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Ninja Adventure (A Naruto RPG/Application Open)


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"You think he going to come?" asked Nanaho as she and Suteibu stared out at the water, waiting to see the white plains. "Yea, he'll come... he's too pig-headed to leave us alone. God know's why he wants to bother us so much though" said Suteibu calmly, yet coyly at the same time. Suteibu looked back over his left shoulder. "See what I mean" he said as Nanaho turned her head and saw Omushiba's machine following them. "Telpher, slow down and let him catch up to us" said Suteibu annoyed...

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occ: sure thing



Strings together a few hand signs Lemon Tikis Secret Chest. A mysterious chest appeared and was given to Suteibu. It belonged to (takes a pause) someone and will increase your chakra by 5 times your normal copacity.

P.S. Just so you not the character knows its a medallion that belong to your father but your character doesn't know that yet.

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OOC: How can something that is made by your Jutsu be from my father, stupid?


Suteibu takes the medallion from Omushiba and just stares at it for a few moments. Without warning, he just drops it into the water below. "Not interested, no offence. Also, just so I know why are you so fixated on helping us?" asked Suteibu curiously...

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"What mistake?" asked Nanaho without looking at him. "Your lying. We're not going anywhere until you tell us the real reason your here. So, I'll ask again... Why are you here?" Suteibu asked sternly. Suddenly, he threw the medallion to Nanaho, who caught it without looking at it and crushed it with her bare hand, scattering the pieces away as the wind blowed...

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The medallion appeared this time around Suteibu's neck "sorry but the medallion will continue to come back it can only be worn and used by you and to answer your question it's a promise I made to your (takes a sigh) father, on his last mission I wasn't strong enough to save him from the powers of the "Black Gate".

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*both laugh out loud* "My Father" said Suteibu, trying to hold back the laughter. "My father's been dead for over 2 decades (OOC: 20+ years in case you don't know). He died 2 months after I was concieved. And since you are not older than me, someone lied to you about being my father" said Suteibu, now growing slightly concerned.


"Which begs the question... who's the medallion from? And what does it really do?" asked Nanaho now standing behind Suteibu...

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your father was obsesed with power so he obtained the black gate jutsu but didn't realize he needed 3 sacrifices and the black gate swallowed his body and soul as payment, the medallion does what i said it did, and as for me I'm over 200 years old but i can see that you don't need my help so please just take the medallion and know I'll always be in the hidden cave village if you need me. Omushiba Leaves

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"Well that was a waste of time" said Nanaho as she turned around and faced the same direction as Telphar. "Yea, your right it was. But I'm still concerned about this medallion; how does it keep reconstituting itself and appearing on my personage?" asked Suteibu.


"Telphar... we need to get to Shangri'La. We're already behind schedule" said Suteibu. Just as he finished, Telphar sped away over the land.


"So, umm... when he said that he's there if you need him, you don't intend on talking to him about all this do you?" asked Nanaho, slightly shy and worried. Suteibu looked at her and kissed her on the lips "You give me all the support and help I need, sweetheart" said Suteibu. Nanaho smiled and they kissed again...

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ooc: i didn't mean it to come of like i trained him sorry. i meant it more along the lines that he stole it from me. like i used to have it but he took it before i could ever learn it and thats why i have a counter for it sorry i didn't really word that correctly did i?


OOC: dude, just stop, Kibito didn't steal it from Omushiba, it's his own jutsu for gods sake...........nor have Omushiba and Kibito fought before

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ooc: I'm not on my comp yet so msn will have to wait


Ichmaru: sigh waiting is the most boring thing to do as he sat there eating soup


Omushiba: *Suteibu the day yo and Nanahi met I knew you wouldn't need my help, but till this day i can'y live that fight down...


Omushiba: so what do you plan on doing now that you've gatherd us here? ???: well i plan to sacrifice you for the black gates power of course! Omushiba: Your a fool! ???:your the one who is being foolish, the black gate can do anything I wish! Omushiba: not if i stop you first! Omushiba runs up to ??? puts his hand on his shoulder "Fire Art Inner Explosion Jutsu. an explosion from inside ???'s body blew up his arm and most of his mid section. ???: are you forgetting i stole the power of Moleculer Cellulism? ???'s arm rebuilds. Omushiba: no! ???: it's over! Black Gater swallow him! suddenly the black gates chains grabed ??? and started draging him in. wait what!. Omushiba: see you are a fool the black gate need's 3 sacrifices a year for any person who knows it's power and if you don't give it 3 sacrifices in time...IT TAKES YOU AS PAYMENT! ???: befor this gate swallows me do me a favor at least protect my son here catch Omushiba catches a medalion ??? is sucked into the black gate.

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After a little running, the dog senses something bad ''Hey Chelaf, i picked up some sense'' said the dog ''It's kinda creepy'' he told, *Creepy? I think I'll meet up with Kibito again* thought Chelaf ''Alright, you can go now, I'll take it from here'' told Chelaf to the dog ''Alright'' said the dog as he vanished.


''Kibito, come out, i know your hiding around here'' yelled Chelaf


''So, you decided to follow me, huh? What an big mistake that was, since you used your seal, you are pretty weak, much easier for me to defeat you once and for all'' said Chelaf who started to laugh creepily.


Just as he stopped that laughing, he appeared behind Chelaf, he grabbed his neck and slammed him face forwards onto the ground with full force. As soon as he did that, Chelaf exploded. It was an clone, but an advanced clone. ''Get out here and fight like an man, Chelaf'' yelled Kibito


''LIGHTING SWORD'' yelled Chelaf who appeared behind Kibito, Chelaf swung the sword at Kibito with great speed but Kibito was able to dodge the attack. *Damn, he dodged the attack?* thought Chelaf.


''You think you are going to defeat me with that old thing?'' laughed Kibito ''Take an look at this, ''Katon: Maguma Sune-Ku Shougai no Jutsu (Fire Style: Molten Snake Assault) yelled Kibito. Suddenly, the ground started shaking, and soon, red hot, Snakes started to shoot out from the earth at Chelaf. Chelaf took serious hits but he noticed that Kibito was holding his hands on the ground at all time when the snakes were shooting out from the earth. *Right, got to time this right* thought Chelaf. Suddenly, he grabbed his Katana and disappeared so fast that Kibito didn't even see him gone. Chelaf reappeared behind Kibito and swung his blade at Kibito but yet again, he was to fast for Chelaf. *DAMN, not again* thought Chelaf. Right at that moment, he took an fierce stomach blow from Kibito. As soon as he thought Kibito was done, he took an fierce uppercut from him. At the moment, when Chelaf landed onto the ground, Kibito appeared over him, with his Katana. Chelaf couldn't move as he was paralyzed in fear. As Kibito took Chelaf's Katana, turned the blade downwards at him and swung it at Chelaf, the world slowed down for him and his life started to see images of his life *This is the end, sorry father, I tried my best* thought Chelaf as he started to cry silently.......................................

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OOC: FF7, you have to change your last post so that your not attacking Kibito *Delete performed*


Flying across the land, Suteibu and was looking out at the land with Nanaho clinging to Suteibu's arm lovingly and eyes closed. Suddenly, Suteibu sensed something unusual *Kibito...* thought Suteibu slyly. "Telpher, you sense that dark energy?" he asked calmly. Telpher looked back and nodded "Good... go to it" said Suteibu craftily. Telpher suddenly changed direction and flew straight at it.


"Nanaho, wake up. Kibito's nearby and we're going to screw with him" said Suteibu as he woke Nanaho calmly. As they approached Kibito's location they noticed he was about to swing a Katana at Chelaf. The two nodded and Suteibu vanished...


As Kibito took Chelaf's Katana, turned the blade downwards at him and swung it at Chelaf, the world slowed down for him and his life started to see images of his life *This is the end, sorry father, I tried my best* thought Chelaf as he started to cry silently.......................................


As Kibito slashed the sword, he made no impact; instead when he slashed the sword, it liquified and soaked Chelaf in liquid metal. *Liquid?* thought Kibito. Before he could do anything, Suteibu appeared in front of him (standing over Chelaf) and thrusted his palm into Kibito's chest, driving him away from Chelaf...

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