "Your pathetic... and you actually beat Terror. How pathetic must he have been" said Shadow as he walked up the path. He grabbed Blake around the neck and started carrying him up the path (towards the surface) "Do you honestly believe that Terror was the strongest of us? Please... he was an egotistical little fool who believed himself so good that he didn't need to practice to remain the best, while all the while I grew in power unhindered" said Shadow as they reached the upper cave. He threw a punch into Blake's face, sending him flying out of the cave and rolling down towards a river.


Blake got up angrily and charged at Shadow "CHIDORI!" shouted Blake as a ball of lightning materialized in his hand and he closed in very quickly. Shadow just crossed his right arm over his body and then swooped it back across, sending a massive shockwave out across the area striking Blake down hard. Blake looked up and saw Shadow standing on the hand of a massive black golem. Blake looked up at Shadow "What the hell is that?" he asked as his eyes widened in fear. "Now Blake... you have the choice; Only the strong will survive and the weak will perish... so which will you be?" asked Shadow forcefully. "So disappointing" he said as he shrugged his shoulders because Blake said nothing, but before his Golem could attack Shadow clutched his head in pain (his head was bleeding profusely) and his Golem faded away, giving Blake a chance to run away from him...

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