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Ninja Adventure (A Naruto RPG/Application Open)


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This is about a newly formed village called Hidden Cave Village is getting ready for a ninja exam and the teams are training really hard to pass the exam. Here is the sign-up sheet


Sign-Up Sheet



Family Name:




Special Ability: (Optional)


EDIT: Sorry if made like anyone else RP of Naruto



Regular Ninja:


Name: Blake

Family Name: Yri

Pic/Appearance: Coming Soon

Personality: Nice and helps any one



Character by me



Family Name: Taylor

Pic/Appearance: d.png

Personality: He is always good with everyone and friendly

Jutsu: N/A He has only Tai jutsu

Character by Lord_Tobi



Name: Biio

Family Name: Diashari


Personality: Biio is virtually blind, which is why he wears his headband over his eyes. He is fairy optomistic despite his condition and has big dreams and ambitions.

Jutsu: Kekkei-Genkai Style: Smoke Clones

Kekkei-Genkai Style: Smoke Release

Kekkei-Genkai Style: Smoke Shield

Kekkei-Genkai Style: Haze Bullet

Many Others

Special Ability: Biio's Kekkei-Genkai (Bloodline Trait) is that he can control smoke. He can create smoke clones, "see" with the smoke, and even harden smoke. He generates smoke through many holes and gashes in his legs, which arent visible because of his pants.

Character by Megayanma


Name: Georg

Family Name: Bakun

Pic/Appearance: *COMING*

Personality: He is a mysterious guy becouse his Father the Fourth Lighting Shadow was killed in battle and since that day he is mysterious.

Jutsu: Raiton, Denkou Boruto no Jutsu [ENG : Lighting Element : Lighting Bolt Jutsu]

Raiton, Denkou Bakufuu no Jutsu [ENG : Lighting Element : Lighting Blast Jutsu]

Raiton, Denkou Subeta no Jutsu [ENG : Lighting Element : Lighting Sword Jutsu]

Raiton, Ikazuchi Bakfuu no Jutsu [ENG : Lighting Element : Thunder Blast Jutsu]

Kage Shuriken no Jutsu [ENG : Shuriken Shadow Clown Jutsu]

Kage Bunshin no Jutsu [ENG : Shadow Clown Jutsu]

Tajuu Kage Bunshin no Jutsu [ENG : Multiple Shadow Clown Jutsu]


Special Ability:Hyouton, Aisu Kikan [ENG : Ice Element : Ice Mirror]

Character by Lord_Tobi


First Name: Chelaf

Family Name: Akushitsu

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Desc: 120x140_image14.jpg

Kekkei Genkai: Kankyogan, allows to copy an Kekkei Genkai (OOC: Like an advanced Sharingan, see Bio for more) Also, he can use ''Crystal Style'' as well.

Bio: Chelaf was born in the family of Akushitsu that was located in the Village Hidden in the Shadows. He was an rare breed in his clan, because he was born with an rare Bloodline, (that was named Kankyogan), of his family that only happened over 100 years. With his Special Bloodline of his clan, he gained the ability to copy other peoples Kekkei Genkais. Only problem with his Kankyogan was it would shorten your Life Spawn, but there was an cure for that, you had to kill your closest, most dearest person.

Character by Elsandero


Name: Sakio


Family Name: Tsuchiyo




Personality:Very Friendly but absentminded. Always seems to get lost no matter where he is going. It battle however his true intelligent, tactiful mind comes out. Always helps anyone in need no matter the cost.


Bio :Saku was born to the Tsuchiyo family a small ninja family whos men in the family have never really accomplished anything except successfully running the families Restaurant. Saku however seems to be the exception as it seems he has inherited the families jutsu. This is a rare ressessive gene inside his family that allows him to channel his chakra into objects that increases there power causesing them to explode or takes the energy away from the object adding it to his chakra reserves. He is very skilled in the art of the Ninja and wants to bring honor to the Tsuchiyo family name.



1)Energy Smoke Blast

-Sakio channels his chakra into three smoke bombs then tosses them at the enemy causing a massive amount of smoke to appear. Because of the transfered energy the smoke stays out longer than foe expects it too.

2)Energy Shurikan Fury

-Sakio transfers his energy into multiple shurikans which he skillfully launches at his enemy. When the shurikans hit anything they cause a mild explosion.

3)Energy Clone Confusion

-Sakio creates exact clones of himself just like shadow clones but these clones create a small expolsion when hit instead of poofing away.

4)Energy Drain Rapid Strike

-Sakio's signature Taijutsu where after blocking an enemies attack he gets close to his enemy and rapidly strikes there abdominal area which in turn drains there chakra.

5)Razor Energy String

-Sakio's ultimate Jutsu. Sakio secretly lays out strings of his own energy all over his opponent and the field trapping his opponent. These strings then either explode or slice apart his opponent depending on which Sakio chooses.


Special Ability: Konki-Utsusu-Sude (Energy Transfer Hand)

Character by Unknown



Name: satori

Family Name: kaguya

Pic/Appearance: 6yhyx3.jpg

Personality: lazy like shikamaru

Jutsu: water slicing blade (water), chidori, dragon flame (fire), water dragon (water),

Special Ability: bone manipulation

Character by Asuma181




Family Name:Yu


Character by Pokeboy


Name: Basher Sword

Family Name: Bantis

Pic/Appearance: *Coming Soon*

Personality: Charming, Ladies man.

Jutsu: Massive Slash jutsu

Blood jutsu

Special Ability: to kill anything i want to :)

Character by Basherbelding11


End Regular Characters (for now anyway)





Name: Hino

Family Name: Yoshiro

Pic/Appearance: *COMING SOON*

Personality: emoish

Jutsu: Millions

Special Ability: Yoshihana, able to create and control ice

Character by Ulquoirra_Remixed



Rouge/Villian Ninjas


Full Name: Suteibu Grimmjow



Personality: Cold, Calm, Poised, Slightly Angry

Jutsu: Has not been seen using anything other than basic Taijutsu. However, since those he struck felt like they were shocked or zapped, it is believed he uses Electrical Jutsu to amp up the power of his Taijutsu.

Special Ability: Unknown, maybe none


Name: Nanaho Robin



Personality: Seductive, Arrogant, Battle-Hungry, Determined, Independent


> Metal Bomb - Creates a sphere of metal encasing a combustible material (primary component metal). Then, the material will explode upon her will.

> Metal Claws - Expels thin, sharp spikes out of her knuckles which resemble a set of claws.

> Bullet Strike/Wave - Fires a piece of shrapnel out of her body. The wave form is multiple releases of shrapnel.

> Iron Defence - Creates a wall of metal around her, protecting her from harm.

> Galvanization - Able to coat any material with a very strong, nearly unbreakable later of metal.

Special Ability: Her body is enlaced with metal, which causes her body to feel like steel. She is capable of expelling metal from her body in any form (ie. swords, shrapnel etc.)

Characters by StevenBray


Name: Hikashi

Family Name: Ex-Hidatae

Pic/Appearance: DEFINATEMAN.jpg

Personality: Seems to have no emotion

Jutsu: Has only been seen using a sword

Special Ability: unknown

The shortest bio ever: The founder of a dangerous organization called Sono Sebun Gekidoku Heika (the seven deadly swords)


Name: Kurage (a female yes we have 3 girls now)

Family Name: Ex-Figotae

Pic/Appearance: definatewomen.jpg

Personality: Happy and Carefree

Jutsu: Has only been seen using a sword

Special Ability: She can make anyone her friend (hahahahahah remember that episode of naruto? lol!) any who its unknown I just had to say that.

Another short bio: A member of Sono Sebun Gekidoku Heika

Characters by FF7revelution


Name: Yegotae

family name: Ex-Wokashay

Pic/Image: Aestor_Mordan_by_shavra.jpg

Personality: Somewhat happy and angry

Jutsu: Has only been seen fighting with a sword

Special Ability: Unknown

A Bio: A member of Sebun Gekidoku Heika

Character FF7revolution


That is all the villians





Name: Sasuke

Family Name: Uri

Pic/Appearance: Looking for some now

Personality: Like Kakshi Hatake

Justsu: Unknown

Special Ability: Has something like the Sharingan


Name: Ledge

Family Name: Carty

Pic/Apearance: Comming Soon

Personality: Nice and nows alot about fighting

Justsu: Unknown


Name: Enu

Family Name: Miou

Pic/Appearance: Coming Soon

Personality: Has an okay personality

Justsu: Unknown


More coming soon



Akatsuki Members:


Name: Terror

Family Name: Xzas

Pic/Appearance: Coming Soon

Personality: Mean and doesn't care about anybody but himself.


Dark Arts: Dark Flame

Dark Arts: Acid Bite

Shadow Clone Jutsu

Dark Arts: Ultra Dark Flame

Dark Arts: Nightmare

And more coming

Special Ability: Can cause Curse Mark


Name: Naze

Family Name: Iro

Appearance: 1148957380_newaccount-1.jpg

No other info on him

Characters by Me



Name: Corey

Family Name: Zet


Personality: He is a lonely guy. His parents died when he was 4. Since that day he is mysterious guy.

Jutsu: Kekkei-Genkai Style : Invisible Jutsu(He goes invisible),

Fire style : Dragon flame jutsu

Earth style(Wood element) : Wood shield jutsu

Earth style(Wood element) : Wood attack jutsu

Cave style : Cave arrows jutsu

Summoning jutsu(Cave Golem)

Special Ability: Kekkei-Genkai Style : Invisible Jutsu (He goes invisible)


Name: Tachukatsi

Family Name: Yamukei


Personality: He is bad person. Probably all people who he sees he wants to kill them.He is 1 of the 7 Swordmans of the Cave country.

Jutsu: Fire style : Shadow spirit flame

Cave style : Rock shower

Cave style : Spirit of the Golem(His enemy gets hit by Cave Golem's attack(his spirit))

Summoning jutsu

Special Ability: Cave style : Ultra Rock Shower.

Characters by Lord_Tobi


Name: Ichimaru *Type of ninja wont be clarified until he meets someone*

Pic/Appearance: maybe.jpg

A short Bio: A ninja from over 1000 years ago sent here from an inter dimensional rift in space. He can't remember a thing. He was tricked by the Akastuki, they promised to send him back to his time (a lie) if he would fight for them and become a member. It is said that he's the only one in this time who knows all 8 secret jutsu of the past Village Hidden by the Stars.

Character by FF7revolution


First Name:Kibito

Family Name:Akushitsu

Gender: Male

Age: 25

Desc: Always wears an black robe with an hood that covers his face

Kekkei Genkai: Kankyogan,

Bio: Kibito was born in the family of Akushitsu. At first he was an normal, ordinary boy but with due time, he got more evil and evil. At that time, he left his village. From there, he went to the Hidden Village in the Mist, where he killed their leader who was an important person. With that, he was invited to the Akatsuki. For now, nobody knows where he is at the moment.

Character by Elsandero


Name: Shadow



Personality: Dark, Mysterious, Sadistic, Sinister etc. Said to be a Demon (due to his personality and actions); said to be the destroyer of society and stealer of order. He was responsible for the deaths of 10 out of the leading 12 Feudal Lords and Kages of villages with massive power.

Jutsu and Kekkei Genkai both unknown, however it is said that a defeaning roar is heard just before the death of a person, like the heavens are screaming in pain.

Character by StevenBray



No Godmodding

No acting like your the boss cause I am unless I give the RP over to someone else

No overpower characters


More Coming Soon

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Name: Biio

Family Name: Diashari


Personality: Biio is virtually blind, which is why he wears his headband over his eyes. He is fairy optomistic despite his condition and has big dreams and ambitions.

Jutsu: Kekkei-Genkai Style: Smoke Clones

Kekkei-Genkai Style: Smoke Release

Kekkei-Genkai Style: Smoke Shield

Kekkei-Genkai Style: Haze Bullet

Many Others

Special Ability: Biio's Kekkei-Genkai (Bloodline Trait) is that he can control smoke. He can create smoke clones, "see" with the smoke, and even harden smoke. He generates smoke through many holes and gashes in his legs, which arent visible because of his pants.

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This is just like morchori cronicales (i cant spell XD) which is a rp i made that died after the first arc, if i join can i be the orochimaru like villain, well besides being a Michel Jackson wannabe

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Name: Kaze

Family Name: Izuna



Personality: Kaze has always been energetic and always jumps to the front lines of battle.


Kuchiyose no Jutus (Summoning Techniques): Kaze has signed his families "Four Winds" Contract and, after being arranged to be married to a member of an allying family shortly after his birth, was able to sign the "Beetle" Contract years later.

Special Ability: Meshigan Eyes. Once Kaze has seen a creature/item summoned, he can summon that exact same creature/item any time in the future (if it still exists) without the need of a contract. (Bloodline Trait)

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Name: Hiro

Family Name: Hogata



Personality: Varies depending on his mood. Usually cocky.

Jutsu: Sand Dragon Summon Jutsu

Sand Puppet Jutsu

Sand Eye Jutsu

Many others, though few relating to non-sand attacks.

Special Ability: With his bloodline trait, he is able to copy the most basic form of his opponent's Boodline Trait by performing a small jutsu, though the cost for maintaining the bloodline is high and cannot be done and the jutsu is reversed if the opponent leaves within 1 mile of Hiro. Trough his contract with a wind demon, Hiro is also able to form sand into attacks much easier and in a way 'speak' with the sand, as well as become possessed by the demon to increase his power temporarily.


(( If you want, I can get rid of the special ability of his bloodline. ))

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Name: Hiro

Family Name: Hogata



Personality: Varies depending on his mood. Usually cocky.

Jutsu: Sand Dragon Summon Jutsu

Sand Puppet Jutsu

Sand Eye Jutsu

Many others' date=' though few relating to non-sand attacks.

Special Ability: With his bloodline trait, he is able to copy the most basic form of his opponent's Boodline Trait by performing a small jutsu, though the cost for maintaining the bloodline is high and cannot be done and the jutsu is reversed if the opponent leaves within 1 mile of Hiro. Trough his contract with a wind demon, Hiro is also able to form sand into attacks much easier and in a way 'speak' with the sand, as well as become possessed by the demon to increase his power temporarily.


(( If you want, I can get rid of the special ability of his bloodline. ))


In my personal opinion, he shouldn't be able to copy bloodline traits. Bloodline traits are supposed to be the one thing no one else, outside your family, can have. But it's up to you.

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This is basically the concept behind his bloodline: Copy a part of the genetic code of the person he is looking at. And his clan doesn't care about anything but the bloodline because nothing else would really help them in battle. Basically his own bloodline is replaced with the other one until he dispels the jutsu that was used (which takes chakra to use) or the other person is a mile or more away.


And it's really the concept behind my whole character, though not necessarily important. His clan was basically copcats, but Hiro found that their power was meaningless without true power of their own and so he made the contract with the wind demon to make himself powerful even without his bloodline, which he thought cowardly unless against a formidable foe.

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Full Name: Suteibu Burei



Personality: Calm, Poised, Arrogant, Wise, Switches from Angry to Depressed

Jutsu: Unknown

Special Ability: Fabled Aura - A strange aura that glows the same colour as someone's chakra (not always blue), which doesn't seem to be a Kekkei Genkai (due to it's random occurances in different families) yet seems uncopyable by anyone. Those who can use it seem to need to learn how to use it at will, however it will activate on it's own when inspired by inner emotions such as Anger, Love, Hatred etc. When active, the abilities of the person increase exponentially and possible ability to defy specific laws of Physics (such as Gravity) to a certain extent.


Name: Nanaho Jikuza



Personality: Seductive, Arrogant, Battle-Hungry, Determined, Independent


> Metal Bomb - Creates a sphere of metal encasing a combustible material (primary component metal). Then, the material will explode upon her will.

> Metal Claws - Expels thin, sharp spikes out of her knuckles which resemble a set of claws.

> Bullet Strike/Wave - Fires a piece of shrapnel out of her body. The wave form is multiple releases of shrapnel.

> Iron Defence - Creates a wall of metal around her, protecting her from harm.

> Galvanization - Able to coat any material with a very strong, nearly unbreakable later of metal.

Special Ability: Her body is enlaced with metal, which causes her body to feel like steel. She is capable of expelling metal from her body in any form (ie. swords, shrapnel etc.). She also seems to possess the "Fabled Aura" that Suteibu has as well, just not as advanced.

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OK, I'll join (btw, you might wanna start after you get 2 or 3 squads.)


Name: Kren

Family Name: Fralla

Pic: 212d38.png

Personallity: Always upbeat and cocky, though, when he's in a bad mood he can be silent.


Thunder Style: Shock Wave Jutsu

Thunder Style: Thunderbolt Jutsu

Thunder Style: Lightning Blast Jutsu

Thunder Style: Sky Rain Jutsu

Lightning Blade (A.K.A Chidori)


Special Abillity (I'm guessing this is Kekkai-Genkai?): Ricalagon- Can convert his chakra into the lightning, and can manipulate it at will.

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