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Ninja Adventure (A Naruto RPG/Application Open)


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OOC: I've consulted with Shadow, and now I have a 3rd character:

Name: Shadow



Personality: Dark, Mysterious, Sadistic, Sinister etc. Said to be a Demon (due to his personality and actions); said to be the destroyer of society and stealer of order. He was responsible for the deaths of 10 out of the leading 12 Feudal Lords and Kages of villages with massive power.

Jutsu and Kekkei Genkai both unknown, however it is said that a defeaning roar is heard just before the death of a person, like the heavens are screaming in pain. It is rumoured that maybe he can use the Fabled Aura (like Suteibu and Nanaho), however he has not been seen using it so rumours have never been confirmed

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Suteibu & Nanaho

Inside the castle door, Suteibu and Nanaho were walking along a circular hallway, with white robed soldiers standing around (as if guarding). Soon after they reached another huge doorway, and without hesitation Nanaho pushed the door open violently.


"You're late, Suteibu" said a mysterious voice from within the room. Suteibu said nothing, he just walked by Nanaho and sat down on a throne like seat around a table; sitting around the table were 6 other people on similar thrones, with one other person standing behind the throne (like a bodyguard). "Anyway... let's call this meeting of the Seven Wandering Warlords to order" shouted the man...



Shadow was standing in a cave, looking around as if inspecting the area. "So, there was a fight here. And now, we're using the ARS... Just my luck" muttered Shadow to himself while he walked deeper into the cave. He put his hand against the back wall from the door. Suddenly, the wall started to open up and reveal a pathway which seemed to go into the bowels of the earth. *This should get me there in no time at all... but I'm more interested in the wanderers...* thought Shadow. He smiled sinisterly as he dipped his hat lower on his head...

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Suteibu & Nanaho

The man looked around at everyone "Okay... we all know why we're here" said the man (who looked like he was the leader). "We need to discuss the movements of the Akatsuki" said a beautiful, heavenly tennage woman sitting next to Suteibu. "Their movements after the Jinchuuriki to extract the Biyu from them have increased over the past couple of years. They've managed to extract 3 already, and now word has it they have a 4th ready of extraction as well" she said, with the voice like of an angel.


"Oh please" another man said while laughing like a snake. "The Akatsuki are not the greatest threat in this world... there are so many more threats coming this way... and are aiming for... you" he said as he pointed at Suteibu and Nanaho. The other man laughed exceedingly, with Nanaho's anger building quickly. Suddenly, just as Nanaho was about to attack a thunderous, low-pitch pop was heard and a small, round hole appeared on the snake man's forehead. All the other's looked on; the standing group looked shocked while the seated one's looked indifferent about the fact Suteibu had a (proverbial) 'smoking gun' in his hand, pointed in the snake man's direction...



After walking for a long while, Shadow reached a dead end. He smirked sinisterly before cocking his arm back and thrusting his fist forward, smashing through the wall. He walked up into another of the Akatsuki hideouts and saw Ichimaru standing near the doorway of the hideout...

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Shadow walked over to Ichimaru and stood next to him. He took out a cigarette and put it in his mouth. He snapped his mouth against his index finger (setting the thumb alight) and lit his cigarette. He took a puff of the cigarette "So... Where's everyone else?" asked Shadow as the smoke escaped as he spoke. He replaced the cigarette in his mouth...

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last i checked there still on there way here let's check again (ichimaru go's into his coat pocket and retrieves a remote and he presses a button on it and a portion of the wall to the left of them disapeard and revealed a huge tv screen) "well you see this compound has cameras all over in a circular zone exstending for 5 miles meaning we can see 5 miles ahead in any direction" (ichimaru shouts out a comand) "Camera 13 Please!" (the creen suddenly flicks on and ichimaru and shadow can see the akastuki member walking through the forest with blake) "There about 1 1/2 miles away"

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