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Ninja Adventure (A Naruto RPG/Application Open)


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Suteibu and Nanaho were sitting together outside on top of some wooden boxes with legs crossed; Suteibu was relaxing with his hands interlocked behind his head, while Nanaho was sitting upright while eating boiled crab on a stick. She looked up into the air, and saw a rainbow aura around the sun.


"Suteibu..." she began to say. "I know. The Snake Symbol is present in the sky" he said as he opened his eyes slightly and looked up at the sun himself. "So, what do we do now?" asked Nanaho as she hopped off of the boxes. "Nanaho, get back up here and sit down... we can't go anywhere without knowing which direction to do first. So, we have to watch the aura and figure the direction the Snake is" said Suteibu as he continued to sit there watching the sun and the rainbow aura.


Nanaho jumped back up onto the boxes and laid next to him, with Suteibu's arm around her shoulder (while she laid partially across his chest)...

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''Alright Risekage, I'm going home for an sec, I got something that I need to talk with my father'' said Chelaf as he ran off.


On his way home, Chelaf went past Suteibu and Nanaho. For an second, Chelaf looked directly at Suteibu, then took of again.


OOC: Stevenbray, can you think something up with the last part, about my characters unique Bloodline, called ''Kankyogan''? Like only hearing stories about it?

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As Chelaf arrived at his home, he went straight to his father


''Father? Where are you at?'' asked Chelaf

''What is it my son'' asked his father as he came out of his room

''I'm going to an mission today'' said Chelaf

''And what's so bad about that?'' his father asked

''You didn't let me finish Father, this mission will include Akatsuki''


His father was silent for an moment, and was kinda shocked ''Akatsuki, you say? What did they to now?''


''They kidnapped one of my teammate'' replied Chelaf

''Why would they do something that.........wait, is your teammate an Jinchuuriki?


''Yes, he is, but on top of that, I think that I might see him again'' said Chelaf with an cold voice

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Suteibu was staring up at the sun, with Nanaho still draped across Suteibu's torso. Suddenly, he sensed something strange coming at him. He saw Chelaf running by on his way home; as Chelaf passed him the world seemed to slow down as the two looked at each other. After what seemed to be minutes, Chelaf continued on towards his house. Nanaho looked up and saw Suteibu watching Chelaf leave into the distance.


"Suteibu... who's he?" she asked curiously, yet concerned as well. Suteibu looked back up at the sun almost unfazed. *Those eyes* he thought "He a member of the Akushitsu clan" he said uncaringly.


"I've only heard stories about his ancestors; apparently any Kekkei Genkai baring clan that fought the Akushitsu Clan seemed to have their greatest power turned against them. And this kid i'm betting is no exception. If giving time to develop his skills propertly, he can become a heavy favourite to outpower us and them" said Suteibu as he gently forced Nanaho off of him and jumped down off the boxes.


"I have to go somewhere a moment. Just wait here and I'll be back as soon as I can" he said. He removed his mask, put his hand on the back of her head and kissed her on the forehead before putting his hands together in a hand sign, and vanished like a flash of lightning, leaving Nanaho partially laying on the boxes, puzzled...

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''OK Father, I'll just go now, but before, I go, I'll get some equipment'' said Chelaf as he went to his room


Chelaf took only the essentials, kunais, shurikens, explosive tags, an Katana etc. etc.


''OK, Father, I'm off'' said Chelaf

''Be safe my son'' said his Father

''I will, I will'' said Chelaf as he jumped on the roof of his home and took off.


His father was outside for few minutes looking at the direction where Chelaf went, suddenly he sensed somebody near.............

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Yama was dashing quickly from tree to tree as he made his way to the Akatsuki base with the others. It took three days to seal even the single tailed demon, so it would take even longer to seal something much stronger than it. They had time. Yama was watching all around himself, searching for clues as to which directions the runners had taken. They had left a perfect trail.

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Risekage's Story:


"Why if you want" he said. "Here I know how to make a fire if you thin k we need one."


Terror's Story:


"Thank you" said Terror.


He started moving towards the looooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggg trip to their base.


OOC: It is a long way tho.

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